
103 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017-present PyO3 Project and Contributors
// based on Daniel Grunwald's
//! Python argument parsing
use ffi;
use err::PyResult;
use python::Python;
use conversion::PyTryFrom;
use objects::{PyObjectRef, PyTuple, PyDict, PyString, exc};
/// Description of a python parameter; used for `parse_args()`.
pub struct ParamDescription<'a> {
/// The name of the parameter.
pub name: &'a str,
/// Whether the parameter is optional.
pub is_optional: bool,
/// Whether the parameter is optional.
pub kw_only: bool,
/// Parse argument list
/// * fname: Name of the current function
/// * params: Declared parameters of the function
/// * args: Positional arguments
/// * kwargs: Keyword arguments
/// * output: Output array that receives the arguments.
/// Must have same length as `params` and must be initialized to `None`.
pub fn parse_args<'p>(fname: Option<&str>, params: &[ParamDescription],
args: &'p PyTuple, kwargs: Option<&'p PyDict>,
accept_args: bool, accept_kwargs: bool,
output: &mut[Option<&'p PyObjectRef>]) -> PyResult<()>
let nargs = args.len();
let nkeywords = kwargs.map_or(0, |d| d.len());
if !accept_args && (nargs + nkeywords > params.len()) {
return Err(exc::TypeError::new(
format!("{}{} takes at most {} argument{} ({} given)",
if fname.is_some() { "()" } else { "" },
if params.len() == 1 { "s" } else { "" },
nargs + nkeywords
let mut used_keywords = 0;
// Iterate through the parameters and assign values to output:
for (i, (p, out)) in params.iter().zip(output).enumerate() {
match kwargs.and_then(|d| d.get_item( {
Some(kwarg) => {
*out = Some(kwarg);
used_keywords += 1;
if i < nargs {
return Err(exc::TypeError::new(
format!("Argument given by name ('{}') and position ({})",, i+1)));
None => {
if p.kw_only {
if !p.is_optional {
return Err(exc::TypeError::new(
format!("Required argument ('{}') is keyword only argument",;
*out = None;
else if i < nargs {
*out = Some(args.get_item(i));
} else {
*out = None;
if !p.is_optional {
return Err(exc::TypeError::new(
format!("Required argument ('{}') (pos {}) not found",, i+1)));
if !accept_kwargs && used_keywords != nkeywords {
// check for extraneous keyword arguments
for item in kwargs.unwrap().items().iter() {
let item = PyTuple::try_from(item)?;
let key = PyString::try_from(item.get_item(0))?.to_string()?;
if !params.iter().any(|p| == key) {
return Err(exc::TypeError::new(
format!("'{}' is an invalid keyword argument for this function", key)));
pub unsafe fn get_kwargs(py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> Option<&PyDict> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {