#![cfg(feature = "macros")] use pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError; use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::sync::GILOnceCell; use pyo3::types::IntoPyDict; #[pyclass] struct EmptyClassWithNew {} #[pymethods] impl EmptyClassWithNew { #[new] fn new() -> EmptyClassWithNew { EmptyClassWithNew {} } } #[test] fn empty_class_with_new() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); assert!(typeobj .call((), None) .unwrap() .downcast::>() .is_ok()); // Calling with arbitrary args or kwargs is not ok assert!(typeobj.call(("some", "args"), None).is_err()); assert!(typeobj .call((), Some([("some", "kwarg")].into_py_dict(py))) .is_err()); }); } #[pyclass] struct UnitClassWithNew; #[pymethods] impl UnitClassWithNew { #[new] fn new() -> Self { Self } } #[test] fn unit_class_with_new() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); assert!(typeobj .call((), None) .unwrap() .downcast::>() .is_ok()); }); } #[pyclass] struct TupleClassWithNew(i32); #[pymethods] impl TupleClassWithNew { #[new] fn new(arg: i32) -> Self { Self(arg) } } #[test] fn tuple_class_with_new() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let wrp = typeobj.call((42,), None).unwrap(); let obj = wrp.downcast::>().unwrap(); let obj_ref = obj.borrow(); assert_eq!(obj_ref.0, 42); }); } #[pyclass] #[derive(Debug)] struct NewWithOneArg { data: i32, } #[pymethods] impl NewWithOneArg { #[new] fn new(arg: i32) -> NewWithOneArg { NewWithOneArg { data: arg } } } #[test] fn new_with_one_arg() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let wrp = typeobj.call((42,), None).unwrap(); let obj = wrp.downcast::>().unwrap(); let obj_ref = obj.borrow(); assert_eq!(obj_ref.data, 42); }); } #[pyclass] struct NewWithTwoArgs { data1: i32, data2: i32, } #[pymethods] impl NewWithTwoArgs { #[new] fn new(arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> Self { NewWithTwoArgs { data1: arg1, data2: arg2, } } } #[test] fn new_with_two_args() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let wrp = typeobj .call((10, 20), None) .map_err(|e| e.display(py)) .unwrap(); let obj = wrp.downcast::>().unwrap(); let obj_ref = obj.borrow(); assert_eq!(obj_ref.data1, 10); assert_eq!(obj_ref.data2, 20); }); } #[pyclass(subclass)] struct SuperClass { #[pyo3(get)] from_rust: bool, } #[pymethods] impl SuperClass { #[new] fn new() -> Self { SuperClass { from_rust: true } } } /// Checks that `subclass.__new__` works correctly. /// See https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3/issues/947 for the corresponding bug. #[test] fn subclass_new() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let super_cls = py.get_type::(); let source = pyo3::indoc::indoc!( r#" class Class(SuperClass): def __new__(cls): return super().__new__(cls) # This should return an instance of Class @property def from_rust(self): return False c = Class() assert c.from_rust is False "# ); let globals = PyModule::import(py, "__main__") .unwrap() .dict() .as_borrowed(); globals.set_item("SuperClass", super_cls).unwrap(); py.run_bound(source, Some(&globals), None) .map_err(|e| e.display(py)) .unwrap(); }); } #[pyclass] #[derive(Debug)] struct NewWithCustomError {} struct CustomError; impl From for PyErr { fn from(_error: CustomError) -> PyErr { PyValueError::new_err("custom error") } } #[pymethods] impl NewWithCustomError { #[new] fn new() -> Result { Err(CustomError) } } #[test] fn new_with_custom_error() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let err = typeobj.call0().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "ValueError: custom error"); }); } #[pyclass] struct NewExisting { #[pyo3(get)] num: usize, } #[pymethods] impl NewExisting { #[new] fn new(py: pyo3::Python<'_>, val: usize) -> pyo3::Py { static PRE_BUILT: GILOnceCell<[pyo3::Py; 2]> = GILOnceCell::new(); let existing = PRE_BUILT.get_or_init(py, || { [ pyo3::PyCell::new(py, NewExisting { num: 0 }) .unwrap() .into(), pyo3::PyCell::new(py, NewExisting { num: 1 }) .unwrap() .into(), ] }); if val < existing.len() { return existing[val].clone_ref(py); } pyo3::PyCell::new(py, NewExisting { num: val }) .unwrap() .into() } } #[test] fn test_new_existing() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let obj1 = typeobj.call1((0,)).unwrap(); let obj2 = typeobj.call1((0,)).unwrap(); let obj3 = typeobj.call1((1,)).unwrap(); let obj4 = typeobj.call1((1,)).unwrap(); let obj5 = typeobj.call1((2,)).unwrap(); let obj6 = typeobj.call1((2,)).unwrap(); assert!(obj1.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 0); assert!(obj2.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 0); assert!(obj3.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 1); assert!(obj4.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 1); assert!(obj5.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 2); assert!(obj6.getattr("num").unwrap().extract::().unwrap() == 2); assert!(obj1.is(obj2)); assert!(obj3.is(obj4)); assert!(!obj1.is(obj3)); assert!(!obj1.is(obj5)); assert!(!obj5.is(obj6)); }); }