* setup * add forward slash * fix icon issue * add to current view * fixes * change * final cleanup * remove todo
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211 lines
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import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { singularize } from 'ember-inflector';
import { resolve } from 'rsvp';
import { filterOptions, defaultMatcher } from 'ember-power-select/utils/group-utils';
import layout from '../templates/components/search-select';
* @module SearchSelect
* The `SearchSelect` is an implementation of the [ember-power-select](https://github.com/cibernox/ember-power-select) used for form elements where options come dynamically from the API.
* @example
* <SearchSelect @id="group-policies" @models={{["policies/acl"]}} @onChange={{onChange}} @selectLimit={{2}} @inputValue={{get model valuePath}} @helpText="Policies associated with this group" @label="Policies" @fallbackComponent="string-list" />
* @param {string} id - The name of the form field
* @param {Array} models - An array of model types to fetch from the API.
* @param {function} onChange - The onchange action for this form field.
* @param {string | Array} inputValue - A comma-separated string or an array of strings.
* @param {string} label - Label for this form field
* @param {string} fallbackComponent - name of component to be rendered if the API call 403s
* @param {string} [backend] - name of the backend if the query for options needs additional information (eg. secret backend)
* @param {boolean} [disallowNewItems=false] - Controls whether or not the user can add a new item if none found
* @param {string} [helpText] - Text to be displayed in the info tooltip for this form field
* @param {number} [selectLimit] - A number that sets the limit to how many select options they can choose
* @param {string} [subText] - Text to be displayed below the label
* @param {string} [subLabel] - a smaller label below the main Label
* @param {string} [wildcardLabel] - when you want the searchSelect component to return a count on the model for options returned when using a wildcard you must provide a label of the count e.g. role. Should be singular.
* @param {string} [placeholder] - text you wish to replace the default "search" with
* @param {boolean} [displayInherit] - if you need the search select component to display inherit instead of box.
* @param {Array} options - *Advanced usage* - `options` can be passed directly from the outside to the
* power-select component. If doing this, `models` should not also be passed as that will overwrite the
* passed value. ex: [{ name: 'namespace45', id: 'displayedName' }];
* @param {function} search - *Advanced usage* - Customizes how the power-select component searches for matches -
* see the power-select docs for more information.
export default Component.extend({
'data-test-component': 'search-select',
classNameBindings: ['displayInherit:display-inherit'],
classNames: ['field', 'search-select'],
store: service(),
onChange: () => {},
inputValue: computed(function () {
return [];
allOptions: null, // list of options including matched
selectedOptions: null, // list of selected options
options: null, // all possible options
shouldUseFallback: false,
shouldRenderName: false,
disallowNewItems: false,
init() {
this.set('selectedOptions', this.inputValue || []);
didRender() {
let { oldOptions, options, selectedOptions } = this;
let hasFormattedInput = typeof selectedOptions.firstObject !== 'string';
if (options && !oldOptions && !hasFormattedInput) {
// this is the first time they've been set, so we need to format them
this.set('oldOptions', options);
formatOptions: function (options) {
options = options.toArray().map((option) => {
option.searchText = `${option.name} ${option.id}`;
return option;
let allOptions = options.toArray().map((option) => {
return option.id;
this.set('allOptions', allOptions); // used by filter-wildcard helper
let formattedOptions = this.selectedOptions.map((option) => {
let matchingOption = options.findBy('id', option);
return {
id: option,
name: matchingOption ? matchingOption.name : option,
searchText: matchingOption ? matchingOption.searchText : option,
this.set('selectedOptions', formattedOptions);
if (this.options) {
options = this.options.concat(options).uniq();
this.set('options', options);
fetchOptions: task(function* () {
if (!this.models) {
if (this.options) {
for (let modelType of this.models) {
if (modelType.includes('identity')) {
this.set('shouldRenderName', true);
try {
let queryOptions = {};
if (this.backend) {
queryOptions = { backend: this.backend };
let options = yield this.store.query(modelType, queryOptions);
} catch (err) {
if (err.httpStatus === 404) {
//leave options alone, it's okay
if (err.httpStatus === 403) {
this.set('shouldUseFallback', true);
//special case for storybook
if (this.staticOptions) {
let options = this.staticOptions;
throw err;
handleChange() {
if (this.selectedOptions.length && typeof this.selectedOptions.firstObject === 'object') {
this.onChange(Array.from(this.selectedOptions, (option) => option.id));
} else {
shouldShowCreate(id, options) {
if (options && options.length && options.firstObject.groupName) {
return !options.some((group) => group.options.findBy('id', id));
let existingOption = this.options && (this.options.findBy('id', id) || this.options.findBy('name', id));
if (this.disallowNewItems && !existingOption) {
return false;
return !existingOption;
//----- adapted from ember-power-select-with-create
addCreateOption(term, results) {
if (this.shouldShowCreate(term, results)) {
const name = `Add new ${singularize(this.label)}: ${term}`;
const suggestion = {
__isSuggestion__: true,
__value__: term,
id: name,
filter(options, searchText) {
const matcher = (option, text) => defaultMatcher(option.searchText, text);
return filterOptions(options || [], searchText, matcher);
// -----
actions: {
onChange(val) {
discardSelection(selected) {
// fire off getSelectedValue action higher up in get-credentials-card component
if (!selected.new) {
// ----- adapted from ember-power-select-with-create
searchAndSuggest(term, select) {
if (term.length === 0) {
return this.options;
if (this.search) {
return resolve(this.search(term, select)).then((results) => {
if (results.toArray) {
results = results.toArray();
this.addCreateOption(term, results);
return results;
const newOptions = this.filter(this.options, term);
this.addCreateOption(term, newOptions);
return newOptions;
selectOrCreate(selection) {
if (selection && selection.__isSuggestion__) {
const name = selection.__value__;
this.selectedOptions.pushObject({ name, id: name, new: true });
} else {
// -----