use std::env; use std::io::Write; const CFG_KEY: &'static str = "py_sys_config"; #[cfg(feature="python3-sys")] const PYTHONSYS_ENV_VAR: &'static str = "DEP_PYTHON3_PYTHON_FLAGS"; fn main() { // python{27,3.x}-sys/ passes python interpreter compile flags via // environment variable (using the 'links' mechanism in the cargo.toml). let flags = match env::var(PYTHONSYS_ENV_VAR) { Ok(flags) => flags, Err(_) => { writeln!(std::io::stderr(), "Environment variable {} not found - this is supposed to be \ exported from the pythonXX-sys dependency, so the build chain is broken", PYTHONSYS_ENV_VAR).unwrap(); std::process::exit(1); } }; if flags.len() > 0 { for f in flags.split(",") { // write out flags as --cfg so that the same #cfg blocks can be used // in rust-cpython as in the -sys libs if f.starts_with("CFG") { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", &f[4..]) } else { let key_and_val: Vec<&str> = f.split("=").collect(); let key = key_and_val[0]; let val = key_and_val[1]; if key.starts_with("FLAG") { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}=\"{}\"", CFG_KEY, &key[5..]); } else { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}=\"{}_{}\"", CFG_KEY, &key[4..], val); } } } } }