language: python cache: pip: true cargo: true matrix: include: - python: "2.7" env: FEATURES=python2 - python: "3.5" env: FEATURES=python3 - python: "3.6" env: FEATURES=python3 - python: "3.7-dev" env: FEATURES=python3 allow_failures: - python: "3.7-dev" env: FEATURES=python3 env: global: - TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION=nightly - RUST_BACKTRACE=1 addons: apt: packages: - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libelf-dev - libdw-dev - cmake - gcc - binutils-dev - libiberty-dev before_install: - source ./ci/travis/ install: - pip install setuptools-rust pytest pytest-benchmark tox script: - ./ci/travis/ deploy: # FIXME: kcov seems to be broken # - provider: script # skip_cleanup: true # script: ./ci/travis/ # on: # branch: master # condition: $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != "cron" - provider: script skip_cleanup: true script: ./ci/travis/ on: branch: master repo: PyO3/pyo3 python: 3.6 condition: $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != "cron" - provider: script skip_cleanup: true script: ./ci/travis/ on: tags: true repo: PyO3/pyo3 python: 3.6 notifications: email: false