use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::rc::Rc; /// A marker type that makes the type !Send. /// Temporal hack until is resolved. pub(crate) type Unsendable = PhantomData>; pub struct PrivateMarker; macro_rules! private_decl { () => { /// This trait is private to implement; this method exists to make it /// impossible to implement outside the crate. fn __private__(&self) -> crate::internal_tricks::PrivateMarker; }; } macro_rules! private_impl { () => { #[doc(hidden)] fn __private__(&self) -> crate::internal_tricks::PrivateMarker { crate::internal_tricks::PrivateMarker } }; } macro_rules! pyo3_exception { ($doc: expr, $name: ident, $base: ty) => { #[doc = $doc] #[repr(transparent)] #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] pub struct $name($crate::PyAny); $crate::impl_exception_boilerplate!($name); $crate::create_exception_type_object!(pyo3_runtime, $name, $base); }; }