
339 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017-present PyO3 Project and Contributors
use std;
use conversion::{
FromPyObject, IntoPyObject, IntoPyTuple, PyTryFrom, ToBorrowedObject, ToPyObject,
use err::{PyDowncastError, PyErr, PyResult};
use ffi;
use instance::{AsPyRef, PyObjectWithToken};
use python::{IntoPyPointer, Python, ToPyPointer};
use pythonrun;
use types::{PyDict, PyObjectRef, PyTuple};
/// Safe wrapper around unsafe `*mut ffi::PyObject` pointer.
pub struct PyObject(*mut ffi::PyObject);
// `PyObject` is thread-safe, any python related operations require a Python<'p> token.
unsafe impl Send for PyObject {}
unsafe impl Sync for PyObject {}
impl PyObject {
/// Creates a `PyObject` instance for the given FFI pointer.
/// This moves ownership over the pointer into the `PyObject`.
/// Undefined behavior if the pointer is NULL or invalid.
pub unsafe fn from_owned_ptr(_py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> PyObject {
!ptr.is_null() && ffi::Py_REFCNT(ptr) > 0,
format!("REFCNT: {:?} - {:?}", ptr, ffi::Py_REFCNT(ptr))
/// Creates a `PyObject` instance for the given FFI pointer.
/// Panics if the pointer is `null`.
/// Undefined behavior if the pointer is invalid.
pub unsafe fn from_owned_ptr_or_panic(py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> PyObject {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
PyObject::from_owned_ptr(py, ptr)
/// Construct `PyObject` from the result of a Python FFI call that
/// returns a new reference (owned pointer).
/// Returns `Err(PyErr)` if the pointer is `null`.
pub unsafe fn from_owned_ptr_or_err(py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
Ok(PyObject::from_owned_ptr(py, ptr))
/// Construct `PyObject` from the result of a Python FFI call that
/// returns a new reference (owned pointer).
/// Returns `None` if the pointer is `null`.
pub unsafe fn from_owned_ptr_or_opt(py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> Option<PyObject> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
Some(PyObject::from_owned_ptr(py, ptr))
/// Creates a `PyObject` instance for the given Python FFI pointer.
/// Calls Py_INCREF() on the ptr.
/// Undefined behavior if the pointer is NULL or invalid.
pub unsafe fn from_borrowed_ptr(_py: Python, ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> PyObject {
!ptr.is_null() && ffi::Py_REFCNT(ptr) > 0,
format!("REFCNT: {:?} - {:?}", ptr, ffi::Py_REFCNT(ptr))
/// Creates a `PyObject` instance for the given Python FFI pointer.
/// Calls Py_INCREF() on the ptr.
/// Returns `Err(PyErr)` if the pointer is `null`.
pub unsafe fn from_borrowed_ptr_or_err(
py: Python,
ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject,
) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
Ok(PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr(py, ptr))
/// Creates a `PyObject` instance for the given Python FFI pointer.
/// Calls Py_INCREF() on the ptr.
/// Returns `None` if the pointer is `null`.
pub unsafe fn from_borrowed_ptr_or_opt(
py: Python,
ptr: *mut ffi::PyObject,
) -> Option<PyObject> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
Some(PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr(py, ptr))
/// Gets the reference count of the ffi::PyObject pointer.
pub fn get_refcnt(&self) -> isize {
unsafe { ffi::Py_REFCNT(self.0) }
/// Clone self, Calls Py_INCREF() on the ptr.
pub fn clone_ref(&self, py: Python) -> Self {
unsafe { PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr(py, self.as_ptr()) }
/// Returns whether the object is considered to be None.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: 'is None'
pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { ffi::Py_None() == self.as_ptr() }
/// Returns whether the object is considered to be true.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: 'not not self'
pub fn is_true(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<bool> {
let v = unsafe { ffi::PyObject_IsTrue(self.as_ptr()) };
if v == -1 {
} else {
Ok(v != 0)
/// Casts the PyObject to a concrete Python object type.
pub fn cast_as<D>(&self, py: Python) -> Result<&D, PyDowncastError>
D: PyTryFrom,
/// Extracts some type from the Python object.
