use pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError; use pyo3::types::{PyList, PySlice, PyType}; use pyo3::{exceptions::PyAttributeError, prelude::*}; use pyo3::{ffi, py_run, AsPyPointer, PyCell}; use std::{isize, iter}; mod common; #[pyclass] struct EmptyClass; #[pyclass] struct ExampleClass { #[pyo3(get, set)] value: i32, _custom_attr: Option, } #[pymethods] impl ExampleClass { fn __getattr__(&self, py: Python, attr: &str) -> PyResult { if attr == "special_custom_attr" { Ok(self._custom_attr.into_py(py)) } else { Err(PyAttributeError::new_err(attr.to_string())) } } fn __setattr__(&mut self, attr: &str, value: &PyAny) -> PyResult<()> { if attr == "special_custom_attr" { self._custom_attr = Some(value.extract()?); Ok(()) } else { Err(PyAttributeError::new_err(attr.to_string())) } } fn __delattr__(&mut self, attr: &str) -> PyResult<()> { if attr == "special_custom_attr" { self._custom_attr = None; Ok(()) } else { Err(PyAttributeError::new_err(attr.to_string())) } } fn __str__(&self) -> String { self.value.to_string() } fn __repr__(&self) -> String { format!("ExampleClass(value={})", self.value) } fn __hash__(&self) -> u64 { let i64_value: i64 = self.value.into(); i64_value as u64 } fn __bool__(&self) -> bool { self.value != 0 } } fn make_example(py: Python) -> &PyCell { Py::new( py, ExampleClass { value: 5, _custom_attr: Some(20), }, ) .unwrap() .into_ref(py) } #[test] fn test_getattr() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); assert_eq!( example_py .getattr("value") .unwrap() .extract::() .unwrap(), 5, ); assert_eq!( example_py .getattr("special_custom_attr") .unwrap() .extract::() .unwrap(), 20, ); assert!(example_py .getattr("other_attr") .unwrap_err() .is_instance::(py)); }) } #[test] fn test_setattr() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); example_py.setattr("special_custom_attr", 15).unwrap(); assert_eq!( example_py .getattr("special_custom_attr") .unwrap() .extract::() .unwrap(), 15, ); }) } #[test] fn test_delattr() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); example_py.delattr("special_custom_attr").unwrap(); assert!(example_py.getattr("special_custom_attr").unwrap().is_none()); }) } #[test] fn test_str() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); assert_eq!(example_py.str().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), "5"); }) } #[test] fn test_repr() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); assert_eq!( example_py.repr().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), "ExampleClass(value=5)" ); }) } #[test] fn test_hash() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); assert_eq!(example_py.hash().unwrap(), 5); }) } #[test] fn test_bool() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let example_py = make_example(py); assert!(example_py.is_true().unwrap()); example_py.borrow_mut().value = 0; assert!(!example_py.is_true().unwrap()); }) } #[pyclass] pub struct Len { l: usize, } #[pymethods] impl Len { fn __len__(&self) -> usize { self.l } } #[test] fn len() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let inst = Py::new(py, Len { l: 10 }).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, inst, "len(inst) == 10"); unsafe { assert_eq!(ffi::PyObject_Size(inst.as_ptr()), 10); assert_eq!(ffi::PyMapping_Size(inst.as_ptr()), 10); } let inst = Py::new( py, Len { l: (isize::MAX as usize) + 1, }, ) .unwrap(); py_expect_exception!(py, inst, "len(inst)", PyOverflowError); } #[pyclass] struct Iterator { iter: Box + Send>, } #[pymethods] impl Iterator { fn __iter__(slf: PyRef) -> PyRef { slf } fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut) -> Option { } } #[test] fn iterator() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let inst = Py::new( py, Iterator { iter: Box::new(5..8), }, ) .unwrap(); py_assert!(py, inst, "iter(inst) is inst"); py_assert!(py, inst, "list(inst) == [5, 6, 7]"); } #[pyclass] struct Callable; #[pymethods] impl Callable { fn __call__(&self, arg: i32) -> i32 { arg * 6 } } #[pyclass] struct NotCallable; #[test] fn callable() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Py::new(py, Callable).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "callable(c)"); py_assert!(py, c, "c(7) == 42"); let nc = Py::new(py, NotCallable).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, nc, "not callable(nc)"); } #[allow(deprecated)] mod deprecated { use super::*; #[pyclass] struct Callable; #[pymethods] impl Callable { #[__call__] fn __call__(&self, arg: i32) -> i32 { arg * 6 } } #[test] fn callable() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Py::new(py, Callable).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "callable(c)"); py_assert!(py, c, "c(7) == 42"); } } #[pyclass] #[derive(Debug)] struct SetItem { key: i32, val: i32, } #[pymethods] impl SetItem { fn __setitem__(&mut self, key: i32, val: i32) { self.key = key; self.val = val; } } #[test] fn setitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = PyCell::new(py, SetItem { key: 0, val: 0 }).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2"); { let c = c.borrow(); assert_eq!(c.key, 1); assert_eq!(c.val, 2); } py_expect_exception!(py, c, "del c[1]", PyNotImplementedError); } #[pyclass] struct DelItem { key: i32, } #[pymethods] impl DelItem { fn __delitem__(&mut self, key: i32) { self.key = key; } } #[test] fn delitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = PyCell::new(py, DelItem { key: 0 }).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]"); { let c = c.borrow(); assert_eq!(c.key, 1); } py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[1] = 2", PyNotImplementedError); } #[pyclass] struct SetDelItem { val: Option, } #[pymethods] impl SetDelItem { fn __setitem__(&mut self, _key: i32, val: i32) { self.val = Some(val); } fn __delitem__(&mut self, _key: i32) { self.val = None; } } #[test] fn setdelitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = PyCell::new(py, SetDelItem { val: None }).