When running the test suite in CI (where requests are centralized from relatively few IPs), we'd occasionally hit Dockerhub's rate limits. Luckily Hashicorp runs a (limited) public mirror of the containers we need, so we can switch to them here in the tests. For consistency between developer and CI, we've opted to have the tests always pull from the Hashicorp mirror, rather than updating the CI runner to prefer the mirror. We exclude nomad and influxdb as we don't presently mirror these repos. Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com> Signed-off-by: Alexander Scheel <alex.scheel@hashicorp.com>
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package cockroachdb
import (
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
type Config struct {
TableName string
HATableName string
var _ docker.ServiceConfig = &Config{}
func prepareCockroachDBTestContainer(t *testing.T) (func(), *Config) {
if retURL := os.Getenv("CR_URL"); retURL != "" {
s, err := docker.NewServiceURLParse(retURL)
if err != nil {
return func() {}, &Config{
ServiceURL: *s,
TableName: "vault." + defaultTableName,
HATableName: "vault." + defaultHATableName,
runner, err := docker.NewServiceRunner(docker.RunOptions{
ImageRepo: "docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/cockroachdb/cockroach",
ImageTag: "release-1.0",
ContainerName: "cockroachdb",
Cmd: []string{"start", "--insecure"},
Ports: []string{"26257/tcp"},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start docker CockroachDB: %s", err)
svc, err := runner.StartService(context.Background(), connectCockroachDB)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start docker CockroachDB: %s", err)
return svc.Cleanup, svc.Config.(*Config)
func connectCockroachDB(ctx context.Context, host string, port int) (docker.ServiceConfig, error) {
u := url.URL{
Scheme: "postgresql",
User: url.UserPassword("root", ""),
Host: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port),
RawQuery: "sslmode=disable",
db, err := sql.Open("pgx", u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer db.Close()
database := "vault"
_, err = db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s", database))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Config{
ServiceURL: *docker.NewServiceURL(u),
TableName: database + "." + defaultTableName,
HATableName: database + "." + defaultHATableName,
}, nil
func TestCockroachDBBackend(t *testing.T) {
cleanup, config := prepareCockroachDBTestContainer(t)
defer cleanup()
hae := os.Getenv("CR_HA_ENABLED")
if hae == "" {
hae = "true"
// Run vault tests
logger := logging.NewVaultLogger(log.Debug)
b1, err := NewCockroachDBBackend(map[string]string{
"connection_url": config.URL().String(),
"table": config.TableName,
"ha_table": config.HATableName,
"ha_enabled": hae,
}, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
b2, err := NewCockroachDBBackend(map[string]string{
"connection_url": config.URL().String(),
"table": config.TableName,
"ha_table": config.HATableName,
"ha_enabled": hae,
}, logger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create new backend: %v", err)
defer func() {
truncate(t, b1)
truncate(t, b2)
physical.ExerciseBackend(t, b1)
truncate(t, b1)
physical.ExerciseBackend_ListPrefix(t, b1)
truncate(t, b1)
physical.ExerciseTransactionalBackend(t, b1)
truncate(t, b1)
ha1, ok1 := b1.(physical.HABackend)
ha2, ok2 := b2.(physical.HABackend)
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
t.Fatalf("CockroachDB does not implement HABackend")
if ha1.HAEnabled() && ha2.HAEnabled() {
logger.Info("Running ha backend tests")
physical.ExerciseHABackend(t, ha1, ha2)
func truncate(t *testing.T, b physical.Backend) {
crdb := b.(*CockroachDBBackend)
_, err := crdb.client.Exec("TRUNCATE TABLE " + crdb.table)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to drop table: %v", err)
if crdb.haEnabled {
_, err = crdb.client.Exec("TRUNCATE TABLE " + crdb.haTable)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to drop table: %v", err)
func TestValidateDBTable(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
table string
expectErr bool
tests := map[string]testCase{
"first character is letter": {"abcdef", false},
"first character is underscore": {"_bcdef", false},
"exclamation point": {"ab!def", true},
"at symbol": {"ab@def", true},
"hash": {"ab#def", true},
"percent": {"ab%def", true},
"carrot": {"ab^def", true},
"ampersand": {"ab&def", true},
"star": {"ab*def", true},
"left paren": {"ab(def", true},
"right paren": {"ab)def", true},
"dash": {"ab-def", true},
"digit": {"a123ef", false},
"dollar end": {"abcde$", false},
"dollar middle": {"ab$def", false},
"dollar start": {"$bcdef", true},
"backtick prefix": {"`bcdef", true},
"backtick middle": {"ab`def", true},
"backtick suffix": {"abcde`", true},
"single quote prefix": {"'bcdef", true},
"single quote middle": {"ab'def", true},
"single quote suffix": {"abcde'", true},
"double quote prefix": {`"bcdef`, true},
"double quote middle": {`ab"def`, true},
"double quote suffix": {`abcde"`, true},
"underscore with all runes": {"_bcd123__a__$", false},
"all runes": {"abcd123__a__$", false},
"default table name": {defaultTableName, false},
for name, test := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := validateDBTable(test.table)
if test.expectErr && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("err expected, got nil")
if !test.expectErr && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("no error expected, got: %s", err)
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("database: %s", name), func(t *testing.T) {
dbTable := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", test.table, test.table)
err := validateDBTable(dbTable)
if test.expectErr && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("err expected, got nil")
if !test.expectErr && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("no error expected, got: %s", err)