2019-06-06 12:26:04 -07:00

183 lines
6 KiB

package cfclient
import (
const (
//AppCrash app.crash event const
AppCrash = "app.crash"
//AppStart event const
AppStart = ""
//AppStop event const
AppStop = ""
//AppUpdate event const
AppUpdate = ""
//AppCreate event const
AppCreate = ""
//AppDelete event const
AppDelete = ""
//AppSSHAuth event const
AppSSHAuth = ""
//AppSSHUnauth event const
AppSSHUnauth = ""
//AppRestage event const
AppRestage = ""
//AppMapRoute event const
AppMapRoute = ""
//AppUnmapRoute event const
AppUnmapRoute = ""
//FilterTimestamp const for query filter timestamp
FilterTimestamp = "timestamp"
//FilterActee const for query filter actee
FilterActee = "actee"
//ValidOperators const for all valid operators in a query
var ValidOperators = []string{":", ">=", "<=", "<", ">", "IN"}
// AppEventResponse the entire response
type AppEventResponse struct {
Results int `json:"total_results"`
Pages int `json:"total_pages"`
PrevURL string `json:"prev_url"`
NextURL string `json:"next_url"`
Resources []AppEventResource `json:"resources"`
// AppEventResource the event resources
type AppEventResource struct {
Meta Meta `json:"metadata"`
Entity AppEventEntity `json:"entity"`
//AppEventQuery a struct for defining queries like 'q=filter>value' or 'q=filter IN a,b,c'
type AppEventQuery struct {
Filter string
Operator string
Value string
// The AppEventEntity the actual app event body
type AppEventEntity struct {
//EventTypes are app.crash,,,,,
EventType string `json:"type"`
//The GUID of the actor.
Actor string `json:"actor"`
//The actor type, user or app
ActorType string `json:"actor_type"`
//The name of the actor.
ActorName string `json:"actor_name"`
//The GUID of the actee.
Actee string `json:"actee"`
//The actee type, space, app or v3-app
ActeeType string `json:"actee_type"`
//The name of the actee.
ActeeName string `json:"actee_name"`
//Timestamp format "2016-02-26T13:29:44Z". The event creation time.
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
MetaData struct {
//app.crash event fields
ExitDescription string `json:"exit_description,omitempty"`
ExitReason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
ExitStatus string `json:"exit_status,omitempty"`
Request struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Instances float64 `json:"instances,omitempty"`
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
Memory float64 `json:"memory,omitempty"`
EnvironmentVars string `json:"environment_json,omitempty"`
DockerCredentials string `json:"docker_credentials_json,omitempty"`
// event fields
Console bool `json:"console,omitempty"`
Buildpack string `json:"buildpack,omitempty"`
Space string `json:"space_guid,omitempty"`
HealthcheckType string `json:"health_check_type,omitempty"`
HealthcheckTimeout float64 `json:"health_check_timeout,omitempty"`
Production bool `json:"production,omitempty"`
//app.crash event fields
Index float64 `json:"index,omitempty"`
} `json:"request"`
} `json:"metadata"`
// ListAppEvents returns all app events based on eventType
func (c *Client) ListAppEvents(eventType string) ([]AppEventEntity, error) {
return c.ListAppEventsByQuery(eventType, nil)
// ListAppEventsByQuery returns all app events based on eventType and queries
func (c *Client) ListAppEventsByQuery(eventType string, queries []AppEventQuery) ([]AppEventEntity, error) {
var events []AppEventEntity
if eventType != AppCrash && eventType != AppStart && eventType != AppStop && eventType != AppUpdate && eventType != AppCreate &&
eventType != AppDelete && eventType != AppSSHAuth && eventType != AppSSHUnauth && eventType != AppRestage &&
eventType != AppMapRoute && eventType != AppUnmapRoute {
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported app event type " + eventType)
var query = "/v2/events?q=type:" + eventType
//adding the additional queries
if queries != nil && len(queries) > 0 {
for _, eventQuery := range queries {
if eventQuery.Filter != FilterTimestamp && eventQuery.Filter != FilterActee {
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported query filter type " + eventQuery.Filter)
if !stringInSlice(eventQuery.Operator, ValidOperators) {
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported query operator type " + eventQuery.Operator)
query += "&q=" + eventQuery.Filter + eventQuery.Operator + eventQuery.Value
for {
eventResponse, err := c.getAppEventsResponse(query)
if err != nil {
return []AppEventEntity{}, err
for _, event := range eventResponse.Resources {
events = append(events, event.Entity)
query = eventResponse.NextURL
if query == "" {
return events, nil
func (c *Client) getAppEventsResponse(query string) (AppEventResponse, error) {
var eventResponse AppEventResponse
r := c.NewRequest("GET", query)
resp, err := c.DoRequest(r)
if err != nil {
return AppEventResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Error requesting appevents")
resBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
return AppEventResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading appevents response body")
err = json.Unmarshal(resBody, &eventResponse)
if err != nil {
return AppEventResponse{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Error unmarshalling appevent")
return eventResponse, nil
func stringInSlice(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false