* Add failing test * Complete formatting * Fix commands execution * Fix commands execution for Linux * Extract virtual environment creation/removing into separate functions * Complete error messages * Complete examples building * Use 'venv' independent path * Call script by dotted path instead of 'source' call * Add Travis CI script * Rename variable: 'exec_prefix' -> 'base_prefix' * Add AppVeyor script * Remove Rust test * Complete shell script mode * Complete path to powershell script * Use 'pushd'/'popd' instead of 'cd' * Complete powershell script * Complete shell script * Fix setup * Use 'tox-venv' plugin for 'venv' stdlib module support * Remove additional 'venv' testing * Use global environment instead of calling 'set' * Use 'tox' for AppVeyor, extract commands into 'setup' & 'test' scripts * Add updating of 'pip' & 'setuptools' * Add moving in/back from examples directories * Complete 'pip'/'setuptools' updating * Complete requirements * Complete 'word-count' example configuration * Simplify 'setup' script * Complete 'rustapi_module' example tests * Revert formatting * Complete examples configuration * Remove redundant annotations * Add entry in changelog
9 lines
558 B
9 lines
558 B
Start-FileDownload "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-nightly-${env:TARGET}.msi"
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i rust-nightly-$env:TARGET.msi INSTALLDIR=`"$((Get-Location).Path)\rust-nightly-$env:TARGET`" /quiet /qn /norestart" -Wait
$pythonLocation = Invoke-Expression "python -c `"import sys; print(sys.base_prefix)`""
$env:LIBPATH = "$env:LIBPATH; $( Join-Path $pythonLocation "libs" )"