2023-04-11 21:04:35 +00:00

89 lines
2.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities';
import { withFormFields } from 'vault/decorators/model-form-fields';
import { withModelValidations } from 'vault/decorators/model-validations';
const validations = {
type: [{ type: 'presence', message: 'Type is required.' }],
keyType: [{ type: 'presence', message: 'Please select a key type.' }],
keyName: [
validator(model) {
if (model.keyName === 'default') return false;
return true;
message: `Key name cannot be the reserved value 'default'`,
const displayFields = ['keyId', 'keyName', 'keyType', 'keyBits'];
const formFieldGroups = [{ default: ['keyName', 'type'] }, { 'Key parameters': ['keyType', 'keyBits'] }];
@withFormFields(displayFields, formFieldGroups)
export default class PkiKeyModel extends Model {
@service secretMountPath;
@attr('string', { detailsLabel: 'Key ID' }) keyId;
@attr('string', {
subText: `Optional, human-readable name for this key. The name must be unique across all keys and cannot be 'default'.`,
@attr('string', {
noDefault: true,
possibleValues: ['internal', 'exported'],
'The type of operation. If exported, the private key will be returned in the response; if internal the private key will not be returned and cannot be retrieved later.',
@attr('string', {
noDefault: true,
possibleValues: ['rsa', 'ec', 'ed25519'],
subText: 'The type of key that will be generated. Must be rsa, ed25519, or ec. ',
@attr('string', {
label: 'Key bits',
noDefault: true,
subText: 'Bit length of the key to generate.',
keyBits; // no possibleValues because dependent on selected key type
@attr('string') pemBundle;
@attr('string') privateKey;
get backend() {
return this.secretMountPath.currentPath;
* Default to show UI elements unless we know they can't access the given path
@lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/key/${'keyId'}`, 'backend', 'keyId') keyPath;
get canRead() {
return this.keyPath.get('canRead') !== false;
get canEdit() {
return this.keyPath.get('canUpdate') !== false;
get canDelete() {
return this.keyPath.get('canDelete') !== false;
@lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/keys/generate`, 'backend') generatePath;
get canGenerateKey() {
return this.generatePath.get('canUpdate') !== false;
@lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/keys/import`, 'backend') importPath;
get canImportKey() {
return this.importPath.get('canUpdate') !== false;