2019-03-29 18:29:48 -06:00

29 lines
1.1 KiB

<NamespaceReminder @mode="save" @noun="PKI change" />
{{#if (eq section "tidy")}}
<p class="has-text-grey-dark" data-test-text="true">
You can tidy up the backend storage and/or CRL by removing certificates that have expired and are past a certain buffer period beyond their expiration time.
{{else if (eq section "crl")}}
<h2 class="title is-5" data-test-title="true">
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) config
<p class="has-text-grey-dark" data-test-text="true">
Set the duration for which the generated CRL should be marked valid.
{{message-error model=config}}
<form {{action "save" section on="submit"}} class="box is-shadowless is-marginless is-fullwidth has-slim-padding">
{{#each (get config (concat section "Attrs")) as |attr|}}
{{form-field attr=attr model=config}}
<div class="field is-grouped box is-fullwidth is-bottomless">
<div class="control">
<button data-test-submit type="submit" class="button is-primary {{if loading 'is-loading'}}" disabled={{loading}}>