Improve Py<...> documentation

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mejrs 2021-07-03 03:31:05 +02:00
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@ -32,21 +32,142 @@ pub unsafe trait PyNativeType: Sized {
/// A Python object of known type T.
/// A GIL-independent reference to an object allocated on the Python heap.
/// Accessing this object is thread-safe, since any access to its API requires a `Python<'py>` GIL
/// token. There are a few different ways to use the Python object contained:
/// - [`Py::as_ref`](#method.as_ref) to borrow a GIL-bound reference to the contained object.
/// - [`Py::borrow`](#method.borrow), [`Py::try_borrow`](#method.try_borrow),
/// [`Py::borrow_mut`](#method.borrow_mut), or [`Py::try_borrow_mut`](#method.try_borrow_mut),
/// to directly access a `#[pyclass]` value (which has RefCell-like behavior, see
/// [the `PyCell` guide entry](
/// ).
/// - Use methods directly on `Py`, such as [`Py::call`]( and
/// [`Py::call_method`](#method.call_method).
/// This type does not auto-dereference to the inner object because you must prove you hold the GIL to access it.
/// Instead, call one of its methods to access the inner object:
/// - [`Py::as_ref`], to borrow a GIL-bound reference to the contained object.
/// - [`Py::borrow`], [`Py::try_borrow`], [`Py::borrow_mut`], or [`Py::try_borrow_mut`],
/// to get a (mutable) reference to a contained pyclass, using a scheme similar to std's [`RefCell`].
/// See the [`PyCell` guide entry](
/// for more information.
/// - You can call methods directly on `Py` with [`Py::call`], [`Py::call_method`] and friends.
/// These require passing in the [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) token but are otherwise similar to the corresponding
/// methods on [`PyAny`].
/// See [the guide]( for an explanation
/// of the different Python object types.
/// # Example: Storing Python objects in structs
/// As all the native Python objects only appear as references, storing them in structs doesn't work well.
/// For example, there is no way to make something like this compile!
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// # use pyo3::types::PyDict;
/// #
/// struct Foo<'py> {
/// inner: &'py PyDict,
/// }
/// impl Foo {
/// fn new() -> Foo {
/// let foo = Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// // `py` will only last for this scope.
/// // `&PyDict` derives its lifetime from `py` and
/// // so won't be able to outlive this closure.
/// let dict: &PyDict = PyDict::new(py);
/// // because `Foo` contains `dict` its lifetime
/// // is now also tied to `py`.
/// Foo { inner: dict }
/// });
/// // Foo is no longer valid.
/// // Returning it from this function is a 💥 compiler error 💥
/// foo
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Py`]`<T>` can be used to get around this by converting `dict` into a GIL-independent reference:
/// ```rust
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// # use pyo3::types::PyDict;
/// #
/// struct Foo {
/// inner: Py<PyDict>,
/// }
/// impl Foo {
/// fn new() -> Foo {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let dict: Py<PyDict> = PyDict::new(py).into();
/// Foo { inner: dict }
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// This can also be done with other pyclasses:
/// ```rust
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// #[pyclass]
/// struct Bar {/* fields omitted */}
/// struct Foo {
/// inner: Py<Bar>,
/// }
/// impl Foo {
/// fn new() -> PyResult<Foo> {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let bar: Py<Bar> = Py::new(py, Bar {})?;
/// Ok(Foo { inner: bar })
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Example: Shared ownership of Python objects
/// `Py<T>` can be used to share ownership of a Python object, similar to std's [`Rc`]`<T>`.
/// As with [`Rc`]`<T>`, cloning it increases its reference count rather than duplicating
/// the underlying object.
/// This can be done using either [`Py::clone_ref`] or [`Py`]`<T>`'s [`Clone`] trait implementation.
/// [`Py::clone_ref`] will be faster if you happen to be already holding the GIL.
/// ```rust
/// use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// use pyo3::types::PyDict;
/// use pyo3::conversion::AsPyPointer;
/// # fn main() {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let first: Py<PyDict> = PyDict::new(py).into();
/// // All of these are valid syntax
/// let second = Py::clone_ref(&first, py);
/// let third = first.clone_ref(py);
/// let fourth = Py::clone(&first);
/// let fifth = first.clone();
/// // Disposing of our original `Py<PyDict>` just decrements the reference count.
/// drop(first);
/// // They all point to the same object
/// assert_eq!(second.as_ptr(), third.as_ptr());
/// assert_eq!(fourth.as_ptr(), fifth.as_ptr());
/// assert_eq!(second.as_ptr(), fourth.as_ptr());
/// });
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Preventing reference cycles
/// It is easy to accidentally create reference cycles using [`Py`]`<T>`.
/// The Python interpreter can break these reference cycles within pyclasses if they
/// implement the [`PyGCProtocol`](crate::class::gc::PyGCProtocol). If you permit your pyclass
/// to create reference cycles you should implement this protocol to avoid leaking memory.
