2021-04-07 17:42:26 +00:00
package csi
import (
e2e "github.com/hashicorp/nomad/e2e/e2eutil"
// CSIControllerPluginEBSTest exercises the AWS EBS plugin, which is an
// example of a plugin that supports most of the CSI Controller RPCs.
type CSIControllerPluginEBSTest struct {
uuid string
testJobIDs []string
volumeIDs []string
pluginJobIDs []string
const ebsPluginID = "aws-ebs0"
// BeforeAll waits for the cluster to be ready, deploys the CSI plugins, and
// creates two EBS volumes for use in the test.
func (tc *CSIControllerPluginEBSTest) BeforeAll(f *framework.F) {
e2e.WaitForLeader(f.T(), tc.Nomad())
e2e.WaitForNodesReady(f.T(), tc.Nomad(), 2)
tc.uuid = uuid.Generate()[0:8]
// deploy the controller plugin job
controllerJobID := "aws-ebs-plugin-controller-" + tc.uuid
f.NoError(e2e.Register(controllerJobID, "csi/input/plugin-aws-ebs-controller.nomad"))
tc.pluginJobIDs = append(tc.pluginJobIDs, controllerJobID)
expected := []string{"running", "running"}
e2e.WaitForAllocStatusExpected(controllerJobID, ns, expected),
"job should be running")
// deploy the node plugins job
nodesJobID := "aws-ebs-plugin-nodes-" + tc.uuid
f.NoError(e2e.Register(nodesJobID, "csi/input/plugin-aws-ebs-nodes.nomad"))
tc.pluginJobIDs = append(tc.pluginJobIDs, nodesJobID)
func() ([]string, error) { return e2e.AllocStatuses(nodesJobID, ns) },
func(got []string) bool {
for _, status := range got {
if status != "running" {
return false
return true
}, nil,
f.NoError(waitForPluginStatusControllerCount(ebsPluginID, 2, pluginWait),
"aws-ebs0 controller plugins did not become healthy")
f.NoError(waitForPluginStatusMinNodeCount(ebsPluginID, 2, pluginWait),
"aws-ebs0 node plugins did not become healthy")
// ideally we'd wait until after we check `nomad volume status -verbose`
// to verify these volumes are ready, but the plugin doesn't support the
// CSI ListVolumes RPC
volID := "ebs-vol[0]"
err := volumeRegister(volID, "csi/input/ebs-volume0.hcl", "create")
requireNoErrorElseDump(f, err, "could not create volume", tc.pluginJobIDs)
tc.volumeIDs = append(tc.volumeIDs, volID)
volID = "ebs-vol[1]"
err = volumeRegister(volID, "csi/input/ebs-volume1.hcl", "create")
requireNoErrorElseDump(f, err, "could not create volume", tc.pluginJobIDs)
tc.volumeIDs = append(tc.volumeIDs, volID)
// AfterAll cleans up the volumes and plugin jobs created by the test.
func (tc *CSIControllerPluginEBSTest) AfterAll(f *framework.F) {
2021-04-15 13:19:07 +00:00
// Stop all jobs in test
for _, id := range tc.testJobIDs {
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", "-purge", id)
f.Assert().NoError(err, out)
tc.testJobIDs = []string{}
2021-04-07 17:42:26 +00:00
for _, volID := range tc.volumeIDs {
err := waitForVolumeClaimRelease(volID, reapWait)
f.Assert().NoError(err, "volume claims were not released")
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "volume", "delete", volID)
assertNoErrorElseDump(f, err,
fmt.Sprintf("could not delete volume:\n%v", out), tc.pluginJobIDs)
// Deregister all plugin jobs in test
for _, id := range tc.pluginJobIDs {
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", "-purge", id)
f.Assert().NoError(err, out)
tc.pluginJobIDs = []string{}
// Garbage collect
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "system", "gc")
f.Assert().NoError(err, out)
// TestVolumeClaim exercises the volume publish/unpublish workflows for the
// EBS plugin.
func (tc *CSIControllerPluginEBSTest) TestVolumeClaim(f *framework.F) {
nomadClient := tc.Nomad()
// deploy a job that writes to the volume
writeJobID := "write-ebs-" + tc.uuid
f.NoError(e2e.Register(writeJobID, "csi/input/use-ebs-volume.nomad"))
e2e.WaitForAllocStatusExpected(writeJobID, ns, []string{"running"}),
"job should be running")
allocs, err := e2e.AllocsForJob(writeJobID, ns)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocs for write job")
f.Len(allocs, 1, "could not get allocs for write job")
writeAllocID := allocs[0]["ID"]
// read data from volume and assert the writer wrote a file to it
expectedPath := "/task/test/" + writeAllocID
_, err = readFile(nomadClient, writeAllocID, expectedPath)
// Shutdown (and purge) the writer so we can run a reader.
// we could mount the EBS volume with multi-attach, but we
// want this test to exercise the unpublish workflow.
_, err = e2e.Command("nomad", "job", "stop", "-purge", writeJobID)
// wait for the volume unpublish workflow to complete
for _, volID := range tc.volumeIDs {
err := waitForVolumeClaimRelease(volID, reapWait)
f.NoError(err, "volume claims were not released")
// deploy a job so we can read from the volume
readJobID := "read-ebs-" + tc.uuid
tc.testJobIDs = append(tc.testJobIDs, readJobID) // ensure failed tests clean up
f.NoError(e2e.Register(readJobID, "csi/input/use-ebs-volume.nomad"))
e2e.WaitForAllocStatusExpected(readJobID, ns, []string{"running"}),
"job should be running")
allocs, err = e2e.AllocsForJob(readJobID, ns)
f.NoError(err, "could not get allocs for read job")
f.Len(allocs, 1, "could not get allocs for read job")
readAllocID := allocs[0]["ID"]
// read data from volume and assert we can read the file the writer wrote
expectedPath = "/task/test/" + readAllocID
_, err = readFile(nomadClient, readAllocID, expectedPath)
// TestSnapshot exercises the snapshot commands.
func (tc *CSIControllerPluginEBSTest) TestSnapshot(f *framework.F) {
out, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "volume", "snapshot", "create",
tc.volumeIDs[0], "snap-"+tc.uuid)
requireNoErrorElseDump(f, err, "could not create volume snapshot", tc.pluginJobIDs)
snaps, err := e2e.ParseColumns(out)
defer func() {
_, err := e2e.Command("nomad", "volume", "snapshot", "delete",
2021-04-12 14:31:27 +00:00
ebsPluginID, snaps[0]["Snapshot ID"])
2021-04-07 17:42:26 +00:00
requireNoErrorElseDump(f, err, "could not delete volume snapshot", tc.pluginJobIDs)
f.NoError(err, fmt.Sprintf("could not parse output:\n%v", out))
f.Len(snaps, 1, fmt.Sprintf("could not parse output:\n%v", out))
out, err = e2e.Command("nomad", "volume", "snapshot", "list")
requireNoErrorElseDump(f, err, "could not list volume snapshots", tc.pluginJobIDs)
f.Contains(out, snaps[0]["ID"],
fmt.Sprintf("volume snapshot list did not include expected snapshot:\n%v", out))