//! Ensure that pyo3 macros can be used inside macro_rules! use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::wrap_pyfunction; #[macro_use] mod common; macro_rules! make_struct_using_macro { // Ensure that one doesn't need to fall back on the escape type: tt // in order to macro create pyclass. ($class_name:ident, $py_name:literal) => { #[pyclass(name=$py_name)] struct $class_name {} }; } make_struct_using_macro!(MyBaseClass, "MyClass"); macro_rules! set_extends_via_macro { ($class_name:ident, $base_class:path) => { // Try and pass a variable into the extends parameter #[pyclass(extends=$base_class)] struct $class_name {} }; } set_extends_via_macro!(MyClass2, MyBaseClass); // // Check that pyfunctiona nd text_signature can be called with macro arguments. // macro_rules! fn_macro { ($sig:literal, $a_exp:expr, $b_exp:expr, $c_exp: expr) => { // Try and pass a variable into the extends parameter #[pyfunction($a_exp, $b_exp, "*", $c_exp)] #[pyo3(text_signature = $sig)] fn my_function_in_macro(a: i32, b: Option, c: i32) { let _ = (a, b, c); } }; } fn_macro!("(a, b=None, *, c=42)", a, b = "None", c = 42); #[test] fn test_macro_rules_interactions() { Python::with_gil(|py| { let my_base = py.get_type::(); py_assert!(py, my_base, "my_base.__name__ == 'MyClass'"); let my_func = wrap_pyfunction!(my_function_in_macro, py).unwrap(); py_assert!( py, my_func, "my_func.__text_signature__ == '(a, b=None, *, c=42)'" ); }); }