/// This is a wrapper function around `FromPyObject::extract()`.
pub fn extract<'p, D>(&'p self, py: Python) -> PyResult<D>
D: FromPyObject<'p>,
/// Retrieves an attribute value.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression 'self.attr_name'.
pub fn getattr<N>(&self, py: Python, attr_name: N) -> PyResult<PyObject>
N: ToPyObject,
attr_name.with_borrowed_ptr(py, |attr_name| unsafe {
PyObject::from_owned_ptr_or_err(py, ffi::PyObject_GetAttr(self.as_ptr(), attr_name))
/// Calls the object.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: 'self(*args, **kwargs)'
pub fn call<A>(&self, py: Python, args: A, kwargs: Option<PyDict>) -> PyResult<PyObject>
A: IntoPyTuple,
let args = args.into_tuple(py).into_ptr();
let kwargs = kwargs.into_ptr();
let result = unsafe {
PyObject::from_owned_ptr_or_err(py, ffi::PyObject_Call(self.as_ptr(), args, kwargs))
unsafe {
/// Calls the object without arguments.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: 'self()'
pub fn call0(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<PyObject> {, PyTuple::empty(py), None)
/// Calls the object.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: 'self(*args)'
pub fn call1<A>(&self, py: Python, args: A) -> PyResult<PyObject>
A: IntoPyTuple,
{, args, None)
/// Calls a method on the object.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: '*args, **kwargs)'
pub fn call_method<A>(
py: Python,
name: &str,
args: A,
kwargs: Option<PyDict>,
) -> PyResult<PyObject>
A: IntoPyTuple,
name.with_borrowed_ptr(py, |name| unsafe {
let args = args.into_tuple(py).into_ptr();
let kwargs = kwargs.into_ptr();
let ptr = ffi::PyObject_GetAttr(self.as_ptr(), name);
if ptr.is_null() {
return Err(PyErr::fetch(py));
let result = PyObject::from_owned_ptr_or_err(py, ffi::PyObject_Call(ptr, args, kwargs));
/// Calls a method on the object.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: ''
pub fn call_method0(&self, py: Python, name: &str) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
self.call_method(py, name, PyTuple::empty(py), None)
/// Calls a method on the object.
/// This is equivalent to the Python expression: '*args)'
pub fn call_method1<A>(&self, py: Python, name: &str, args: A) -> PyResult<PyObject>
A: IntoPyTuple,
self.call_method(py, name, args, None)
impl AsPyRef<PyObjectRef> for PyObject {
fn as_ref(&self, _py: Python) -> &PyObjectRef {
unsafe { &*(self as *const _ as *mut PyObjectRef) }
fn as_mut(&mut self, _py: Python) -> &mut PyObjectRef {
unsafe { &mut *(self as *const _ as *mut PyObjectRef) }
impl ToPyObject for PyObject {
fn to_object(&self, py: Python) -> PyObject {
unsafe { PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr(py, self.as_ptr()) }
impl ToPyPointer for PyObject {
/// Gets the underlying FFI pointer, returns a borrowed pointer.
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::PyObject {
impl<'a> ToPyPointer for &'a PyObject {
/// Gets the underlying FFI pointer, returns a borrowed pointer.
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::PyObject {
impl IntoPyPointer for PyObject {
/// Gets the underlying FFI pointer, returns a owned pointer.
fn into_ptr(self) -> *mut ffi::PyObject {
let ptr = self.0;
std::mem::forget(self); // Avoid Drop
impl PartialEq for PyObject {
fn eq(&self, o: &PyObject) -> bool {
self.0 == o.0
impl IntoPyObject for PyObject {
fn into_object(self, _py: Python) -> PyObject {
impl<'a> FromPyObject<'a> for PyObject {
/// Extracts `Self` from the source `PyObject`.
fn extract(ob: &'a PyObjectRef) -> PyResult<Self> {
unsafe { Ok(PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr(, ob.as_ptr())) }
/// Dropping a `PyObject` instance decrements the reference count on the object by 1.
impl Drop for PyObject {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
mod test {
use super::PyObject;
use python::Python;
use types::PyDict;
fn test_call_for_non_existing_method() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
let obj: PyObject = PyDict::new(py).into();
assert!(obj.call_method0(py, "asdf").is_err());
obj.call_method(py, "nonexistent_method", (1,), None)
assert!(obj.call_method0(py, "nonexistent_method").is_err());
assert!(obj.call_method1(py, "nonexistent_method", (1,)).is_err());