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538 lines
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layout: api
page_title: KMIP - Secrets Engines - HTTP API
sidebar_title: KMIP <sup>ENTERPRISE</sup>
description: This is the API documentation for the Vault KMIP secrets engine.
# KMIP Secrets Engine (API)
This is the API documentation for the Vault KMIP secrets engine. For general
information about the usage and operation of
the KMIP secrets engine, please see [these docs](/docs/secrets/kmip/index.html).
This documentation assumes the KMIP secrets engine is enabled at the `/kmip` path
in Vault. Since it is possible to mount secrets engines at any path, please
update your API calls accordingly.
## Write Config
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------- |
| `POST` | `/kmip/config` |
This endpoint configures shared information for the secrets engine. After writing
to it the KMIP engine will generate a CA and start listening for KMIP requests.
If the server was already running and any non-client settings are changed, the
server will be restarted using the new settings.
### Parameters
- `listen_addrs` (`list: [""] || string`) - Address and port the
KMIP server should listen on. Can be given as a JSON list or a
comma-separated string list. If multiple values are given, all will be
listened on.
- `connection_timeout` (`int: 1 || string:"1s"`) - Duration in either an integer
number of seconds (10) or an integer time unit (10s) within which connections
must become ready.
- `server_hostnames` (`list: ["localhost"] || string`) - Hostnames to include in
the server's TLS certificate as SAN DNS names. The first will be used as the
common name (CN).
- `server_ips` (`list: [] || string`) - IPs to include in the server's TLS
certificate as SAN IP addresses. Localhost (IPv4 and IPv6) will be automatically
- `tls_ca_key_type` (`string: "ec"`) - CA key type, `rsa` or `ec`.
- `tls_ca_key_bits` (`int: 521`) - CA key bits, valid values depend on key type.
- `tls_min_version` (`string: "tls12"`) - Minimum TLS version to accept.
- `default_tls_client_key_type` (`string: "ec"`): - Client certificate key type,
`rsa` or `ec`.
- `default_tls_client_key_bits` (`int: 521`): - Client certificate key bits, valid
values depend on key type.
- `default_tls_client_ttl` (`int: 86400 || string:"24h"`) – Client certificate
TTL in either an integer number of seconds (10) or an integer time unit (10s).
### Sample Payload
"listen_addrs": ",",
"connection_timeout": "1s",
"server_hostnames": "myhostname1,myhostname2",
"server_ips": "",
"tls_ca_key_type": "ec",
"tls_ca_key_bits": 521,
"tls_min_version": "tls11",
"default_tls_client_key_type": "ec",
"default_tls_client_key_bits": 224,
"default_tls_client_ttl": 86400
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
## Read Config
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------- |
| `GET` | `/kmip/config` |
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"listen_addrs": ["", ""],
"connection_timeout": "1s",
"server_hostnames": ["myhostname1", "myhostname2"],
"server_ips": [""],
"tls_ca_key_type": "ec",
"tls_ca_key_bits": 521,
"tls_min_version": "tls11",
"default_tls_client_key_type": "ec",
"default_tls_client_key_bits": 224,
"default_tls_client_ttl": 86400
## Read CA
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :--------- |
| `GET` | `/kmip/ca` |
Returns the CA certificates in PEM format. Returns an error if config has never
been written.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"ca_pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nYCvYVbWdBNnEdrL2P9aKsuCewdqycZVJLmM36cHnOAEGg1yea8soQL0Ylw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n+U2QYeVZ7kAVnkzPxa17V0yqjxDtQDTiOw/ZV5c=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
## Write scope
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------- |
| `POST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope` |
Creates a new scope with the given name.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
## List scopes
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------ |
| `LIST` | `/kmip/scope` |
List existing scopes.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request LIST \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"keys": ["myscope"]
## Delete scope
| Method | Path |
| :------- | :------------------- |
| `DELETE` | `/kmip/scope/:scope` |
Delete a scope by name.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `force` (`bool: false`) - Force scope deletion. If KMIP managed objects have
been created within the scope this param must be provided or the deletion will
fail. This value should be supplied as a query parameter, or as an argument in
the CLI.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request DELETE \
## Write role
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------------ |
| `POST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role` |
Creates or updates a role.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
- `operation_none` (`bool: false`) - Remove all permissions
from this role. May not be specified with any other
`operation_` params.
- `operation_all` (`bool: false`) - Grant all permissions
to this role. May not be specified with any other
`operation_` params.
- `operation_activate` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Activate` operation.
- `operation_add_attribute` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Add Attribute` operation.
- `operation_create` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Create` operation.
- `operation_destroy` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Destroy` operation.
- `operation_discover_versions` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Discover Version` operation.
- `operation_get` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Get` operation.
- `operation_get_attribute_list` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Get Attribute List` operation.
- `operation_get_attributes` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Get Attributes` operation.
- `operation_locate` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Locate` operation.
- `operation_register` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Register` operation.
- `operation_rekey` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Rekey` operation.
- `operation_revoke` (`bool: false`) - Grant permission to use the KMIP
`Revoke` operation.
