use pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError; use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyString, PyTuple}; use pyo3::PyMappingProtocol; #[macro_use] mod common; #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub struct A<'a> { #[pyo3(attribute)] s: String, #[pyo3(item)] t: &'a PyString, #[pyo3(attribute("foo"))] p: &'a PyAny, } #[pyclass] pub struct PyA { #[pyo3(get)] s: String, #[pyo3(get)] foo: Option, } #[pyproto] impl PyMappingProtocol for PyA { fn __getitem__(&self, key: String) -> pyo3::PyResult { if key == "t" { Ok("bar".into()) } else { Err(PyValueError::new_err("Failed")) } } } #[test] fn test_named_fields_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let pya = PyA { s: "foo".into(), foo: None, }; let py_c = Py::new(py, pya).unwrap(); let a: A = FromPyObject::extract(py_c.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract A from PyA"); assert_eq!(a.s, "foo"); assert_eq!(a.t.to_string_lossy(), "bar"); assert!(a.p.is_none()); } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] #[pyo3(transparent)] pub struct B { test: String, } #[test] fn test_transparent_named_field_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let test = "test".into_py(py); let b: B = FromPyObject::extract(test.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract B from String"); assert_eq!(b.test, "test"); let test: PyObject = 1.into_py(py); let b = B::extract(test.as_ref(py)); assert!(b.is_err()) } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] #[pyo3(transparent)] pub struct D { test: T, } #[test] fn test_generic_transparent_named_field_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let test = "test".into_py(py); let d: D = D::extract(test.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract D from String"); assert_eq!(d.test, "test"); let test = 1usize.into_py(py); let d: D = D::extract(test.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract D from String"); assert_eq!(d.test, 1); } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub struct E { test: T, test2: T2, } #[pyclass] pub struct PyE { #[pyo3(get)] test: String, #[pyo3(get)] test2: usize, } #[test] fn test_generic_named_fields_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let pye = PyE { test: "test".into(), test2: 2, } .into_py(py); let e: E = E::extract(pye.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract E from PyE"); assert_eq!(e.test, "test"); assert_eq!(e.test2, 2); let e = E::::extract(pye.as_ref(py)); assert!(e.is_err()); } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub struct C { #[pyo3(attribute("test"))] test: String, } #[test] fn test_named_field_with_ext_fn() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let pyc = PyE { test: "foo".into(), test2: 0, } .into_py(py); let c = C::extract(pyc.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract C from PyE"); assert_eq!(c.test, "foo"); } #[derive(FromPyObject)] pub struct Tuple(String, usize); #[test] fn test_tuple_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let tup = PyTuple::new(py, &[1.into_py(py), "test".into_py(py)]); let tup = Tuple::extract(tup.as_ref()); assert!(tup.is_err()); let tup = PyTuple::new(py, &["test".into_py(py), 1.into_py(py)]); let tup = Tuple::extract(tup.as_ref()).expect("Failed to extract Tuple from PyTuple"); assert_eq!(tup.0, "test"); assert_eq!(tup.1, 1); } #[derive(FromPyObject)] pub struct TransparentTuple(String); #[test] fn test_transparent_tuple_struct() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let tup: PyObject = 1.into_py(py); let tup = TransparentTuple::extract(tup.as_ref(py)); assert!(tup.is_err()); let test = "test".into_py(py); let tup = TransparentTuple::extract(test.as_ref(py)) .expect("Failed to extract TransparentTuple from PyTuple"); assert_eq!(tup.0, "test"); } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub enum Foo<'a> { TupleVar(usize, String), StructVar { test: &'a PyString, }, #[pyo3(transparent)] TransparentTuple(usize), #[pyo3(transparent)] TransparentStructVar { a: Option, }, StructVarGetAttrArg { #[pyo3(attribute("bla"))] a: bool, }, StructWithGetItem { #[pyo3(item)] a: String, }, StructWithGetItemArg { #[pyo3(item("foo"))] a: String, }, #[pyo3(transparent)] CatchAll(&'a PyAny), } #[pyclass] pub struct PyBool { #[pyo3(get)] bla: bool, } #[test] fn test_enum() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let tup = PyTuple::new(py, &[1.into_py(py), "test".into_py(py)]); let f = Foo::extract(tup.as_ref()).expect("Failed to extract Foo from tuple"); match f { Foo::TupleVar(test, test2) => { assert_eq!(test, 1); assert_eq!(test2, "test"); } _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::TupleVar, got {:?}", f), } let pye = PyE { test: "foo".into(), test2: 0, } .into_py(py); let f = Foo::extract(pye.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract Foo from PyE"); match f { Foo::StructVar { test } => assert_eq!(test.to_string_lossy(), "foo"), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::StructVar, got {:?}", f), } let int: PyObject = 1.into_py(py); let f = Foo::extract(int.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract Foo from int"); match f { Foo::TransparentTuple(test) => assert_eq!(test, 1), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::TransparentTuple, got {:?}", f), } let none = py.None(); let f = Foo::extract(none.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract Foo from int"); match f { Foo::TransparentStructVar { a } => assert!(a.is_none()), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::TransparentStructVar, got {:?}", f), } let pybool = PyBool { bla: true }.into_py(py); let f = Foo::extract(pybool.as_ref(py)).expect("Failed to extract Foo from PyBool"); match f { Foo::StructVarGetAttrArg { a } => assert!(a), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::StructVarGetAttrArg, got {:?}", f), } let dict = PyDict::new(py); dict.set_item("a", "test").expect("Failed to set item"); let f = Foo::extract(dict.as_ref()).expect("Failed to extract Foo from dict"); match f { Foo::StructWithGetItem { a } => assert_eq!(a, "test"), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::StructWithGetItem, got {:?}", f), } let dict = PyDict::new(py); dict.set_item("foo", "test").expect("Failed to set item"); let f = Foo::extract(dict.as_ref()).expect("Failed to extract Foo from dict"); match f { Foo::StructWithGetItemArg { a } => assert_eq!(a, "test"), _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::StructWithGetItemArg, got {:?}", f), } let dict = PyDict::new(py); let f = Foo::extract(dict.as_ref()).expect("Failed to extract Foo from dict"); match f { Foo::CatchAll(any) => { let d = <&PyDict>::extract(any).expect("Expected pydict"); assert!(d.is_empty()); } _ => panic!("Expected extracting Foo::CatchAll, got {:?}", f), } } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub enum Bar { #[pyo3(annotation = "str")] A(String), #[pyo3(annotation = "uint")] B(usize), #[pyo3(annotation = "int", transparent)] C(isize), } #[test] fn test_err_rename() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let dict = PyDict::new(py); let f = Bar::extract(dict.as_ref()); assert!(f.is_err()); assert_eq!( f.unwrap_err().to_string(), "TypeError: 'dict' object cannot be converted to 'Union[str, uint, int]'" ); } #[derive(Debug, FromPyObject)] pub struct Zap { #[pyo3(item)] name: String, #[pyo3(from_py_with = "PyAny::len", item("my_object"))] some_object_length: usize, } #[test] fn test_from_py_with() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let py_zap = py .eval( r#"{"name": "whatever", "my_object": [1, 2, 3]}"#, None, None, ) .expect("failed to create dict"); let zap = Zap::extract(py_zap).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "whatever"); assert_eq!(zap.some_object_length, 3usize); }); }