{{message-error errors=errors}}
{{#if initialReplicationMode}}
{{#if (eq initialReplicationMode 'dr')}}
{{i-con class="has-text-grey is-medium" glyph="replication" size=24}}
Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication
DR is designed to protect against catastrophic failure of entire clusters. Secondaries do not forward service requests (until they are elected and become a new primary).
{{else if (eq initialReplicationMode 'performance')}}
{{i-con class="has-text-grey is-medium" glyph="perf-replication" size=20}}
Performance Replication
{{#if (not version.hasPerfReplication)}}
Performance Replication is a feature of {{#upgrade-link pageName="Performance Replication"}}Vault Enterprise Premium{{/upgrade-link}}
Performance replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
In both Performance and Disaster Recovery (DR) Replication, secondaries share the underlying configuration, policies, and supporting secrets as their primary cluster.
{{#if (not version.hasPerfReplication)}}
Performance Replication is a feature of {{#upgrade-link pageName="Performance Replication"}}Vault Enterprise Premium{{/upgrade-link}}
Performance replication scales workloads horizontally across clusters to make requests faster. Local secondaries handle read requests but forward writes to the primary to be handled.
{{#if version.hasPerfReplication}}
classNames="box columns is-centered"
Cluster mode
{{#if (eq mode 'secondary')}}
Caution: this will immediately clear all data in this cluster!
{{#if (eq mode 'primary')}}
{{#if cluster.canEnablePrimary}}
Primary cluster address (optional)
{{input class="input" id="primary_cluster_addr" name="primary_cluster_addr" value=primary_cluster_addr}}
Overrides the cluster address that the primary gives to secondary nodes.
The token you are using is not authorized to enable primary replication.
{{#if cluster.canEnableSecondary}}
{{#if (and
(eq replicationMode 'dr')
(not cluster.performance.replicationDisabled)
openLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
closedLabel="Disable Performance Replication in order to enable this cluster as a DR secondary."
{{#if showExplanation}}
When running as a DR secondary Vault is read only.
For this reason, we don't allow other replication modes to operate at the same time. This cluster is also
currently operating as a Performance {{capitalize cluster.performance.modeForUrl}}.
Secondary activation token
{{textarea value=token id="secondary-token" name="secondary-token" class="textarea"}}
Primary API address {{#unless (and token (not tokenIncludesAPIAddr))}}(optional){{/unless}}
{{input value=primary_api_addr id="primary_api_addr" name="primary_api_addr" class="input"}}
{{#if (and token (not tokenIncludesAPIAddr))}}
The supplied token does not contain an embedded address for the primary cluster. Please enter the primary cluster's API address (normal Vault address).
Set this to the API address (normal Vault address) to override the
value embedded in the token.
CA file (optional)
{{input value=ca_file id="ca_file" name="ca_file" class="input"}}
Specifies the path to a CA root file (PEM format) that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
CA path (optional)
{{input value=ca_path id="ca_path" name="ca_file" class="input"}}
Specifies the path to a CA root directory containing PEM-format files that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.
Note: If both CA file
and CA path
are not given, they default to system CA roots.
The token you are using is not authorized to enable secondary replication.
{{#if (or (and (eq mode 'primary') cluster.canEnablePrimary) (and (eq mode 'secondary') cluster.canEnableSecondary))}}