konstin 4013d40897 Add py prefix to the proc macros and move them into the root module
This is important because `proc_macro_path_invoc` isn't going to be stabilized soon.
2018-07-08 23:33:48 +02:00

496 lines
11 KiB

#![feature(proc_macro, specialization)]
extern crate pyo3;
use pyo3::ffi;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use std::{isize, iter};
use pyo3::pyclass;
use pyo3::pymethods;
use pyo3::pyproto;
mod common;
pub struct Len {
l: usize,
token: PyToken,
impl PyMappingProtocol for Len {
fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
fn len() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let inst = Py::new(py, |t| Len { l: 10, token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, inst, "len(inst) == 10");
unsafe {
assert_eq!(ffi::PyObject_Size(inst.as_ptr()), 10);
assert_eq!(ffi::PyMapping_Size(inst.as_ptr()), 10);
let inst = Py::new(py, |t| Len {
l: (isize::MAX as usize) + 1,
token: t,
py_expect_exception!(py, inst, "len(inst)", OverflowError);
struct Iterator {
iter: Box<iter::Iterator<Item = i32> + Send>,
token: PyToken,
impl PyIterProtocol for Iterator {
fn __iter__(&mut self) -> PyResult<Py<Iterator>> {
fn __next__(&mut self) -> PyResult<Option<i32>> {
fn iterator() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let inst = Py::new(py, |t| Iterator {
iter: Box::new(5..8),
token: t,
py_assert!(py, inst, "iter(inst) is inst");
py_assert!(py, inst, "list(inst) == [5, 6, 7]");
struct StringMethods {
token: PyToken,
impl<'p> PyObjectProtocol<'p> for StringMethods {
fn __str__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> {
fn __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> {
fn __format__(&self, format_spec: String) -> PyResult<String> {
Ok(format!("format({})", format_spec))
fn __unicode__(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
Ok(PyString::new(, "unicode").into())
fn __bytes__(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
Ok(PyBytes::new(, b"bytes").into())
fn string_methods() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let obj = Py::new(py, |t| StringMethods { token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, obj, "str(obj) == 'str'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "repr(obj) == 'repr'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "'{0:x}'.format(obj) == 'format(x)'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "bytes(obj) == b'bytes'");
fn string_methods() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let obj = Py::new(py, |t| StringMethods { token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, obj, "str(obj) == 'str'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "repr(obj) == 'repr'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "unicode(obj) == 'unicode'");
py_assert!(py, obj, "'{0:x}'.format(obj) == 'format(x)'");
struct Comparisons {
val: i32,
token: PyToken,
impl PyObjectProtocol for Comparisons {
fn __hash__(&self) -> PyResult<isize> {
Ok(self.val as isize)
fn __bool__(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
Ok(self.val != 0)
fn comparisons() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let zero = Py::new(py, |t| Comparisons { val: 0, token: t }).unwrap();
let one = Py::new(py, |t| Comparisons { val: 1, token: t }).unwrap();
let ten = Py::new(py, |t| Comparisons { val: 10, token: t }).unwrap();
let minus_one = Py::new(py, |t| Comparisons { val: -1, token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, one, "hash(one) == 1");
py_assert!(py, ten, "hash(ten) == 10");
py_assert!(py, minus_one, "hash(minus_one) == -2");
py_assert!(py, one, "bool(one) is True");
py_assert!(py, zero, "not zero");
struct Sequence {
token: PyToken,
impl PySequenceProtocol for Sequence {
fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
fn __getitem__(&self, key: isize) -> PyResult<isize> {
if key == 5 {
return Err(PyErr::new::<exc::IndexError, NoArgs>(NoArgs));
fn sequence() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c = py.init(|t| Sequence { token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, c, "list(c) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]");
py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c['abc']", TypeError);
struct Callable {
token: PyToken,
impl Callable {
fn __call__(&self, arg: i32) -> PyResult<i32> {
Ok(arg * 6)
fn callable() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c = py.init(|t| Callable { token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, c, "callable(c)");
py_assert!(py, c, "c(7) == 42");
let nc = py.init(|t| Comparisons { val: 0, token: t }).unwrap();
py_assert!(py, nc, "not callable(nc)");