/// # A note on `Send` and `Sync`
/// Accessing this object is threadsafe, since any access to its API requires a [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) token.
/// As you can only get this by acquiring the GIL, `Py<...>` is safe against concurrent access.
/// [`Rc`]: std::rc::Rc
/// [`RefCell`]: std::cell::RefCell
pub struct Py<T>(NonNull<ffi::PyObject>, PhantomData<T>);
@ -57,7 +178,24 @@ impl<T> Py<T>
T: PyClass,
/// Create a new instance `Py<T>` of a `#[pyclass]` on the Python heap.
/// Creates a new instance `Py<T>` of a `#[pyclass]` on the Python heap.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #[pyclass]
/// struct Foo {/* fields omitted */}
/// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<Py<Foo>> {
/// let foo: Py<Foo> = Py::new(py, Foo {})?;
/// Ok(foo)
/// })?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new(py: Python, value: impl Into<PyClassInitializer<T>>) -> PyResult<Py<T>> {
let initializer = value.into();
let obj = initializer.create_cell(py)?;
@ -71,55 +209,82 @@ where
T: PyTypeInfo,
/// Borrows a GIL-bound reference to the contained `T`. By binding to the GIL lifetime, this
/// allows the GIL-bound reference to not require `Python` for any of its methods.
/// allows the GIL-bound reference to not require [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) for any of its methods,
/// which makes calling methods on it more ergonomic.
/// For native types, this reference is `&T`. For pyclasses, this is `&PyCell<T>`.
/// Note that the lifetime of the returned reference is the shortest of `&self` and
/// [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python).
/// Consider using [`Py::into_ref`] instead if this poses a problem.
/// # Examples
/// Get access to `&PyList` from `Py<PyList>`:
/// ```
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// # use pyo3::types::PyList;
/// # Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let list: Py<PyList> = PyList::empty(py).into();
/// let list: &PyList = list.as_ref(py);
/// assert_eq!(list.len(), 0);
/// # });
/// #
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let list: Py<PyList> = PyList::empty(py).into();
/// let list: &PyList = list.as_ref(py);
/// assert_eq!(list.len(), 0);
/// });
/// ```
/// Get access to `&PyCell<MyClass>` from `Py<MyClass>`:
/// ```
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// #[pyclass]
/// struct MyClass { }
/// # Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let my_class: Py<MyClass> = Py::new(py, MyClass { }).unwrap();
/// let my_class_cell: &PyCell<MyClass> = my_class.as_ref(py);
/// assert!(my_class_cell.try_borrow().is_ok());
/// # });
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let my_class: Py<MyClass> = Py::new(py, MyClass { }).unwrap();
/// let my_class_cell: &PyCell<MyClass> = my_class.as_ref(py);
/// assert!(my_class_cell.try_borrow().is_ok());
/// });
/// ```
pub fn as_ref<'py>(&'py self, _py: Python<'py>) -> &'py T::AsRefTarget {
let any = self.as_ptr() as *const PyAny;
unsafe { PyNativeType::unchecked_downcast(&*any) }
/// Similar to [`as_ref`](#method.as_ref), and also consumes this `Py` and registers the
/// Similar to [`as_ref`](#method.as_ref) but consumes `self` and registers the
/// Python object reference in PyO3's object storage. The reference count for the Python
/// object will not be decreased until the GIL lifetime ends.
/// # Examples
/// Useful when returning GIL-bound references from functions. In the snippet below, note that
/// the `'py` lifetime of the input GIL lifetime is also given to the returned reference:
/// ```
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// fn new_py_any<'py>(py: Python<'py>, value: impl IntoPy<PyObject>) -> &'py PyAny {
/// let obj: PyObject = value.into_py(py);
/// [`Py::as_ref`]'s lifetime limitation forbids creating a function that references a .
/// // .as_ref(py) would not be suitable here, because a reference to `obj` may not be
/// // returned from the function.
/// ```rust,compile_fail
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// fn new_py_any<'py>(py: Python<'py>, value: impl IntoPy<Py<PyAny>>) -> &'py PyAny {
/// let obj: Py<PyAny> = value.into_py(py);
/// // The lifetime of the return value of this function is the shortest
/// // of `obj` and `py`. As `obj` is owned by the current function,
/// // Rust won't let the return value escape this function!
/// obj.as_ref(py)
/// }
/// ```
///This can be solved by using [`Py::into_ref`] instead, which does not suffer from this issue.
/// Note that the lifetime of the [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) token is transferred to
/// the returned reference.
/// ```rust
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// fn new_py_any<'py>(py: Python<'py>, value: impl IntoPy<Py<PyAny>>) -> &'py PyAny {
/// let obj: Py<PyAny> = value.into_py(py);
/// // This reference's lifetime is determined by `py`'s lifetime.
