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docs Telemetry docs-internals-telemetry Learn about the telemetry data available in Vault.


The Vault agent collects various runtime metrics about the performance of different libraries and subsystems. These metrics are aggregated on a ten second interval and are retained for one minute.

To view this data, you must send a signal to the Vault process: on Unix, this is USR1 while on Windows it is BREAK. Once Vault receives the signal, it will dump the current telemetry information to the agent's stderr.

This telemetry information can be used for debugging or otherwise getting a better view of what Vault is doing.

Telemetry information can be streamed to both statsite as well as statsd based on providing the appropriate configuration options.

Below is sample output of a telemetry dump:

[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.num_goroutines': 12.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.free_count': 11882.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.total_gc_runs': 9.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.expire.num_leases': 1.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.alloc_bytes': 502992.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.sys_bytes': 3999992.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.malloc_count': 17315.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.heap_objects': 5433.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][G] 'vault.runtime.total_gc_pause_ns': 3794124.000
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.audit.log_response': Count: 2 Min: 0.001 Mean: 0.001 Max: 0.001 Stddev: 0.000 Sum: 0.002
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] '': Count: 1 Sum: 0.036
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.barrier.get': Count: 3 Min: 0.004 Mean: 0.021 Max: 0.050 Stddev: 0.025 Sum: 0.064
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.token.lookup': Count: 2 Min: 0.040 Mean: 0.074 Max: 0.108 Stddev: 0.048 Sum: 0.148
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.policy.get_policy': Count: 2 Min: 0.003 Mean: 0.004 Max: 0.005 Stddev: 0.001 Sum: 0.009
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.core.check_token': Count: 2 Min: 0.053 Mean: 0.087 Max: 0.121 Stddev: 0.048 Sum: 0.174
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.audit.log_request': Count: 2 Min: 0.001 Mean: 0.001 Max: 0.001 Stddev: 0.000 Sum: 0.002
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.barrier.put': Count: 3 Min: 0.004 Mean: 0.010 Max: 0.019 Stddev: 0.008 Sum: 0.029
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.route.write.secret-': Count: 1 Sum: 0.035
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.core.handle_request': Count: 2 Min: 0.097 Mean: 0.228 Max: 0.359 Stddev: 0.186 Sum: 0.457
[2015-04-20 12:24:30 -0700 PDT][S] 'vault.expire.register': Count: 1 Sum: 0.18

You'll note that log entries are prefixed with the metric type as follows:

  • [C] is a counter
  • [G] is a gauge
  • [S] is a summary

Key Metrics

The following tables described the different Vault metrics. The metrics interval can be assumed to be 10 seconds when retrieving metrics using the above described signals.

Internal Metrics

These metrics represent operational aspects of the running Vault instance.

Metric Description Unit Type
vault.audit.log_request This measures the number of audit log requests Number of requests Summary
vault.audit.log_response This measures the number of audit log responses Number of responses Summary
vault.audit.log_request_failure The number of audit log request failures Number of failures Counter
vault.barrier.delete This measures the number of delete operations at the barrier Number of operations Summary
vault.barrier.get This measures the number of get operations at the barrier Number of operations Summary
vault.barrier.put This measures the number of put operations at the barrier Number of operations Summary
vault.barrier.list This measures the number of list operations at the barrier Number of operations Counter
vault.core.check_token This measures the number of token checks Number of checks Summary
vault.core.fetch_acl_and_token This measures the number of ACL and corresponding token entry fetches Number of fetches Summary
vault.core.handle_request This measures the number of requests Number of requests Summary
vault.core.handle_login_request This measures the number of login requests Number of requests Summary
vault.core.leadership_setup_failed This measures the number of cluster leadership setup failures Number of failures Summary
vault.core.leadership_lost This measures the number of cluster leadership losses Number of losses Summary
vault.core.post_unseal This measures the number of post-unseal operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.core.pre_seal This measures the number of pre-seal operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.core.seal-with-request This measures the number of requested seal operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.core.seal This measures the number of seal operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.core.seal-internal This measures the number of internal seal operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.core.step_down This measures the number of cluster leadership step downs Number of stepdowns Summary
vault.core.unseal This measures the number of unseal operations Number of operations Summary
vault.runtime.alloc_bytes This measures the number of bytes allocated by the Vault process. This may burst from time to time but should return to a steady state value. Number of bytes Gauge
vault.runtime.free_count This measures the number of free operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.runtime.heap_objects This measures the number of objects on the heap and is a good general memory pressure indicator Number of heap objects Gauge
vault.runtime.malloc_count This measures the number of malloc operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.runtime.num_goroutines This measures the number of goroutines and serves as a general load indicator Number of goroutines Gauge
vault.runtime.sys_bytes This measures the number of bytes allocated to Vault and includes what is being used by the heap and what has been reclaimed but not given back Number of bytes Gauge
vault.runtime.total_gc_pause_ns This measures the total garbage collector pause time since the Vault instance was last started Nanosecond Summary
vault.runtime.total_gc_runs Total number of garbage collection runs since the Vault instance was last started Number of operations Gauge

Policy and Token Metrics

These metrics relate to policies and tokens.