struct SetItem {
key: i32,
val: i32,
token: PyToken,
impl PyMappingProtocol<'a> for SetItem {
fn __setitem__(&mut self, key: i32, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> {
self.key = key;
self.val = val;
fn setitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c =
py.init_ref(|t| SetItem {
key: 0,
val: 0,
token: t,
py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2");
assert_eq!(c.key, 1);
assert_eq!(c.val, 2);
py_expect_exception!(py, c, "del c[1]", NotImplementedError);
struct DelItem {
key: i32,
token: PyToken,
impl PyMappingProtocol<'a> for DelItem {
fn __delitem__(&mut self, key: i32) -> PyResult<()> {
self.key = key;
fn delitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c = py.init_ref(|t| DelItem { key: 0, token: t }).unwrap();
py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]");
assert_eq!(c.key, 1);
py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[1] = 2", NotImplementedError);
struct SetDelItem {
val: Option<i32>,
token: PyToken,
impl PyMappingProtocol for SetDelItem {
fn __setitem__(&mut self, _key: i32, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> {
self.val = Some(val);
fn __delitem__(&mut self, _key: i32) -> PyResult<()> {
self.val = None;
fn setdelitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c =
py.init_ref(|t| SetDelItem {
val: None,
token: t,
py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2");
assert_eq!(c.val, Some(2));
py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]");
assert_eq!(c.val, None);
struct Reversed {
token: PyToken,
impl PyMappingProtocol for Reversed {
fn __reversed__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> {
Ok("I am reversed")
fn reversed() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c = py.init(|t| Reversed { token: t }).unwrap();
py_run!(py, c, "assert reversed(c) == 'I am reversed'");
struct Contains {
token: PyToken,
impl PySequenceProtocol for Contains {
fn __contains__(&self, item: i32) -> PyResult<bool> {
Ok(item >= 0)
fn contains() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c = py.init(|t| Contains { token: t }).unwrap();
py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 in c");
py_run!(py, c, "assert -1 not in c");
py_expect_exception!(py, c, "assert 'wrong type' not in c", TypeError);
struct ContextManager {
exit_called: bool,
token: PyToken,
impl<'p> PyContextProtocol<'p> for ContextManager {
fn __enter__(&mut self) -> PyResult<i32> {
fn __exit__(
&mut self,
ty: Option<&'p PyType>,
_value: Option<&'p PyObjectRef>,
_traceback: Option<&'p PyObjectRef>,
) -> PyResult<bool> {
self.exit_called = true;
if ty == Some(<exc::ValueError>()) {
} else {
fn context_manager() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let c =
py.init_mut(|t| ContextManager {
exit_called: false,
token: t,
py_run!(py, c, "with c as x: assert x == 42");
c.exit_called = false;
py_run!(py, c, "with c as x: raise ValueError");
c.exit_called = false;
"with c as x: raise NotImplementedError",
fn test_basics() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let v = PySlice::new(py, 1, 10, 2);
let indices = v.indices(100).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, indices.start);
assert_eq!(10, indices.stop);
assert_eq!(2, indices.step);
assert_eq!(5, indices.slicelength);
struct Test {
token: PyToken,
impl<'p> PyMappingProtocol<'p> for Test {
fn __getitem__(&self, idx: &PyObjectRef) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
if let Ok(slice) = idx.cast_as::<PySlice>() {
let indices = slice.indices(1000)?;
if indices.start == 100 && indices.stop == 200 && indices.step == 1 {
return Ok("slice".into_object(;
} else if let Ok(idx) = idx.extract::<isize>() {
if idx == 1 {
return Ok("int".into_object(;
Err(PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>("error"))
fn test_cls_impl() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let ob = py.init(|t| Test { token: t }).unwrap();
let d = PyDict::new(py);
d.set_item("ob", ob).unwrap();"assert ob[1] == 'int'", None, Some(d)).unwrap();"assert ob[100:200:1] == 'slice'", None, Some(d))
struct DunderDictSupport {
token: PyToken,
fn dunder_dict_support() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let inst = Py::new_ref(py, |t| DunderDictSupport { token: t }).unwrap();
inst.a = 1
assert inst.a == 1
#[pyclass(weakref, dict)]
struct WeakRefDunderDictSupport {
token: PyToken,
fn weakref_dunder_dict_support() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let inst = Py::new_ref(py, |t| WeakRefDunderDictSupport { token: t }).unwrap();
"import weakref; assert weakref.ref(inst)() is inst; inst.a = 1; assert inst.a == 1"