Add PyBuffer::to_vec(). Avoids unnecessary zero-initialization when creating a Vec from a buffer.

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Daniel Grunwald 2017-01-21 00:40:32 +01:00
parent e3d6ac2ca8
commit ca4203e4db
2 changed files with 52 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -405,6 +405,44 @@ impl PyBuffer {
/// Copies the buffer elements to a newly allocated vector.
/// If the buffer is multi-dimensional, the elements are written in C-style order.
/// Fails if the buffer format is not compatible with type `T`.
pub fn to_vec<T: Element+Copy>(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
self.to_vec_impl(py, b'C')
/// Copies the buffer elements to a newly allocated vector.
/// If the buffer is multi-dimensional, the elements are written in Fortran-style order.
/// Fails if the buffer format is not compatible with type `T`.
pub fn to_fortran_vec<T: Element+Copy>(&self, py: Python) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
self.to_vec_impl(py, b'F')
fn to_vec_impl<T: Element+Copy>(&self, py: Python, fort: u8) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
if !T::is_compatible_format(self.format()) || mem::size_of::<T>() != self.item_size() {
let item_count = self.item_count();
let mut vec: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(item_count);
unsafe {
// Copy the buffer into the uninitialized space in the vector.
// Due to T:Copy, we don't need to be concerned with Drop impls.
err::error_on_minusone(py, ffi::PyBuffer_ToContiguous(
vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void,
&*self.0 as *const ffi::Py_buffer as *mut ffi::Py_buffer,
fort as libc::c_char
// set vector length to mark the now-initialized space as usable
/// Copies the specified slice into the buffer.
/// If the buffer is multi-dimensional, the elements in the slice are expected to be in C-style order.
@ -568,9 +606,13 @@ mod test {
assert!(buffer.copy_to_slice(py, &mut [0u8]).is_err());
let mut arr = [0; 5];
buffer.copy_to_slice(py, &mut arr).unwrap();
assert_eq!(arr, [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'd', b'e']);
assert_eq!(arr, b"abcde" as &[u8]);
assert!(buffer.copy_from_slice(py, &[0u8; 5]).is_err());
assert_eq!(buffer.to_vec::<u8>(py).unwrap(), b"abcde");
@ -601,6 +643,8 @@ mod test {
buffer.copy_from_slice(py, &[10.0f32, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(slice[2].get(), 12.0);
assert_eq!(buffer.to_vec::<f32>(py).unwrap(), [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]);

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@ -229,17 +229,18 @@ impl <'source, T> FromPyObject<'source> for Vec<T>
impl <'source, T> FromPyObject<'source> for Vec<T>
where for<'a> T: FromPyObject<'a> + buffer::Element + Default + Copy
where for<'a> T: FromPyObject<'a> + buffer::Element + Copy
fn extract(py: Python, obj: &'source PyObject) -> PyResult<Self> {
// first try buffer protocol
if let Ok(buf) = buffer::PyBuffer::get(py, obj) {
if buf.dimensions() == 1 && buf.item_size() == mem::size_of::<T>() && T::is_compatible_format(buf.format()) {
let mut v = vec![T::default(); buf.item_count()];
buf.copy_to_slice(py, &mut v)?;
return Ok(v);
if buf.dimensions() == 1 {
if let Ok(v) = buf.to_vec::<T>(py) {
return Ok(v);
// fall back to sequence protocol
extract_sequence(py, obj)