Includes: * baseline Windows AMI * initial pass at Terraform configurations * OpenSSH for Windows Using OpenSSH is a lot nicer for Nomad developers than winrm would be, plus it lets us avoid passing around the Windows password in the clear. Note that now we're copying up all the provisioning scripts and configs as a zipped bundle because TF's file provisioner dies in the middle of pushing up multiple files (whereas `scp -r` works fine). We're also running all the provisioning scripts inside the userdata by polling for the zip file to show up (gross!). This is because `remote-exec` provisioners are failing on Windows with the same symptoms as: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/17728 If we can't fix this, it'll prevent us from having multiple Windows clients running until TF supports count interpolation in the `template_file`, which is planned for a later 0.12 release.
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Terraform provisioner for end to end tests
This folder contains terraform resources for provisioning a nomad cluster on AWS for end to end tests. It uses a Nomad binary identified by its commit SHA that's stored in a shared s3 bucket that Nomad team developers can access. The commit SHA can be from any branch that's pushed to remote.
Use envchain to store your AWS credentials.
$ cd e2e/terraform/
$ TF_VAR_nomad_sha=<nomad_sha> envchain nomadaws terraform apply
After this step, you should have a nomad client address to point the end to end tests in the e2e
folder to.
Terraform will output node IPs that may be accessed via ssh:
ssh -i keys/nomad-e2e-*.pem ubuntu@${EC2_IP_ADDR}
The Windows client runs OpenSSH for conveniences, but has a different user and will drop you into a Powershell shell instead of bash:
ssh -i keys/nomad-e2e-*.pem Administrator@${EC2_IP_ADDR}
The terraform state file stores all the info, so the nomad_sha doesn't need to be valid during teardown.
$ cd e2e/terraform/
$ envchain nomadaws TF_VAR_nomad_sha=yyyzzz terraform destroy