2020-06-23 11:08:36 +01:00

269 lines
7.8 KiB

use pyo3::class::PySequenceProtocol;
use pyo3::exceptions::{IndexError, ValueError};
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::{IntoPyDict, PyList};
use pyo3::py_run;
mod common;
struct ByteSequence {
elements: Vec<u8>,
impl ByteSequence {
fn new(elements: Option<&PyList>) -> PyResult<Self> {
if let Some(pylist) = elements {
let mut elems = Vec::with_capacity(pylist.len());
for pyelem in pylist.into_iter() {
let elem = u8::extract(pyelem)?;
Ok(Self { elements: elems })
} else {
Ok(Self {
elements: Vec::new(),
impl PySequenceProtocol for ByteSequence {
fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
fn __getitem__(&self, idx: isize) -> PyResult<u8> {
.get(idx as usize)
.ok_or_else(|| IndexError::py_err("list index out of range"))
fn __setitem__(&mut self, idx: isize, value: u8) -> PyResult<()> {
self.elements[idx as usize] = value;
fn __delitem__(&mut self, idx: isize) -> PyResult<()> {
if (idx < self.elements.len() as isize) && (idx >= 0) {
self.elements.remove(idx as usize);
} else {
Err(IndexError::py_err("list index out of range"))
fn __contains__(&self, other: &PyAny) -> PyResult<bool> {
match u8::extract(other) {
Ok(ref x) => Ok(self.elements.contains(x)),
Err(_) => Ok(false),
fn __concat__(&self, other: PyRef<'p, Self>) -> PyResult<Self> {
let mut elements = self.elements.clone();
Ok(Self { elements })
fn __repeat__(&self, count: isize) -> PyResult<Self> {
if count >= 0 {
let mut elements = Vec::with_capacity(self.elements.len() * count as usize);
for _ in 0..count {
Ok(Self { elements })
} else {
Err(ValueError::py_err("invalid repeat count"))
fn test_getitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert s[0] == 1");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert s[1] == 2");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert s[2] == 3");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); print(s[-4])");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); print(s[4])");
fn test_setitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); s[0] = 4; assert list(s) == [4, 2, 3]");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); s[0] = 'hello'");
fn test_delitem() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[0]; assert list(s) == [2, 3]");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[1]; assert list(s) == [1, 3]");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[-1]; assert list(s) == [1, 2]");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[-2]; assert list(s) == [1, 3]");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[-4]; print(list(s))");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); del s[4]");
fn test_contains() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert 1 in s");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert 2 in s");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert 3 in s");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert 4 not in s");
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); assert 'hello' not in s");
fn test_concat() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s1 = ByteSequence([1, 2]); s2 = ByteSequence([3, 4]); assert list(s1+s2) == [1, 2, 3, 4]");
err("s1 = ByteSequence([1, 2]); s2 = 'hello'; s1 + s2");
fn test_inplace_concat() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2]); s += ByteSequence([3, 4]); assert list(s) == [1, 2, 3, 4]");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2]); s += 'hello'");
fn test_repeat() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s1 = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); s2 = s1*2; assert list(s2) == [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]");
err("s1 = ByteSequence([1, 2, 3]); s2 = s1*-1; assert list(s2) == [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]");
fn test_inplace_repeat() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let d = [("ByteSequence", py.get_type::<ByteSequence>())].into_py_dict(py);
let run = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap();
let err = |code|, None, Some(d)).unwrap_err();
run("s = ByteSequence([1, 2]); s *= 3; assert list(s) == [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]");
err("s = ByteSequence([1, 2); s *= -1");
// Check that #[pyo3(get, set)] works correctly for Vec<PyObject>
struct GenericList {
#[pyo3(get, set)]
items: Vec<PyObject>,
fn test_generic_list_get() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let list: PyObject = GenericList {
items: [1, 2, 3].iter().map(|i| i.to_object(py)).collect(),
py_assert!(py, list, "list.items == [1, 2, 3]");
fn test_generic_list_set() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let list = PyCell::new(py, GenericList { items: vec![] }).unwrap();
py_run!(py, list, "list.items = [1, 2, 3]");
vec![1.to_object(py), 2.to_object(py), 3.to_object(py)]
struct OptionList {
#[pyo3(get, set)]
items: Vec<Option<i64>>,
impl PySequenceProtocol for OptionList {
fn __getitem__(&self, idx: isize) -> PyResult<Option<i64>> {
match self.items.get(idx as usize) {
Some(x) => Ok(*x),
None => Err(PyErr::new::<IndexError, _>("Index out of bounds")),
fn test_option_list_get() {
// Regression test for #798
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let list = PyCell::new(
OptionList {
items: vec![Some(1), None],
py_assert!(py, list, "list[0] == 1");
py_assert!(py, list, "list[1] == None");
py_expect_exception!(py, list, "list[2]", IndexError);