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2"); { let c = c.borrow(); assert_eq!(c.val, Some(2)); } py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]"); let c = c.borrow(); assert_eq!(c.val, None); } #[pyclass] struct Contains {} #[pymethods] impl Contains { fn __contains__(&self, item: i32) -> bool { item >= 0 } } #[test] fn contains() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Py::new(py, Contains {}).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert -1 not in c"); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "assert 'wrong type' not in c", PyTypeError); } #[pyclass] struct GetItem {} #[pymethods] impl GetItem { fn __getitem__(&self, idx: &PyAny) -> PyResult<&'static str> { if let Ok(slice) = idx.cast_as::() { let indices = slice.indices(1000)?; if indices.start == 100 && indices.stop == 200 && indices.step == 1 { return Ok("slice"); } } else if let Ok(idx) = idx.extract::() { if idx == 1 { return Ok("int"); } } Err(PyValueError::new_err("error")) } } #[test] fn test_getitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let ob = Py::new(py, GetItem {}).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, ob, "ob[1] == 'int'"); py_assert!(py, ob, "ob[100:200:1] == 'slice'"); } #[pyclass] struct ClassWithGetAttr { #[pyo3(get, set)] data: u32, } #[pymethods] impl ClassWithGetAttr { fn __getattr__(&self, _name: &str) -> u32 { * 2 } } #[test] fn getattr_doesnt_override_member() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let inst = PyCell::new(py, ClassWithGetAttr { data: 4 }).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, inst, " == 4"); py_assert!(py, inst, "inst.a == 8"); } /// Wraps a Python future and yield it once. #[pyclass] struct OnceFuture { future: PyObject, polled: bool, } #[pymethods] impl OnceFuture { #[new] fn new(future: PyObject) -> Self { OnceFuture { future, polled: false, } } fn __await__(slf: PyRef) -> PyRef { slf } fn __iter__(slf: PyRef) -> PyRef { slf } fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut) -> Option { if !slf.polled { slf.polled = true; Some(slf.future.clone()) } else { None } } } #[test] fn test_await() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let once = py.get_type::(); let source = pyo3::indoc::indoc!( r#" import asyncio import sys async def main(): res = await Once(await asyncio.sleep(0.1)) return res # For an odd error similar to if sys.platform == "win32" and sys.version_info >= (3, 8, 0): asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) # get_event_loop can raise an error: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) assert loop.run_until_complete(main()) is None loop.close() "# ); let globals = PyModule::import(py, "__main__").unwrap().dict(); globals.set_item("Once", once).unwrap();, Some(globals), None) .map_err(|e| e.print(py)) .unwrap(); } /// Increment the count when `__get__` is called. #[pyclass] struct DescrCounter { #[pyo3(get)] count: usize, } #[pymethods] impl DescrCounter { #[new] fn new() -> Self { DescrCounter { count: 0 } } /// Each access will increase the count fn __get__<'a>( mut slf: PyRefMut<'a, Self>, _instance: &PyAny, _owner: Option<&PyType>, ) -> PyRefMut<'a, Self> { slf.count += 1; slf } /// Allow assigning a new counter to the descriptor, copying the count across fn __set__(&self, _instance: &PyAny, new_value: &mut Self) { new_value.count = self.count; } /// Delete to reset the counter fn __delete__(&mut self, _instance: &PyAny) { self.count = 0; } } #[test] fn descr_getset() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let counter = py.get_type::(); let source = pyo3::indoc::indoc!( r#" class Class: counter = Counter() # access via type counter = Class.counter assert counter.count == 1 # access with instance directly assert Counter.__get__(counter, Class()).count == 2 # access via instance c = Class() assert c.counter.count == 3 # __set__ c.counter = Counter() assert c.counter.count == 4 # __delete__ del c.counter assert c.counter.count == 1 "# ); let globals = PyModule::import(py, "__main__").unwrap().dict(); globals.set_item("Counter", counter).unwrap();, Some(globals), None) .map_err(|e| e.print(py)) .unwrap(); } #[pyclass] struct NotHashable; #[pymethods] impl NotHashable { #[classattr] const __hash__: Option = None; } #[test] fn test_hash_opt_out() { // By default Python provides a hash implementation, which can be disabled by setting __hash__ // to None. Python::with_gil(|py| { let empty = Py::new(py, EmptyClass).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, empty, "hash(empty) is not None"); let not_hashable = Py::new(py, NotHashable).unwrap(); py_expect_exception!(py, not_hashable, "hash(not_hashable)", PyTypeError); }) } /// Class with __iter__ gets default contains from CPython. #[pyclass] struct DefaultedContains; #[pymethods] impl DefaultedContains { fn __iter__(&self, py: Python) -> PyObject { PyList::new(py, &["a", "b", "c"]) .as_ref() .iter() .unwrap() .into() } } #[pyclass] struct NoContains; #[pymethods] impl NoContains { fn __iter__(&self, py: Python) -> PyObject { PyList::new(py, &["a", "b", "c"]) .as_ref() .iter() .unwrap() .into() } // Equivalent to the opt-out const form in NotHashable above, just more verbose, to confirm this // also works. #[classattr] fn __contains__() -> Option { None } } #[test] fn test_contains_opt_out() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let defaulted_contains = Py::new(py, DefaultedContains).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, defaulted_contains, "'a' in defaulted_contains"); let no_contains = Py::new(py, NoContains).unwrap(); py_expect_exception!(py, no_contains, "'a' in no_contains", PyTypeError); }) }