.PHONY: test test_py publish clippy lint fmt # Constant used in clippy target CLIPPY_LINTS_TO_DENY := warnings test: lint test_py cargo test test_py: tox -e py for example in examples/*; do tox -e py -c $$example/tox.ini || exit 1; done fmt: cargo fmt --all -- --check black . --check clippy: @touch src/lib.rs # Touching file to ensure that cargo clippy will re-check the project cargo clippy --all-features --all-targets -- \ $(addprefix -D ,${CLIPPY_LINTS_TO_DENY}) for example in examples/*; do (cd $$example/; cargo clippy) || exit 1; done lint: fmt clippy @true publish: test cargo publish --manifest-path pyo3-derive-backend/Cargo.toml cargo publish --manifest-path pyo3cls/Cargo.toml cargo publish