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api Check - Agent - HTTP API api-agent-check The /agent/check endpoints interact with checks on the local agent in Consul.

Check - Agent HTTP API

The /agent/check endpoints interact with checks on the local agent in Consul. These should not be confused with checks in the catalog.

List Checks

This endpoint returns all checks that are registered with the local agent. These checks were either provided through configuration files or added dynamically using the HTTP API.

It is important to note that the checks known by the agent may be different from those reported by the catalog. This is usually due to changes being made while there is no leader elected. The agent performs active anti-entropy, so in most situations everything will be in sync within a few seconds.

Method Path Produces
GET /agent/checks application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:read,service:read


  • filter (string: "") - Specifies the expression used to filter the queries results prior to returning the data.

Sample Request

$ curl \

Sample Response

  "service:redis": {
    "Node": "foobar",
    "CheckID": "service:redis",
    "Name": "Service 'redis' check",
    "Status": "passing",
    "Notes": "",
    "Output": "",
    "ServiceID": "redis",
    "ServiceName": "redis",
    "ServiceTags": ["primary"]


The filter will be executed against each health check value in the results map with the following selectors and filter operations being supported:

Selector Supported Operations
CheckID Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
Name Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
Node Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
Notes Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
Output Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
ServiceID Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
ServiceName Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches
ServiceTags In, Not In, Is Empty, Is Not Empty
Status Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Matches, Not Matches

Register Check

This endpoint adds a new check to the local agent. Checks may be of script, HTTP, TCP, or TTL type. The agent is responsible for managing the status of the check and keeping the Catalog in sync.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/register application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • Name (string: <required>) - Specifies the name of the check.

  • ID (string: "") - Specifies a unique ID for this check on the node. This defaults to the "Name" parameter, but it may be necessary to provide an ID for uniqueness.

  • Interval (string: "") - Specifies the frequency at which to run this check. This is required for HTTP and TCP checks.

  • Notes (string: "") - Specifies arbitrary information for humans. This is not used by Consul internally.

  • DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter (string: "") - Specifies that checks associated with a service should deregister after this time. This is specified as a time duration with suffix like "10m". If a check is in the critical state for more than this configured value, then its associated service (and all of its associated checks) will automatically be deregistered. The minimum timeout is 1 minute, and the process that reaps critical services runs every 30 seconds, so it may take slightly longer than the configured timeout to trigger the deregistration. This should generally be configured with a timeout that's much, much longer than any expected recoverable outage for the given service.

  • Args (array<string>) - Specifies command arguments to run to update the status of the check. Prior to Consul 1.0, checks used a single Script field to define the command to run, and would always run in a shell. In Consul 1.0, the Args array was added so that checks can be run without a shell. The Script field is deprecated, and you should include the shell in the Args to run under a shell, eg. "args": ["sh", "-c", "..."].

    -> Note: Consul 1.0 shipped with an issue where Args was erroneously named ScriptArgs in this API. Please use ScriptArgs with Consul 1.0 (that will continue to be accepted in future versions of Consul), and Args in Consul 1.0.1 and later.

  • AliasNode (string: "") - Specifies the ID of the node for an alias check. If no service is specified, the check will alias the health of the node. If a service is specified, the check will alias the specified service on this particular node.

  • AliasService (string: "") - Specifies the ID of a service for an alias check. If the service is not registered with the same agent, AliasNode must also be specified. Note this is the service ID and not the service name (though they are very often the same).

  • DockerContainerID (string: "") - Specifies that the check is a Docker check, and Consul will evaluate the script every Interval in the given container using the specified Shell. Note that Shell is currently only supported for Docker checks.

  • GRPC (string: "") - Specifies a gRPC check's endpoint that supports the standard gRPC health checking protocol. The state of the check will be updated at the given Interval by probing the configured endpoint.

  • GRPCUseTLS (bool: false) - Specifies whether to use TLS for this gRPC health check. If TLS is enabled, then by default, a valid TLS certificate is expected. Certificate verification can be turned off by setting TLSSkipVerify to true.

  • HTTP (string: "") - Specifies an HTTP check to perform a GET request against the value of HTTP (expected to be a URL) every Interval. If the response is any 2xx code, the check is passing. If the response is 429 Too Many Requests, the check is warning. Otherwise, the check is critical. HTTP checks also support SSL. By default, a valid SSL certificate is expected. Certificate verification can be controlled using the TLSSkipVerify.

