2019-03-26 10:13:09 -05:00

61 lines
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This service is used to pull an OpenAPI document describing the
shape of data at a specific path to hydrate a model with attrs it
has less (or no) information about.
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import { expandOpenApiProps, combineAttributes } from 'vault/utils/openapi-to-attrs';
import { resolve } from 'rsvp';
export function sanitizePath(path) {
//remove whitespace + remove trailing and leading slashes
return path.trim().replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, '');
export default Service.extend({
attrs: null,
ajax(url, options = {}) {
let appAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup(`adapter:application`);
let { data } = options;
return appAdapter.ajax(url, 'GET', {
//Makes a call to grab the OpenAPI document.
//Returns relevant information from OpenAPI
//as determined by the expandOpenApiProps util
getProps(helpUrl, backend) {
return this.ajax(helpUrl, backend).then(help => {
let path = Object.keys(help.openapi.paths)[0];
let props = help.openapi.paths[path].post.requestBody.content['application/json'];
return expandOpenApiProps(props);
getNewModel(modelType, owner, backend) {
let name = `model:${modelType}`;
let newModel = owner.factoryFor(name).class;
let modelProto = newModel.proto();
if (newModel.merged || modelProto.useOpenAPI !== true) {
return resolve();
let helpUrl = modelProto.getHelpUrl(backend);
return this.getProps(helpUrl, backend).then(props => {
if (owner.hasRegistration(name) && !newModel.merged) {
let { attrs, newFields } = combineAttributes(newModel.attributes, props);
newModel = newModel.extend(attrs, { newFields });
} else {
//generate a whole new model
newModel.reopenClass({ merged: true });
owner.register(name, newModel);