* Update pricing-metrics-dates component to show error if outside configured retainment period. With tests * Add capability checks for metrics config
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import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render, fillIn } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { subMonths, startOfToday, format, endOfMonth } from 'date-fns';
module('Integration | Component | pricing-metrics-dates', function(hooks) {
test('by default it sets the start and end inputs', async function(assert) {
const expectedEnd = subMonths(startOfToday(), 1);
const expectedStart = subMonths(expectedEnd, 12);
await render(hbs`
<PricingMetricsDates />
assert.dom('[data-test-end-input]').hasValue(format(expectedEnd, 'MM/YYYY'), 'End input is last month');
.hasValue(format(expectedStart, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Start input is 12 months before last month');
test('On init if end date passed, start is calculated', async function(assert) {
const expectedStart = subMonths(new Date(2020, 8, 15), 12);
this.set('queryEnd', '09-2020');
await render(hbs`
<PricingMetricsDates @queryEnd={{queryEnd}} />
assert.dom('[data-test-end-input]').hasValue('09/2020', 'End input matches query');
.hasValue(format(expectedStart, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Start input is 12 months before end input');
test('On init if query start date passed, end is default', async function(assert) {
const expectedEnd = subMonths(startOfToday(), 1);
this.set('queryStart', '01-2020');
await render(hbs`
<PricingMetricsDates @queryStart={{queryStart}} />
assert.dom('[data-test-end-input]').hasValue(format(expectedEnd, 'MM/YYYY'), 'End input is last month');
assert.dom('[data-test-start-input]').hasValue('01/2020', 'Start input matches query');
test('If result and query dates are within 1 day, warning is not shown', async function(assert) {
this.set('resultStart', new Date(2020, 1, 1));
this.set('resultEnd', new Date(2020, 9, 31));
await render(hbs`
assert.dom('[data-test-results-date-warning]').doesNotExist('Does not show result states warning');
test('If result and query start dates are > 1 day apart, warning is shown', async function(assert) {
this.set('resultStart', new Date(2020, 1, 20));
this.set('resultEnd', new Date(2020, 9, 31));
await render(hbs`
assert.dom('[data-test-results-date-warning]').exists('shows states warning');
test('If result and query end dates are > 1 day apart, warning is shown', async function(assert) {
this.set('resultStart', new Date(2020, 1, 1));
this.set('resultEnd', new Date(2020, 9, 15));
await render(hbs`
assert.dom('[data-test-results-date-warning]').exists('shows states warning');
test('it shows appropriate errors on input form', async function(assert) {
const lastAvailable = endOfMonth(subMonths(startOfToday(), 1));
const firstAvailable = subMonths(lastAvailable, 12);
await render(hbs`
<PricingMetricsDates @retentionMonths=12 @defaultSpan=6 />
assert.dom('[data-test-form-error]').doesNotExist('No form error shows by default');
await fillIn('[data-test-start-input]', format(subMonths(firstAvailable, 1), 'MM/YYYY'));
`No data retained before ${format(firstAvailable, 'MM/YYYY')}`,
'shows the correct error message for starting before the configured retainment period'
await fillIn('[data-test-end-input]', format(subMonths(lastAvailable, -1), 'MM/YYYY'));
'Data is not available until the end of the month',
'shows the correct error message for ending after the end of the last month'
await fillIn('[data-test-end-input]', 'not/date');
'End date is invalid. Please use format MM/YYYY',
'shows the correct error message for non-date input'
await fillIn('[data-test-start-input]', `13/${format(lastAvailable, 'YYYY')}`);
'Start date is invalid. Please use format MM/YYYY',
'shows the correct error message for an invalid month'