  • Method (string: "") - Specifies a different HTTP method to be used for an HTTP check. When no value is specified, GET is used.

  • Header (map[string][]string: {}) - Specifies a set of headers that should be set for HTTP checks. Each header can have multiple values.

  • Timeout (duration: 10s) - Specifies a timeout for outgoing connections in the case of a Script, HTTP, TCP, or gRPC check. Can be specified in the form of "10s" or "5m" (i.e., 10 seconds or 5 minutes, respectively).

  • OutputMaxSize (positive int: 4096) - Allow to put a maximum size of text for the given check. This value must be greater than 0, by default, the value is 4k. The value can be further limited for all checks of a given agent using the check_output_max_size flag in the agent.

  • TLSSkipVerify (bool: false) - Specifies if the certificate for an HTTPS check should not be verified.

  • TCP (string: "") - Specifies a TCP to connect against the value of TCP (expected to be an IP or hostname plus port combination) every Interval. If the connection attempt is successful, the check is passing. If the connection attempt is unsuccessful, the check is critical. In the case of a hostname that resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, an attempt will be made to both addresses, and the first successful connection attempt will result in a successful check.

  • TTL (string: "") - Specifies this is a TTL check, and the TTL endpoint must be used periodically to update the state of the check.

  • ServiceID (string: "") - Specifies the ID of a service to associate the registered check with an existing service provided by the agent.

  • Status (string: "") - Specifies the initial status of the health check.

Sample Payload

  "ID": "mem",
  "Name": "Memory utilization",
  "Notes": "Ensure we don't oversubscribe memory",
  "DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter": "90m",
  "Args": ["/usr/local/bin/"],
  "DockerContainerID": "f972c95ebf0e",
  "Shell": "/bin/bash",
  "HTTP": "",
  "Method": "POST",
  "Header": {"x-foo":["bar", "baz"]},
  "TCP": "",
  "Interval": "10s",
  "Timeout": "5s",
  "TLSSkipVerify": true

Sample Request

$ curl \
   --request PUT \
   --data @payload.json \

Deregister Check

This endpoint remove a check from the local agent. The agent will take care of deregistering the check from the catalog. If the check with the provided ID does not exist, no action is taken.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/deregister/:check_id application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • check_id (string: "") - Specifies the unique ID of the check to deregister. This is specified as part of the URL.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request PUT \

TTL Check Pass

This endpoint is used with a TTL type check to set the status of the check to passing and to reset the TTL clock.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/pass/:check_id application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • check_id (string: "") - Specifies the unique ID of the check to use. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • note (string: "") - Specifies a human-readable message. This will be passed through to the check's Output field.

Sample Request

$ curl \

TTL Check Warn

This endpoint is used with a TTL type check to set the status of the check to warning and to reset the TTL clock.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/warn/:check_id application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • check_id (string: "") - Specifies the unique ID of the check to use. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • note (string: "") - Specifies a human-readable message. This will be passed through to the check's Output field.

Sample Request

$ curl \

TTL Check Fail

This endpoint is used with a TTL type check to set the status of the check to critical and to reset the TTL clock.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/fail/:check_id application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • check_id (string: "") - Specifies the unique ID of the check to use. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • note (string: "") - Specifies a human-readable message. This will be passed through to the check's Output field.

Sample Request

$ curl \

TTL Check Update

This endpoint is used with a TTL type check to set the status of the check and to reset the TTL clock.

Method Path Produces
PUT /agent/check/update/:check_id application/json

The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries, consistency modes, agent caching, and required ACLs.

Blocking Queries Consistency Modes Agent Caching ACL Required
NO none none node:write,service:write


  • check_id (string: "") - Specifies the unique ID of the check to use. This is specified as part of the URL.

  • Status (string: "") - Specifies the status of the check. Valid values are "passing", "warning", and "critical".

  • Output (string: "") - Specifies a human-readable message. This will be passed through to the check's Output field.

Sample Payload

  "Status": "passing",
  "Output": "curl reported a failure:\n\n..."

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --request PUT \
    --data @payload.json \