2018-01-10 11:14:59 -08:00

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guides Cubbyhole Response Wrapping - Guides guides-cubbyhole Vault provides a capability to wrap Vault response and store it in a "cubbyhole" where the holder of the one-time use wrapping token can unwrap to uncover the secret.


The term cubbyhole comes from an Americnaism where you get a "locker" or "safe place" to store your belongings or valuables. In Vault, cubbyhole is your "locker". All secrets are namespaced under your token. If that token expires or is revoked, all the secrets in its cubbyhole are revoked as well.

It is not possible to reach into another token's cubbyhole even as the root user. This is the key difference between the cubbyhole and the key/value secret backend. The secrets in the key/value backends are accessible to any token for as long as its policy allows it.

Reference Material

Estimated Time to Complete

10 minutes


In order to tightly manage the secrets, you set the scope of who can do what using the Vault policy and attach that to tokens, roles, entities, etc.

How to securely distribute the initial token to a machine or app?


Use Vault's cubbyhole response wrapping where the initial token is stored in the cubbyhole backend. The wrapped secret can be unwrap using the single use wrapping token. Even the user or the system created the initial token won't see the original value. The wrapping token is short-lived and can be revoked just like any other tokens so that the risk of unauthorized access can be minimized.


To perform the tasks described in this guide, you need to have a Vault environment. You can follow the Getting Started guide to install Vault. Alternatively, if you are familiar with Vagrant, you can spin up a HashiStack virtual machine.

Make sure that your Vault server has been initialized and unsealed.


To distribute the initial token to an app using cubbyhole response wrapping, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Create and wrap a token
  2. Unwrap the secret

Step 1: Create and wrap a token

When the response to vault token-create request is wrapped, Vault inserts the generated token it into the cubbyhole of a single-use token, returning that single-use wrapping token. Retrieving the secret requires an unwrap operation against this wrapping token.

CLI command

vault token-create -policy=<POLICY_NAME> -wrap-ttl=<WRAP_TTL>

Where the <WRAP_TTL> is a numeric string indicating the TTL of the response.


vault token-create -policy=app-policy -wrap-ttl=60s

Key                          	Value
---                          	-----
wrapping_token:              	9ac59985-094f-a2de-aed8-bf688e436fbc
wrapping_token_ttl:          	1m0s
wrapping_token_creation_time:	2018-01-10 00:47:54.970185208 +0000 UTC
wrapping_token_creation_path:	auth/token/create
wrapped_accessor:            	195763a9-3f26-1fcf-6a1a-ee0a11e76cb1

API call using cURL

Response wrapping is per-request and is triggered by providing to Vault the desired TTL for a response-wrapping token for that request. This is set using the X-Vault-Wrap-TTL header in the request and can be either an integer number of seconds or a string duration.


curl -X POST -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -H "X-Vault-Wrap-TTL: 60s" \
  -d '{"policies":["app-policy"]}' $VAULT_ADDR/v1/auth/token/create | jq

  "request_id": "",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "data": null,
  "wrap_info": {
    "token": "e095129f-123a-4fef-c007-1f6a487cfa78",
    "ttl": 60,
    "creation_time": "2018-01-10T01:43:38.025351336Z",
    "creation_path": "auth/token/create",
    "wrapped_accessor": "44e8253c-65b4-1690-1bf1-7902a7a6b2aa"
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": null

Step 2: Unwrap the secret

The client uses the wrapping token to unwrap the secret.

NOTE: If a client has been expecting delivery of a response-wrapping token and none arrives, this may be due to an attacker intercepting the token and then preventing it from traveling further. This should cause an alert to trigger an immediate investigation.

CLI command

vault unwrap <WRAPPING_TOKEN>




$ vault unwrap 9ac59985-094f-a2de-aed8-bf688e436fbc

Key            	Value
---            	-----
token          	7bb915b2-8a44-48b0-a71d-72b590252016
token_accessor 	195763a9-3f26-1fcf-6a1a-ee0a11e76cb1
token_duration 	768h0m0s
token_renewable	true
token_policies 	[app-policy default]

API call using cURL

To enable the AppRole auth backend via API:

curl -X POST -H "X-Vault-Token: $WRAPPING_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap | jq

  "request_id": "d704435d-c1cf-b8a3-52f6-ec50bc8246c4",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "data": null,
  "wrap_info": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": {
    "client_token": "af5f7682-aa55-fa37-5039-ee116df56600",
    "accessor": "19b5407e-b304-7cde-e946-54942325d3c1",
    "policies": [
    "metadata": null,
    "lease_duration": 2764800,
    "renewable": true

Reference Content

Similar to the key/value secret backend, the cubbyhole backend is mounted at the cubbyhole/ prefix by default. The secrets you store in the cubbyhole/ path are tied to your token and only accessible by you.

To test the cubbyhole secret backend, perform the following steps.

First, create tester policy which grants permissions on the path under cubbyhole/private/ prefix.

$ vault policy-write tester tester.hcl

$ cat tester.hcl
path "cubbyhole/private/*" {
	capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]

Create a token attached to the tester policy, and then authenticate using the token.

$ vault token-create -policy=tester
Key            	Value
---            	-----
token          	2ba26888-b531-1626-3598-01ea4aa383bb
token_accessor 	28cbd05c-31a3-0aaa-4dca-838a9aafe4cb
token_duration 	768h0m0s
token_renewable	true
token_policies 	[default tester]


$ vault auth 2ba26888-b531-1626-3598-01ea4aa383bb
Successfully authenticated! You are now logged in.
token: 2ba26888-b531-1626-3598-01ea4aa383bb
token_duration: 2764651
token_policies: [default tester]

You should be able to write secrets under cubbyhole/private/ path, and read it back.

$ vault write cubbyhole/private/access-token token="123456789abcdefg87654321"
Success! Data written to: cubbyhole/private/access-token

$ vault read cubbyhole/private/access-token
Key  	Value
---  	-----
token	123456789abcdefg87654321

Now, try to access the secret using the root token, you shouldn't be able to read.

VAULT_TOKEN=<ROOT_TOKEN> vault read cubbyhole/private/access-token

No value found at cubbyhole/private/access-token

Also, refer to Cubbyhole Secret Backend HTTP API.

Next steps