/// // Because that originates from outside this function,
/// // this return value is allowed.
/// obj.into_ref(py)
/// }
/// ```
@ -132,22 +297,72 @@ impl<T> Py<T>
T: PyClass,
/// Immutably borrows the value `T`. This borrow lasts untill the returned `PyRef` exists.
/// Immutably borrows the value `T`.
/// This borrow lasts while the returned [`PyRef`] exists.
/// Multiple immutable borrows can be taken out at the same time.
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).borrow()` -
/// see [`PyCell::borrow`](../pycell/struct.PyCell.html#method.borrow)
/// see [`PyCell::borrow`](crate::pycell::PyCell::borrow)
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// #[pyclass]
/// struct Foo {
/// inner: u8,
/// }
/// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
/// let foo: Py<Foo> = Py::new(py, Foo { inner: 73 })?;
/// let inner: &u8 = &foo.borrow(py).inner;
/// assert_eq!(*inner, 73);
/// Ok(())
/// })?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the value is currently mutably borrowed. For a non-panicking variant, use
/// [`try_borrow`](#method.try_borrow).
pub fn borrow<'py>(&'py self, py: Python<'py>) -> PyRef<'py, T> {
/// Mutably borrows the value `T`. This borrow lasts untill the returned `PyRefMut` exists.
/// Mutably borrows the value `T`.
/// This borrow lasts while the returned [`PyRefMut`] exists.
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).borrow_mut()` -
/// see [`PyCell::borrow_mut`](../pycell/struct.PyCell.html#method.borrow_mut)
/// see [`PyCell::borrow_mut`](crate::pycell::PyCell::borrow_mut)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// #
/// #[pyclass]
/// struct Foo {
/// inner: u8,
/// }
/// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
/// let foo: Py<Foo> = Py::new(py, Foo { inner: 73 })?;
/// foo.borrow_mut(py).inner = 35;
/// assert_eq!(foo.borrow(py).inner, 35);
/// Ok(())
/// })?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the value is currently mutably borrowed. For a non-panicking variant, use
@ -156,24 +371,26 @@ where
/// Immutably borrows the value `T`, returning an error if the value is currently
/// mutably borrowed. This borrow lasts untill the returned `PyRef` exists.
/// Attempts to immutably borrow the value `T`, returning an error if the value is currently mutably borrowed.
/// The borrow lasts while the returned [`PyRef`] exists.
/// This is the non-panicking variant of [`borrow`](#method.borrow).
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).try_borrow()` -
/// see [`PyCell::try_borrow`](../pycell/struct.PyCell.html#method.try_borrow)
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).borrow_mut()` -
/// see [`PyCell::try_borrow`](crate::pycell::PyCell::try_borrow).
pub fn try_borrow<'py>(&'py self, py: Python<'py>) -> Result<PyRef<'py, T>, PyBorrowError> {
/// Mutably borrows the value `T`, returning an error if the value is currently borrowed.
/// This borrow lasts untill the returned `PyRefMut` exists.
/// Attempts to immutably borrow the value `T`, returning an error if the value is currently borrowed.
/// The borrow lasts while the returned [`PyRefMut`] exists.
/// This is the non-panicking variant of [`borrow_mut`](#method.borrow_mut).
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).try_borrow_mut() -
/// see [`PyCell::try_borrow_mut`](../pycell/struct.PyCell.html#method.try_borrow_mut)
/// Equivalent to `self.as_ref(py).try_borrow_mut()` -
/// see [`PyCell::try_borrow_mut`](crate::pycell::PyCell::try_borrow_mut).
pub fn try_borrow_mut<'py>(
&'py self,
py: Python<'py>,
@ -189,7 +406,29 @@ impl<T> Py<T> {
unsafe { ffi::Py_REFCNT(self.0.as_ptr()) }
/// Clones self by calling `Py_INCREF()` on the ptr.
/// Makes a clone of `self`.
/// This creates another pointer to the same object, increasing its reference count.
/// You should prefer using this method over [`Clone`] if you happen to be holding the GIL already.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// use pyo3::types::PyDict;
/// use pyo3::conversion::AsPyPointer;
/// # fn main() {
/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
/// let first: Py<PyDict> = PyDict::new(py).into();
/// let second = Py::clone_ref(&first, py);
/// // Both point to the same object
/// assert_eq!(first.as_ptr(), second.as_ptr());
/// });
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn clone_ref(&self, py: Python) -> Py<T> {
unsafe { Py::from_borrowed_ptr(py, self.0.as_ptr()) }
@ -524,6 +763,9 @@ impl<T> PartialEq for Py<T> {
/// If the GIL is held this increments `self`'s reference count.
/// Otherwise this registers the [`Py`]`<T>` instance to have its reference count
/// incremented the next time PyO3 acquires the GIL.
impl<T> Clone for Py<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe {