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# PyO3 [![Build Status](](
[Rust]( bindings for the [python]( interpreter.
* [User Guide](
* [API Documentation](
* Cargo package: [pyo3](
PyO3 is licensed under the [APACHE-2.0 license](
Python is licensed under the [Python License](
Supported Python versions:
* Python2.7, Python 3.5 and up
Supported Rust version:
* Rust 1.20.0-nightly or later
* On Windows, we require rustc 1.20.0-nightly
## Usage
To use `pyo3`, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
pyo3 = "0.1"
Example program displaying the value of `sys.version`:
extern crate pyo3;
use pyo3::{Python, PyDict, PyResult};
fn main() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
fn hello(py: Python) -> PyResult<()> {
let sys = py.import("sys")?;
let version: String = sys.get("version")?.extract()?;
let locals = PyDict::new(py);
locals.set_item("os", py.import("os")?)?;
let user: String = py.eval("os.getenv('USER') or os.getenv('USERNAME')", None, Some(&locals))?.extract()?;
println!("Hello {}, I'm Python {}", user, version);
Example library with python bindings:
The following two files will build with `cargo build`, and will generate a python-compatible library.
On macOS, you will need to rename the output from \*.dylib to \*.so.
On Windows, you will need to rename the output from \*.dll to \*.pyd.
name = "rust2py"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
version = "0.1"
features = ["extension-module"]
#![feature(proc_macro, specialization)]
extern crate pyo3;
use pyo3::{py, PyResult, Python, PyModule};
// add bindings to the generated python module
// N.B: names: "librust2py" must be the name of the `.so` or `.pyd` file
/// This module is implemented in Rust.
fn init_mod(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
#[pyfn(m, "sum_as_string")]
// pyo3 aware function. All of our python interface could be declared in a separate module.
// Note that the `#[pyfn()]` annotation automatically converts the arguments from
// Python objects to Rust values; and the Rust return value back into a Python object.
fn sum_as_string_py(_: Python, a:i64, b:i64) -> PyResult<String> {
let out = sum_as_string(a, b);
// logic implemented as a normal rust function
fn sum_as_string(a:i64, b:i64) -> String {
format!("{}", a + b).to_string()
For `` integration, see [setuptools-rust](
**This is fork of rust-cpython project**