This is notes for the current process of releasing a new PyO3 version. Replace `<version>` in all instructions below with the new version.
## 1. Prepare the release commit
Follow the process below to update all required pieces to bump the version. All these changes are done in a single commit because it makes it clear to git readers what happened to bump the version. It also makes it easy to cherry-pick the version bump onto the `main` branch when tidying up branch history at the end of the release process.
2. Run `towncrier build` to generate the CHANGELOG. The version used by `towncrier` should automatically be correct because of the update to `pyproject.toml` in step 1.
3. Manually edit the CHANGELOG for final notes. Steps to do:
- Adjust wording of any release lines to make them clearer for users / fix typos.
- Add a new link at the bottom for the new version, and update the `Unreleased` link.
4. Create the commit containing all the above changes, with a message of `release: <version>`. Push to `release-<BRANCH_VER>` branch on the main PyO3 repository, where `<BRANCH_VER>` depends on whether this is a major or minor release:
- for O.X.0 minor releases, just use `0.X`, e.g. `release-0.17`. This will become the maintenance branch after release.
- for 0.X.Y patch releases, use the full `0.X.Y`, e.g. `release-0.17.1`. This will be deleted after merge.
## 2. Create the release PR and draft release notes
Open a PR for the branch, and confirm that it passes CI. For `0.X.0` minor releases, the PR should be merging into `main`, for `0.X.Y` patch releases, the PR should be merging the `release-0.X` maintenance branch.
On, click "Draft a new release". The tag will be a new tag of `v<version>` (note preceding `v`) and target should be the `release-<BRANCH_VER>` branch you just pushed.
Write release notes which match the style of previous releases. You can get the list of contributors by running `nox -s contributors -- v<prev-version> release-<BRANCH_VER>` to get contributors from the previous version tag through to the branch tip you just pushed. (This uses the GitHub API, so you'll need to push the branch first.)
Wait a couple of days in case anyone wants to hold up the release to add bugfixes etc.
## 4. Put live
To put live:
- 1. run `nox -s publish` to put live on
- 2. publish the release on Github
- 3. merge the release PR
## 5. Tidy the main branch
If the release PR targeted a branch other than main, you will need to cherry-pick the version bumps, CHANGELOG modifications and removal of towncrier `newsfragments` and open another PR to land these on main.