error: Python functions cannot have generic type parameters --> tests/ui/ | 4 | fn generic_function(value: T) {} | ^ error: Python functions cannot have `impl Trait` arguments --> tests/ui/ | 7 | fn impl_trait_function(impl_trait: impl AsRef) {} | ^^^^ error: `async fn` is not yet supported for Python functions. Additional crates such as `pyo3-asyncio` can be used to integrate async Rust and Python. For more information, see --> tests/ui/ | 10 | async fn async_function() {} | ^^^^^ error: wildcard argument names are not supported --> tests/ui/ | 13 | fn wildcard_argument(_: i32) {} | ^ error: destructuring in arguments is not supported --> tests/ui/ | 16 | fn destructured_argument((a, b): (i32, i32)) {} | ^^^^^^