
303 lines
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package api
import (
var (
ErrRenewerMissingInput = errors.New("missing input to renewer")
ErrRenewerMissingSecret = errors.New("missing secret to renew")
ErrRenewerNotRenewable = errors.New("secret is not renewable")
ErrRenewerNoSecretData = errors.New("returned empty secret data")
// DefaultRenewerGrace is the default grace period
DefaultRenewerGrace = 15 * time.Second
// DefaultRenewerRenewBuffer is the default size of the buffer for renew
// messages on the channel.
DefaultRenewerRenewBuffer = 5
// Renewer is a process for renewing a secret.
// renewer, err := client.NewRenewer(&RenewerInput{
// Secret: mySecret,
// })
// go renewer.Renew()
// defer renewer.Stop()
// for {
// select {
// case err := <-renewer.DoneCh():
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// // Renewal is now over
// case renewal := <-renewer.RenewCh():
// log.Printf("Successfully renewed: %#v", renewal)
// }
// }
// The `DoneCh` will return if renewal fails or if the remaining lease duration
// after a renewal is less than or equal to the grace (in number of seconds). In
// both cases, the caller should attempt a re-read of the secret. Clients should
// check the return value of the channel to see if renewal was successful.
type Renewer struct {
l sync.Mutex
client *Client
secret *Secret
grace time.Duration
random *rand.Rand
doneCh chan error
renewCh chan *RenewOutput
stopped bool
stopCh chan struct{}
// RenewerInput is used as input to the renew function.
type RenewerInput struct {
// Secret is the secret to renew
Secret *Secret
// Grace is a minimum renewal before returning so the upstream client
// can do a re-read. This can be used to prevent clients from waiting
// too long to read a new credential and incur downtime.
Grace time.Duration
// Rand is the randomizer to use for underlying randomization. If not
// provided, one will be generated and seeded automatically. If provided, it
// is assumed to have already been seeded.
Rand *rand.Rand
// RenewBuffer is the size of the buffered channel where renew messages are
// dispatched.
RenewBuffer int
// RenewOutput is the metadata returned to the client (if it's listening) to
// renew messages.
type RenewOutput struct {
// RenewedAt is the timestamp when the renewal took place (UTC).
RenewedAt time.Time
// Secret is the underlying renewal data. It's the same struct as all data
// that is returned from Vault, but since this is renewal data, it will not
// usually include the secret itself.
Secret *Secret
// NewRenewer creates a new renewer from the given input.
func (c *Client) NewRenewer(i *RenewerInput) (*Renewer, error) {
if i == nil {
return nil, ErrRenewerMissingInput
secret := i.Secret
if secret == nil {
return nil, ErrRenewerMissingSecret
grace := i.Grace
if grace == 0 {
grace = DefaultRenewerGrace
random := i.Rand
if random == nil {
random = rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(time.Now().Nanosecond())))
renewBuffer := i.RenewBuffer
if renewBuffer == 0 {
renewBuffer = DefaultRenewerRenewBuffer
return &Renewer{
client: c,
secret: secret,
grace: grace,
random: random,
doneCh: make(chan error, 1),
renewCh: make(chan *RenewOutput, renewBuffer),
stopped: false,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// DoneCh returns the channel where the renewer will publish when renewal stops.
// If there is an error, this will be an error.
func (r *Renewer) DoneCh() <-chan error {
return r.doneCh
// RenewCh is a channel that receives a message when a successful renewal takes
// place and includes metadata about the renewal.
func (r *Renewer) RenewCh() <-chan *RenewOutput {
return r.renewCh
// Stop stops the renewer.
func (r *Renewer) Stop() {
if !r.stopped {
r.stopped = true
// Renew starts a background process for renewing this secret. When the secret
// is has auth data, this attempts to renew the auth (token). When the secret
// has a lease, this attempts to renew the lease.
func (r *Renewer) Renew() {
var result error
if r.secret.Auth != nil {
result = r.renewAuth()
} else {
result = r.renewLease()
select {
case r.doneCh <- result:
case <-r.stopCh:
// renewAuth is a helper for renewing authentication.
func (r *Renewer) renewAuth() error {
if !r.secret.Auth.Renewable || r.secret.Auth.ClientToken == "" {
return ErrRenewerNotRenewable
client, token := r.client, r.secret.Auth.ClientToken
for {
// Check if we are stopped.
select {
case <-r.stopCh:
return nil
// Renew the auth.
renewal, err := client.Auth().Token().RenewTokenAsSelf(token, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
// Push a message that a renewal took place.
select {
case r.renewCh <- &RenewOutput{time.Now().UTC(), renewal}:
// Somehow, sometimes, this happens.
if renewal == nil || renewal.Auth == nil {
return ErrRenewerNoSecretData
// Do nothing if we are not renewable
if !renewal.Auth.Renewable {
return ErrRenewerNotRenewable
// Grab the lease duration and sleep duration - note that we grab the auth
// lease duration, not the secret lease duration.
leaseDuration := time.Duration(renewal.Auth.LeaseDuration) * time.Second
sleepDuration := r.sleepDuration(leaseDuration)
// If we are within grace, return now.
if leaseDuration <= r.grace || sleepDuration <= r.grace {
return nil
select {
case <-r.stopCh:
return nil
case <-time.After(sleepDuration):
// renewLease is a helper for renewing a lease.
func (r *Renewer) renewLease() error {
if !r.secret.Renewable || r.secret.LeaseID == "" {
return ErrRenewerNotRenewable
client, leaseID := r.client, r.secret.LeaseID
for {
// Check if we are stopped.
select {
case <-r.stopCh:
return nil
// Renew the lease.
renewal, err := client.Sys().Renew(leaseID, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
// Push a message that a renewal took place.
select {
case r.renewCh <- &RenewOutput{time.Now().UTC(), renewal}:
// Somehow, sometimes, this happens.
if renewal == nil {
return ErrRenewerNoSecretData
// Do nothing if we are not renewable
if !renewal.Renewable {
return ErrRenewerNotRenewable
// Grab the lease duration and sleep duration
leaseDuration := time.Duration(renewal.LeaseDuration) * time.Second
sleepDuration := r.sleepDuration(leaseDuration)
// If we are within grace, return now.
if leaseDuration <= r.grace || sleepDuration <= r.grace {
return nil
select {
case <-r.stopCh:
return nil
case <-time.After(sleepDuration):
// sleepDuration calculates the time to sleep given the base lease duration. The
// base is the resulting lease duration. It will be reduced to 1/3 and
// multiplied by a random float between 0.0 and 1.0. This extra randomness
// prevents multiple clients from all trying to renew simultaneously.
func (r *Renewer) sleepDuration(base time.Duration) time.Duration {
sleep := float64(base)
// Renew at 1/3 the remaining lease. This will give us an opportunity to retry
// at least one more time should the first renewal fail.
sleep = sleep / 3.0
// Use a randomness so many clients do not hit Vault simultaneously.
sleep = sleep * (r.random.Float64() + 1) / 2.0
return time.Duration(sleep)