add migration notes for PyO3 0.18

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David Hewitt 2023-01-15 13:34:59 +00:00
parent 72c561ce13
commit ca1bbe3d39
1 changed files with 64 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,70 @@
This guide can help you upgrade code through breaking changes from one PyO3 version to the next.
For a detailed list of all changes, see the [CHANGELOG](
## from 0.17.* to 0.18
### Required arguments after `Option<_>` arguments will no longer be automatically inferred
In `#[pyfunction]` and `#[pymethods]`, if a "required" function input such as `i32` came after an `Option<_>` input, then the `Option<_>` would be implicitly treated as required. (All trailing `Option<_>` arguments were treated as optional with a default value of `None`).
Starting with PyO3 0.18, this is deprecated and a future PyO3 version will require a [`#[pyo3(signature = (...))]` option](./function/ to explicitly declare the programmer's intention.
Before, x in the below example would be required to be passed from Python code:
# #![allow(dead_code)]
# use pyo3::prelude::*;
fn required_argument_after_option(x: Option<i32>, y: i32) { }
After, specify the intended Python signature explicitly:
# #![allow(dead_code)]
# use pyo3::prelude::*;
// If x really was intended to be required
#[pyfunction(signature = (x, y))]
fn required_argument_after_option_a(x: Option<i32>, y: i32) { }
// If x was intended to be optional, y needs a default too
#[pyfunction(signature = (x=None, y=0))]
fn required_argument_after_option_b(x: Option<i32>, y: i32) { }
### `__text_signature__` is now automatically generated for `#[pyfunction]` and `#[pymethods]`
The [`#[pyo3(text_signature = "...")]` option](./function/ was previously the only supported way to set the `__text_signature__` attribute on generated Python functions.
PyO3 is now able to automatically populate `__text_signature__` for all functions automatically based on their Rust signature (or the [new `#[pyo3(signature = (...))]` option](./function/ These automatically-generated `__text_signature__` values will currently only render `...` for all default values. Many `#[pyo3(text_signature = "...")]` options can be removed from functions when updating to PyO3 0.18, however in cases with default values a manual implementation may still be preferred for now.
As examples:
# use pyo3::prelude::*;
// The `text_signature` option here is no longer necessary, as PyO3 will automatically
// generate exactly the same value.
#[pyfunction(text_signature = "(a, b, c)")]
fn simple_function(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) {}
// The `text_signature` still provides value here as of PyO3 0.18, because the automatically
// generated signature would be "(a, b=..., c=...)".
#[pyfunction(signature = (a, b = 1, c = 2), text_signature = "(a, b=1, c=2)")]
fn function_with_defaults(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) {}
# fn main() {
# Python::with_gil(|py| {
# let simple = wrap_pyfunction!(simple_function, py).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(simple.getattr("__text_signature__").unwrap().to_string(), "(a, b, c)");
# let defaulted = wrap_pyfunction!(function_with_defaults, py).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(defaulted.getattr("__text_signature__").unwrap().to_string(), "(a, b=1, c=2)");
# })
# }
## from 0.16.* to 0.17
### Type checks have been changed for `PyMapping` and `PySequence` types