# Change Log ## [Unreleased] - Added `pub` modifier to `py_class!` syntax: `py_class!(pub class ClassName |py| ...)` - Changed `obj.extract::>(py)` to work with any object implementing the sequence protocol; not just lists. - Added the `buffer` module, which allows safe access to the [buffer protocol](https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/buffer.html). This allows zero-copy access to numpy arrays. - When building with `--feature nightly`, `extract::>` will try to use the buffer protocol before falling back to the sequence protocol. - [Added support for optional parameters][81] to `py_argparse!`, `py_fn!` and `py_class!` macros. (PR by [@Luthaf]) Example: `py_fn!(py, function(i: i32 = 0))` [Unreleased]: https://github.com/dgrunwald/rust-cpython/compare/0.1.0...HEAD [81]: https://github.com/dgrunwald/rust-cpython/pull/81 [@Luthaf]: https://github.com/Luthaf ## 0.1.0 - 2016-12-17 - First release that works on stable Rust.