switch to using macro for test & change test name

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Jacob Lifshay 2019-10-18 16:20:16 -07:00
parent 85492842ac
commit f55037c377
1 changed files with 22 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -335,8 +335,6 @@ mod bigint_conversion {
use crate::types::{PyDict, PyModule};
use indoc::indoc;
use num_traits::{One, Zero};
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::fmt;
fn python_fib(py: Python) -> &PyModule {
let fib_code = indoc!(
@ -423,46 +421,34 @@ mod bigint_conversion {
assert_eq!(zero, BigInt::from(0));
/// `OverflowError` on converting python int to BigInt
/// `OverflowError` on converting python int to BigInt, see issue #629
fn issue_629() {
fn check_overflow() {
let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
let py = gil.python();
fn test<T>(value: T, py: Python)
T: 'static
+ Clone
+ ToPyObject
+ for<'a> FromPyObject<'a>
+ Eq
+ fmt::Display
+ fmt::Debug,
let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>();
let type_name = if type_id == TypeId::of::<BigInt>() {
} else {
assert_eq!(type_id, TypeId::of::<BigUint>());
macro_rules! test {
($T:ty, $value:expr, $py:expr) => {
let value = $value;
println!("{}: {}", stringify!($T), value);
let python_value = value.clone().to_object(py);
let roundtrip_value = python_value.extract::<$T>(py).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, roundtrip_value);
println!("{}: {}", type_name, value);
let python_value = value.clone().to_object(py);
let roundtrip_value = python_value.extract::<T>(py).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, roundtrip_value);
for i in 0..=256usize {
test(BigInt::from(i), py);
test(BigUint::from(i), py);
test(-BigInt::from(i), py);
test(BigInt::one() << i, py);
test(BigUint::one() << i, py);
test(-BigInt::one() << i, py);
test((BigInt::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test((BigUint::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test((-BigInt::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test((BigInt::one() << i) - 1u32, py);
test((BigUint::one() << i) - 1u32, py);
test((-BigInt::one() << i) - 1u32, py);
// test a lot of values to help catch other bugs too
test!(BigInt, BigInt::from(i), py);
test!(BigUint, BigUint::from(i), py);
test!(BigInt, -BigInt::from(i), py);
test!(BigInt, BigInt::one() << i, py);
test!(BigUint, BigUint::one() << i, py);
test!(BigInt, -BigInt::one() << i, py);
test!(BigInt, (BigInt::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test!(BigUint, (BigUint::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test!(BigInt, (-BigInt::one() << i) + 1u32, py);
test!(BigInt, (BigInt::one() << i) - 1u32, py);
test!(BigUint, (BigUint::one() << i) - 1u32, py);
test!(BigInt, (-BigInt::one() << i) - 1u32, py);