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Automatic updates

A convenient way to automatically keep your vendored copy up-to-date is to use the write_aspect_bazelrc_presets rule in .aspect/bazelrc/BUILD.bazel:

"Aspect bazelrc presets; see https://docs.aspect.build/guides/bazelrc"

load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:bazelrc_presets.bzl", "write_aspect_bazelrc_presets")

write_aspect_bazelrc_presets(name = "update_aspect_bazelrc_presets")

When @aspect_bazel_lib is upgraded in your WORKSPACE.bazel or your MODULE.bazel file, a diff_test stamped out by write_aspect_bazelrc_presets will fail if your vendored copy is out-of-date and print the Bazel command to run to update it. For example, bazel run //.aspect/bazelrc:update_aspect_bazelrc_presets.

See the bazelrc example in our bazel-examples repository for a working example.