Metric Description Unit Type
vault.expire.fetch-lease-times This measures the number of lease time fetch operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.expire.fetch-lease-times-by-token This measures the number of operations which compute lease times by token Number of operations Gauge
vault.expire.num_leases This measures the number of expired leases Number of expired leases Gauge
vault.expire.revoke This measures the number of revoke operations Number of operations Counter
vault.expire.revoke-force This measures the number of forced revoke operations Number of operations Counter
vault.expire.revoke-prefix This measures the number of operations used to revoke all secrets with a given prefix Number of operations Counter
vault.expire.revoke-by-token This measures the number of operations used to revoke all secrets issued with a given token Number of operations Counter
vault.expire.renew This measures the number of renew operations Number of operations Counter
vault.expire.renew-token This measures the number of renew token operations to renew a token which does not need to invoke a logical backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.expire.register This measures the number of register operations which take a request and response with an associated lease and register a lease entry with lease ID Number of operations Gauge
vault.expire.register-auth This measures the number of register auth operations which create lease entries without lease ID Number of operations Gauge
vault.policy.get_policy This measures the number of policy get operations Number of operations Counter
vault.policy.list_policies This measures the number of policy list operations Number of operations Counter
vault.policy.delete_policy This measures the number of policy delete operations Number of operations Counter
vault.policy.set_policy This measures the number of policy set operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.token.create This measures the time taken to create a token Number of operations Gauge
vault.token.createAccessor This measures the number of Token ID identifier operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.token.lookup This measures the number of token lookups Number of lookups Counter
vault.token.revoke This measures the number of token revocation operations Number of operations Gauge
vault.token.revoke-tree This measures the number of revoke tree operations Number of operations Gauge This measures the number of operations to store an updated token entry without writing to the secondary index Number of operations Gauge

Authentication Backend Metrics

These metrics relate to supported authentication backends.

Metric Description Unit Type
vault.rollback.attempt.auth-token- This measures the number of rollback operations attempted for authentication tokens backend Number of operations Summary
vault.rollback.attempt.auth-ldap- This measures the number of rollback operations attempted for the LDAP authentication backend Number of operations Summary
vault.rollback.attempt.cubbyhole- This measures the number of rollback operations attempted for the cubbyhole authentication backend Number of operations Summary
vault.rollback.attempt.secret- This measures the number of rollback operations attempted for the kv secret backend Number of operations Summary
vault.rollback.attempt.sys- This measures the number of rollback operations attempted for the sys backend Number of operations Summary
vault.route.rollback.auth-ldap- This measures the number of rollback operations for the LDAP authentication backend Number of operations Summary
vault.route.rollback.auth-token- This measures the number of rollback operations for the authentication tokens backend Number of operations Summary
vault.route.rollback.cubbyhole- This measures the number of rollback operations for the cubbyhole authentication backend Number of operations Summary
vault.route.rollback.secret- This measures the number of rollback operations for the kv secret backend Number of operations Summary
vault.route.rollback.sys- This measures the number of rollback operations for the sys backend Number of operations Summary

Storage Backend Metrics

These metrics relate to supported storage backends.

Metric Description Unit Type This measures the number of put operations against the Azure storage backend Number of operations Gauge This measures the number of get operations against the Azure storage backend Number of operations Gauge This measures the number of delete operations against the Azure storage backend Number of operations Gauge This measures the number of list operations against the Azure storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.consul.put This measures the number of put operations against the Consul storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.consul.get This measures the number of get operations against the Consul storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.consul.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the Consul storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.consul.list This measures the number of list operations against the Consul storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.dynamodb.put This measures the number of put operations against the DynamoDB storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.dynamodb.get This measures the number of get operations against the DynamoDB storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.dynamodb.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the DynamoDB storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.dynamodb.list This measures the number of list operations against the DynamoDB storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.etcd.put This measures the number of put operations against the etcd storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.etcd.get This measures the number of get operations against the etcd storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.etcd.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the etcd storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.etcd.list This measures the number of list operations against the etcd storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.gcs.put This measures the number of put operations against the Google Cloud Storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.gcs.get This measures the number of get operations against the Google Cloud Storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.gcs.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the Google Cloud Storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.gcs.list This measures the number of list operations against the Google Cloud Storage backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.mysql.put This measures the number of put operations against the MySQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.mysql.get This measures the number of get operations against the MySQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.mysql.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the MySQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.mysql.list This measures the number of list operations against the MySQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.postgres.put This measures the number of put operations against the PostgreSQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.postgres.get This measures the number of get operations against the PostgreSQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.postgres.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the PostgreSQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.postgres.list This measures the number of list operations against the PostgreSQL backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.s3.put This measures the number of put operations against the Amazon S3 backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.s3.get This measures the number of get operations against the Amazon S3 backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.s3.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the Amazon S3 backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.s3.list This measures the number of list operations against the Amazon S3 backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.swift.put This measures the number of put operations against the OpenStack Swift backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.swift.get This measures the number of get operations against the OpenStack Swift backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.swift.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the OpenStack Swift backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.swift.list This measures the number of list operations against the OpenStack Swift backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.zookeeper.put This measures the number of put operations against the ZooKeeper backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.zookeeper.get This measures the number of get operations against the ZooKeeper backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.zookeeper.delete This measures the number of delete operations against the ZooKeeper backend Number of operations Gauge
vault.zookeeper.list This measures the number of list operations against the ZooKeeper backend Number of operations Gauge