2017-08-08 23:48:31 -04:00

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docs Vault Enterprise Okta MFA docs-vault-enterprise-mfa-okta Vault Enterprise supports Okta MFA type.

MFA Okta

This page demonstrates the Okta MFA on ACL'd paths of Vault.


Enable Auth Backend

vault auth-enable userpass

Fetch Mount Accessor

vault auth -methods
Path       Type      Accessor                Default TTL  Max TTL  Replication Behavior  Description
userpass/  userpass  auth_userpass_54b8e339  system       system   replicated

Configure Okta MFA method

vault write sys/mfa/method/okta/okta mount_accessor=auth_userpass_54b8e339 org_name="dev-262775" api_token="0071u8PrReNkzmATGJAP2oDyIXwwveqx9vIOEyCZDC"

Create Policy

Create a policy that gives access to secret through the MFA method created above.

Sample Payload

path "secret/foo" {
    capabilities = ["read"]
    mfa_methods = ["my_okta"]
vault policy-write okta-policy payload.hcl

Create User

MFA works only for tokens that have identity information on them. Tokens created by logging in using authentication backends will have the associated identity information. Let's create a user in the userpass backend and authenticate against it.

vault write auth/userpass/users/testuser password=testpassword policies=okta-policy

Create Login Token

vault write auth/userpass/login/testuser password=testpassword
Key                     Value
---                     -----
token                   70f97438-e174-c03c-40fe-6bcdc1028d6c
token_accessor          a91d97f4-1c7d-6af3-e4bf-971f74f9fab9
token_duration          768h0m0s
token_renewable         true
token_policies          [default okta-policy]
token_meta_username     "testuser"

Note that the CLI is not authenticated with the newly created token yet, we did not call vault auth, instead we used the login API to simply return a token.

Fetch Entity ID From Token

Caller identity is represented by the entity_id property of the token.

vault token-lookup 70f97438-e174-c03c-40fe-6bcdc1028d6c
Key                     Value
---                     -----
accessor                a91d97f4-1c7d-6af3-e4bf-971f74f9fab9
creation_time           1502245243
creation_ttl            2764800
display_name            userpass-testuser
entity_id               307d6c16-6f5c-4ae7-46a9-2d153ffcbc63
expire_time             2017-09-09T22:20:43.448543132-04:00
explicit_max_ttl        0
id                      70f97438-e174-c03c-40fe-6bcdc1028d6c
issue_time              2017-08-08T22:20:43.448543003-04:00
meta                    map[username:testuser]
num_uses                0
orphan                  true
path                    auth/userpass/login/testuser
policies                [default okta-policy]
renewable               true
ttl                     2764623


Authenticate the CLI to use the newly created token.

vault auth 70f97438-e174-c03c-40fe-6bcdc1028d6c

Read Secret

Reading the secret will trigger an Okta push. This will be a blocking call until the push notification is either approved or declined.

vault read secret/foo
Key                     Value
---                     -----
refresh_interval        768h0m0s
data                    which can only be read after MFA validation