2018-04-03 14:16:57 +00:00
<header class="page-header">
<div class="level">
<div class="level-left">
<h1 class="title is-3">
{{ # if in itialReplicationMode }}
{{ # if ( eq in itialReplicationMode 'dr' ) }}
Enable Disaster Recovery Replication
{{ else if ( eq in itialReplicationMode 'performance' ) }}
Enable Performance Replication
{{ / if }}
{{ else }}
Enable Replication
{{ / if }}
onsubmit= {{
(or mode 'primary')
<div class="box is-sideless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
{{ message-error errors = errors }}
{{ # if in itialReplicationMode }}
{{ # if ( eq in itialReplicationMode 'dr' ) }}
<h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
{{ i-con class = "has-text-grey is-medium" glyph = "replication" size = 2 4 }}
Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
DR is designed to protect against catastrophic failure of entire clusters. Secondaries do not forward service requests (until they are elected and become a new primary).
{{ else if ( eq in itialReplicationMode 'performance' ) }}
<h3 class="title is-flex-center is-5 is-marginless">
{{ i-con class = "has-text-grey is-medium" glyph = "perf-replication" size = 2 0 }}
Performance Replication
{{ # if ( not version .hasPerfReplication ) }}
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
2018-05-24 19:03:39 +00:00
Performance Replication is a feature of {{ # upgrade-link pageName = "Performance Replication" }} Vault Enterprise Premium {{ / upgrade-link }}
2018-04-03 14:16:57 +00:00
{{ else }}
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
Performance replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
{{ / if }}
{{ / if }}
{{ else }}
<p class="has-text-grey-dark box is-shadowless is-fullwidth has-slim-padding">
<label for="replication-mode" class="is-label is-block">
Type of Replication
In both Performance and Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication, secondaries share the underlying configuration, policies, and supporting secrets as their primary cluster.
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-flex">
<label for="dr" class="box-label is-column {{ if ( eq replicationMode 'dr' ) 'is-selected' }} ">
<h3 class="box-label-header title is-6">
{{ i-con class = "has-text-grey is-medium" glyph = "replication" size = 2 4 }}
Disaster Recovery (DR)
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
DR is designed to protect against catastrophic failure of entire clusters. Secondaries do not forward service requests (until they are elected and become a new primary).
{{ radio-button
<label for="dr" data-test-replication-type-select="dr"></label>
<div class="column is-flex">
<label for="performance" class="box-label is-column {{ if ( eq replicationMode 'performance' ) 'is-selected' }} ">
<h3 class="box-label-header title is-6">
{{ i-con class = "has-text-grey is-medium" glyph = "perf-replication" size = 2 0 }}
{{ # if ( not version .hasPerfReplication ) }}
{{ edition-badge edition = "Premium" }}
{{ / if }}
{{ # if ( not version .hasPerfReplication ) }}
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
2018-05-24 19:03:39 +00:00
Performance Replication is a feature of {{ # upgrade-link pageName = "Performance Replication" }} Vault Enterprise Premium {{ / upgrade-link }}
2018-04-03 14:16:57 +00:00
{{ else }}
<p class="help has-text-grey-dark">
Performance replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
{{ / if }}
{{ # if version .hasPerfReplication }}
{{ radio-button
classNames="box columns is-centered"
<label for="performance" data-test-replication-type-select="performance"></label>
{{ / if }}
{{ / if }}
<div class="box is-sideless is-fullwidth is-marginless">
<label for="replication-mode" class="is-label">
Cluster mode
<div class="field is-expanded">
<div class="control select is-fullwidth">
<select onchange= {{ action ( mut mode ) value = "target.value" }} id="replication-mode" name="replication-mode" data-test-replication-cluster-mode-select=true>
{{ # each ( array 'primary' 'secondary' ) as | modeOption | }}
selected= {{ if mode ( eq mode modeOption ) ( eq modeOption 'primary' ) }}
value= {{ modeOption }}
{{ modeOption }}
{{ / each }}
{{ # if ( eq mode 'secondary' ) }}
<p class="help">
<em class="has-text-danger">Caution</em>: this will <em>immediately</em> clear <strong>all</strong> data in this cluster!
{{ / if }}
{{ # if ( eq mode 'primary' ) }}
{{ # if cluster .canEnablePrimary }}
<div class="field">
<label for="primary_cluster_addr" class="is-label">
Primary cluster address <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
<div class="control">
{{ in put class = "input" id = "primary_cluster_addr" name = "primary_cluster_addr" value = primary_cluster_addr }}
<p class="help has-text-grey">
Overrides the cluster address that the primary gives to secondary nodes.
{{ else }}
The token you are using is not authorized to enable primary replication.
{{ / if }}
{{ else }}
{{ # if cluster .canEnableSecondary }}
{{ # if ( and
(eq replicationMode 'dr')
(not cluster.performance.replicationDisabled)
<div class="has-text-danger">
{{ toggle-button
openLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
closedLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
{{ # if showExplanation }}
When running as a DR secondary Vault is read only.
For this reason, we don't allow other replication modes to operate at the same time. This cluster is also
currently operating as a Performance {{ capitalize cluster .performance .modeForUrl }} .
{{ / if }}
{{ else }}
<div class="field">
<label for="secondary-token" class="is-label">
Secondary activation token
<div class="control">
{{ textarea value = token id = "secondary-token" name = "secondary-token" class = "textarea" }}
<div class="field">
<label for="primary_api_addr" class="is-label">
Primary API address {{ # unless ( and token ( not tokenIncludesAPIAddr ) ) }} <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em> {{ / unless }}
<div class="control">
{{ in put value = primary_api_addr id = "primary_api_addr" name = "primary_api_addr" class = "input" }}
<p class="help {{ if ( and token ( not tokenIncludesAPIAddr ) ) 'is-danger' 'has-text-grey' }} ">
{{ # if ( and token ( not tokenIncludesAPIAddr ) ) }}
The supplied token does not contain an embedded address for the primary cluster. Please enter the primary cluster's API address (normal Vault address).
{{ else }}
Set this to the API address (normal Vault address) to override the
value embedded in the token.
{{ / if }}
<div class="field">
<label for="ca_file" class="is-label">
CA file <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
<div class="control">
{{ in put value = ca_file id = "ca_file" name = "ca_file" class = "input" }}
<p class="help has-text-grey">
Specifies the path to a CA root file (PEM format) that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
<div class="field">
<label for="ca_path" class="is-label">
CA path <em class="is-optional">(optional)</em>
<div class="control">
{{ in put value = ca_path id = "ca_path" name = "ca_file" class = "input" }}
<p class="help has-text-grey">
Specifies the path to a CA root directory containing PEM-format files that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
Note: If both <code>CA file</code> and <code>CA path</code> are not given, they default to system CA roots.
{{ / if }}
{{ else }}
<p>The token you are using is not authorized to enable secondary replication.</p>
{{ / if }}
{{ / if }}
{{ # if ( or ( and ( eq mode 'primary' ) cluster .canEnablePrimary ) ( and ( eq mode 'secondary' ) cluster .canEnableSecondary ) ) }}
<div class="field is-grouped box is-fullwidth is-bottomless">
<div class="control">
<button type="submit" class="button is-primary" disabled= {{ disallowEnable }} data-test-replication-enable=true>
Enable replication
{{ / if }}