### Sample Payload
"operation_activate": true,
"operation_add_attribute": true,
"operation_create": true,
"operation_destroy": true,
"operation_discover_versions": true,
"operation_get": true,
"operation_get_attribute_list": true,
"operation_get_attributes": true,
"operation_locate": true,
"operation_register": true,
"operation_rekey": true,
"operation_revoke": true
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
## Read role
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------------ |
| `GET` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role` |
Read a role.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"operation_activate": true,
"operation_add_attribute": true,
"operation_create": true,
"operation_destroy": true,
"operation_discover_versions": true,
"operation_get": true,
"operation_get_attribute_list": true,
"operation_get_attributes": true,
"operation_locate": true,
"operation_register": true,
"operation_rekey": true,
"operation_revoke": true
## List roles
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------ |
| `LIST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role` |
List roles with a scope.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request LIST \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"keys": ["myrole"]
## Delete role
| Method | Path |
| :------- | :------------------------------ |
| `DELETE` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role` |
Delete a role by name.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request DELETE \
## Generate credential
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :-------------------------------------------------- |
| `POST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role/credential/generate` |
Create a new client certificate tied to the given role and scope.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
- `format` (`string: "pem"`) - Format to return the certificate, private key,
and CA chain in. One of `pem`, `pem_bundle`, or `der`.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"ca_chain": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n7t4fiG9zQgWwh6IxL11cNyGVz9gS9af32DtuYf0xwFLOwLgn1RadC9Pd7Q==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIHcAgEBBEIBB4xDj9SUtb6Z466lVQIf3ucy21q5S2Fp9bzTQ0Ch5Vg2+DhUZUa1\nDjKvDdICY6hLPBFAwcOUFdDXr4kH/i8wuRWgBwYFK4EEACOhgYkDgYYABAANKyMt\nIdgy985k11Y9r9tis9DdRFFAE5UYAY9VwbAQNT3XewkmaHn5of7umfE47UV/WdWo\n/QW/3ScUt8weJoLlCwBeJO2yx9YClzFQujWI45N5n8R+YxuEGPEvJ+rsqszYCOSk\nSdh8o5vOePTb6t677PMjlVz0jhs5CeSnVJkr14nDEA==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----",
"serial_number": "728181095563584845125173905844944137943705466376"
## Lookup credential
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------------------------------ |
| `GET` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role/credential/lookup` |
Read a certificate by serial number. The private key cannot be obtained except
at generation time.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
- `serial_number` (`string: <required>`) - Serial number of certificate to revoke.
- `format` (`string: "pem"`) - Format to return the certificate, private key,
and CA chain in. One of `pem`, `pem_bundle`, or `der`.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request GET \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"ca_chain": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nSk+Tt7DNNP9sfYK11g7w8xzbtW4ZuZKKoYRbxN+eQHn5c+8akMSt4h71Dg==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICOjCCAZygAwIBAgIUf4zFBobFJMkSIvM7CfceSVfYNggwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw\nKjEoMCYGA1UEAxMfdmF1bHQta21pcC1kZWZhdWx0LWludGVybWVkaWF0ZTAeFw0x\nOTA2MjQxOTA3MTBaFw0xOTA2MjUxOTA3NDBaMCAxDjAMBgNVBAsTBW5BcUswMQ4w\nDAYDVQQDEwU0Qjd2STCBmzAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIwOBhgAEAdxHrbr/EXUz\nzWCd9HMUDus6r/3QF1Y3u9dPD2UwM76J3aICmykkm7xoYpoyg4chBEDxBWh2YkGT\na4WFMoXBa+k1AZhdvlj8tjOUlYZrTCLB9FBPCGz3JB4f5cmbG5JVsQ8qnBPiyV3e\nU21cWM6mWlhZKHWIdBU2pj+eXW78K5LMu2sWo2cwZTAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCA6gw\nEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwHQYDVR0OBBYEFAT0QZOpZCTMCz7F8+BvF2xs\nZSfkMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFDz+1SThpN6kdKiqsd0yzdUfCQ4kMAoGCCqGSM49BAMC\nA4GLADCBhwJBPxBV4DgPi5zihRnxu7zTNeqe/xlvrEt1uTff8QtW3JsigbBDHV+A\nxBe7vc8mL8VQPG7BFKvvxuQvOAeeQ+AR8ZoCQgDtbaWgLtfbzKvwlY48e6dLeBpK\nDu1DaZq+79EON2lhWQ+ULHblJc5cK0F6Ff5OC89aDnV1TWQDHeR91mZdYiWZZQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"serial_number": "728181095563584845125173905844944137943705466376"
## List credential serial numbers
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :----------------------------------------- |
| `LIST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role/credential` |
List the serial numbers of all certificates within a role.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request LIST \
### Sample Response
"data": {
"keys": ["728181095563584845125173905844944137943705466376"]
## Revoke credential
| Method | Path |
| :----- | :------------------------------------------------ |
| `POST` | `/kmip/scope/:scope/role/:role/credential/revoke` |
Delete a certificate, thereby revoking it.
### Parameters
- `scope` (`string: <required>`) - Name of scope. This is part of the request URL.
- `role` (`string: <required>`) - Name of role. This is part of the request URL.
- `serial_number` (`string: ""`) - Serial number of certificate to revoke.
Exactly one of `serial_number` or `certificate` must be provided.
- `certificate` (`string: """`) - Certificate to revoke, in PEM format.
Exactly one of `serial_number` or `certificate` must be provided.
### Sample Payload
"serial_number": "728181095563584845125173905844944137943705466376"
### Sample Request
$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \