Shamir seals now come in two varieties: legacy and new-style. Legacy Shamir is automatically converted to new-style when a rekey operation is performed. All new Vault initializations using Shamir are new-style. New-style Shamir writes an encrypted master key to storage, just like AutoUnseal. The stored master key is encrypted using the shared key that is split via Shamir's algorithm. Thus when unsealing, we take the key fragments given, combine them into a Key-Encryption-Key, and use that to decrypt the master key on disk. Then the master key is used to read the keyring that decrypts the barrier.
461 lines
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461 lines
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package vault
import (
shamirseal "github.com/hashicorp/vault/vault/seal/shamir"
// InitParams keeps the init function from being littered with too many
// params, that's it!
type InitParams struct {
BarrierConfig *SealConfig
RecoveryConfig *SealConfig
RootTokenPGPKey string
// LegacyShamirSeal should only be used in test code, we don't want to
// give the user a way to create legacy shamir seals.
LegacyShamirSeal bool
// InitResult is used to provide the key parts back after
// they are generated as part of the initialization.
type InitResult struct {
SecretShares [][]byte
RecoveryShares [][]byte
RootToken string
var (
initPTFunc = func(c *Core) func() { return nil }
initInProgress uint32
func (c *Core) InitializeRecovery(ctx context.Context) error {
if !c.recoveryMode {
return nil
raftStorage, ok := c.underlyingPhysical.(*raft.RaftBackend)
if !ok {
return nil
parsedClusterAddr, err := url.Parse(c.ClusterAddr())
if err != nil {
return err
c.postRecoveryUnsealFuncs = append(c.postRecoveryUnsealFuncs, func() error {
return raftStorage.StartRecoveryCluster(context.Background(), raft.Peer{
ID: raftStorage.NodeID(),
Address: parsedClusterAddr.Host,
return nil
// Initialized checks if the Vault is already initialized
func (c *Core) Initialized(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
// Check the barrier first
init, err := c.barrier.Initialized(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("barrier init check failed", "error", err)
return false, err
if !init {
c.logger.Info("security barrier not initialized")
return false, nil
// Verify the seal configuration
sealConf, err := c.seal.BarrierConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if sealConf == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("core: barrier reports initialized but no seal configuration found")
return true, nil
func (c *Core) generateShares(sc *SealConfig) ([]byte, [][]byte, error) {
// Generate a master key
masterKey, err := c.barrier.GenerateKey(c.secureRandomReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errwrap.Wrapf("key generation failed: {{err}}", err)
// Return the master key if only a single key part is used
var unsealKeys [][]byte
if sc.SecretShares == 1 {
unsealKeys = append(unsealKeys, masterKey)
} else {
// Split the master key using the Shamir algorithm
shares, err := shamir.Split(masterKey, sc.SecretShares, sc.SecretThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to generate barrier shares: {{err}}", err)
unsealKeys = shares
// If we have PGP keys, perform the encryption
if len(sc.PGPKeys) > 0 {
hexEncodedShares := make([][]byte, len(unsealKeys))
for i, _ := range unsealKeys {
hexEncodedShares[i] = []byte(hex.EncodeToString(unsealKeys[i]))
_, encryptedShares, err := pgpkeys.EncryptShares(hexEncodedShares, sc.PGPKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
unsealKeys = encryptedShares
return masterKey, unsealKeys, nil
// Initialize is used to initialize the Vault with the given
// configurations.
func (c *Core) Initialize(ctx context.Context, initParams *InitParams) (*InitResult, error) {
atomic.StoreUint32(&initInProgress, 1)
defer atomic.StoreUint32(&initInProgress, 0)
barrierConfig := initParams.BarrierConfig
recoveryConfig := initParams.RecoveryConfig
// N.B. Although the core is capable of handling situations where some keys
// are stored and some aren't, in practice, replication + HSMs makes this
// extremely hard to reason about, to the point that it will probably never
// be supported. The reason is that each HSM needs to encode the master key
// separately, which means the shares must be generated independently,
// which means both that the shares will be different *AND* there would
// need to be a way to actually allow fetching of the generated keys by
// operators.
if c.SealAccess().StoredKeysSupported() == StoredKeysSupportedGeneric {
if len(barrierConfig.PGPKeys) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PGP keys not supported when storing shares")
barrierConfig.SecretShares = 1
barrierConfig.SecretThreshold = 1
if barrierConfig.StoredShares != 1 {
c.Logger().Warn("stored keys supported on init, forcing shares/threshold to 1")
if initParams.LegacyShamirSeal {
barrierConfig.StoredShares = 0
} else {
barrierConfig.StoredShares = 1
if len(barrierConfig.PGPKeys) > 0 && len(barrierConfig.PGPKeys) != barrierConfig.SecretShares {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of PGP keys")
if c.SealAccess().RecoveryKeySupported() {
if len(recoveryConfig.PGPKeys) > 0 && len(recoveryConfig.PGPKeys) != recoveryConfig.SecretShares {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of PGP keys for recovery")
if c.seal.RecoveryKeySupported() {
if recoveryConfig == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recovery configuration must be supplied")
if recoveryConfig.SecretShares < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recovery configuration must specify a positive number of shares")
// Check if the seal configuration is valid
if err := recoveryConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("invalid recovery configuration", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("invalid recovery configuration: {{err}}", err)
// Check if the seal configuration is valid
if err := barrierConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("invalid seal configuration", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("invalid seal configuration: {{err}}", err)
// Avoid an initialization race
defer c.stateLock.Unlock()
// Check if we are initialized
init, err := c.Initialized(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if init {
return nil, ErrAlreadyInit
// If we have clustered storage, set it up now
if raftStorage, ok := c.underlyingPhysical.(*raft.RaftBackend); ok {
parsedClusterAddr, err := url.Parse(c.ClusterAddr())
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error parsing cluster address: {{err}}", err)
if err := raftStorage.Bootstrap(ctx, []raft.Peer{
ID: raftStorage.NodeID(),
Address: parsedClusterAddr.Host,
}); err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("could not bootstrap clustered storage: {{err}}", err)
if err := raftStorage.SetupCluster(ctx, raft.SetupOpts{
StartAsLeader: true,
}); err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("could not start clustered storage: {{err}}", err)
defer func() {
if err := raftStorage.TeardownCluster(nil); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to stop raft storage", "error", err)
err = c.seal.Init(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to initialize seal", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error initializing seal: {{err}}", err)
initPTCleanup := initPTFunc(c)
if initPTCleanup != nil {
defer initPTCleanup()
barrierKey, barrierKeyShares, err := c.generateShares(barrierConfig)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("error generating shares", "error", err)
return nil, err
var sealKey []byte
var sealKeyShares [][]byte
if barrierConfig.StoredShares == 1 && c.seal.BarrierType() == seal.Shamir {
sealKey, sealKeyShares, err = c.generateShares(barrierConfig)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("error generating shares", "error", err)
return nil, err
// Initialize the barrier
if err := c.barrier.Initialize(ctx, barrierKey, sealKey, c.secureRandomReader); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to initialize barrier", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to initialize barrier: {{err}}", err)
if c.logger.IsInfo() {
c.logger.Info("security barrier initialized", "stored", barrierConfig.StoredShares, "shares", barrierConfig.SecretShares, "threshold", barrierConfig.SecretThreshold)
// Unseal the barrier
if err := c.barrier.Unseal(ctx, barrierKey); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to unseal barrier", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to unseal barrier: {{err}}", err)
// Ensure the barrier is re-sealed
defer func() {
// Defers are LIFO so we need to run this here too to ensure the stop
// happens before sealing. preSeal also stops, so we just make the
// stopping safe against multiple calls.
if err := c.barrier.Seal(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to seal barrier", "error", err)
err = c.seal.SetBarrierConfig(ctx, barrierConfig)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to save barrier configuration", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("barrier configuration saving failed: {{err}}", err)
results := &InitResult{
SecretShares: [][]byte{},
// If we are storing shares, pop them out of the returned results and push
// them through the seal
switch c.seal.StoredKeysSupported() {
case StoredKeysSupportedShamirMaster:
keysToStore := [][]byte{barrierKey}
if err := c.seal.GetAccess().(*shamirseal.ShamirSeal).SetKey(sealKey); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to set seal key", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to set seal key: {{err}}", err)
if err := c.seal.SetStoredKeys(ctx, keysToStore); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to store keys", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to store keys: {{err}}", err)
results.SecretShares = sealKeyShares
case StoredKeysSupportedGeneric:
keysToStore := [][]byte{barrierKey}
if err := c.seal.SetStoredKeys(ctx, keysToStore); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to store keys", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to store keys: {{err}}", err)
// We don't support initializing an old-style Shamir seal anymore, so
// this case is only reachable by tests.
results.SecretShares = barrierKeyShares
// Perform initial setup
if err := c.setupCluster(ctx); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("cluster setup failed during init", "error", err)
return nil, err
// Start tracking
if initPTCleanup != nil {
activeCtx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(namespace.RootContext(nil))
if err := c.postUnseal(activeCtx, ctxCancel, standardUnsealStrategy{}); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("post-unseal setup failed during init", "error", err)
return nil, err
// Save the configuration regardless, but only generate a key if it's not
// disabled. When using recovery keys they are stored in the barrier, so
// this must happen post-unseal.
if c.seal.RecoveryKeySupported() {
err = c.seal.SetRecoveryConfig(ctx, recoveryConfig)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to save recovery configuration", "error", err)
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("recovery configuration saving failed: {{err}}", err)
if recoveryConfig.SecretShares > 0 {
recoveryKey, recoveryUnsealKeys, err := c.generateShares(recoveryConfig)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to generate recovery shares", "error", err)
return nil, err
err = c.seal.SetRecoveryKey(ctx, recoveryKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results.RecoveryShares = recoveryUnsealKeys
// Generate a new root token
rootToken, err := c.tokenStore.rootToken(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("root token generation failed", "error", err)
return nil, err
results.RootToken = rootToken.ID
c.logger.Info("root token generated")
if initParams.RootTokenPGPKey != "" {
_, encryptedVals, err := pgpkeys.EncryptShares([][]byte{[]byte(results.RootToken)}, []string{initParams.RootTokenPGPKey})
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error("root token encryption failed", "error", err)
return nil, err
results.RootToken = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(encryptedVals[0])
if err := c.createRaftTLSKeyring(ctx); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("failed to create raft TLS keyring", "error", err)
return nil, err
// Prepare to re-seal
if err := c.preSeal(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("pre-seal teardown failed", "error", err)
return nil, err
return results, nil
// UnsealWithStoredKeys performs auto-unseal using stored keys. An error
// return value of "nil" implies the Vault instance is unsealed.
// Callers should attempt to retry any NonFatalErrors. Callers should
// not re-attempt fatal errors.
func (c *Core) UnsealWithStoredKeys(ctx context.Context) error {
defer c.unsealWithStoredKeysLock.Unlock()
if c.seal.BarrierType() == seal.Shamir {
return nil
// Disallow auto-unsealing when migrating
if c.IsInSealMigration() {
return NewNonFatalError(errors.New("cannot auto-unseal during seal migration"))
sealed := c.Sealed()
if !sealed {
c.Logger().Warn("attempted unseal with stored keys, but vault is already unsealed")
return nil
c.Logger().Info("stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch")
keys, err := c.seal.GetStoredKeys(ctx)
if err != nil {
return NewNonFatalError(errwrap.Wrapf("fetching stored unseal keys failed: {{err}}", err))
// This usually happens when auto-unseal is configured, but the servers have
// not been initialized yet.
if len(keys) == 0 {
return NewNonFatalError(errors.New("stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found"))
unsealed := false
keysUsed := 0
for _, key := range keys {
unsealed, err = c.Unseal(key)
if err != nil {
return NewNonFatalError(errwrap.Wrapf("unseal with stored key failed: {{err}}", err))
if unsealed {
if !unsealed {
// This most likely means that the user configured Vault to only store a
// subset of the required threshold of keys. We still consider this a
// "success", since trying again would yield the same result.
c.Logger().Warn("vault still sealed after using stored unseal keys", "stored_keys_used", keysUsed)
} else {
c.Logger().Info("unsealed with stored keys", "stored_keys_used", keysUsed)
return nil