Adds a small step to TestBackend to prevent regression.
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package gcs
import (
metrics "github.com/armon/go-metrics"
log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
multierror "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror"
// Verify Backend satisfies the correct interfaces
var _ physical.Backend = (*Backend)(nil)
const (
// envBucket is the name of the environment variable to search for the
// storage bucket name.
// envChunkSize is the environment variable to serach for the chunk size for
// requests.
// envHAEnabled is the name of the environment variable to search for the
// boolean indicating if HA is enabled.
// defaultChunkSize is the number of bytes the writer will attempt to write in
// a single request.
defaultChunkSize = "8192"
// objectDelimiter is the string to use to delimit objects.
objectDelimiter = "/"
var (
// metricDelete is the key for the metric for measuring a Delete call.
metricDelete = []string{"gcs", "delete"}
// metricGet is the key for the metric for measuring a Get call.
metricGet = []string{"gcs", "get"}
// metricList is the key for the metric for measuring a List call.
metricList = []string{"gcs", "list"}
// metricPut is the key for the metric for measuring a Put call.
metricPut = []string{"gcs", "put"}
// Backend implements physical.Backend and describes the steps necessary to
// persist data in Google Cloud Storage.
type Backend struct {
// bucket is the name of the bucket to use for data storage and retrieval.
bucket string
// chunkSize is the chunk size to use for requests.
chunkSize int
// client is the underlying API client for talking to gcs.
client *storage.Client
// haEnabled indicates if HA is enabled.
haEnabled bool
// logger and permitPool are internal constructs
logger log.Logger
permitPool *physical.PermitPool
// NewBackend constructs a Google Cloud Storage backend with the given
// configuration. This uses the official Golang Cloud SDK and therefore supports
// specifying credentials via envvars, credential files, etc. from environment
// variables or a service account file
func NewBackend(c map[string]string, logger log.Logger) (physical.Backend, error) {
logger.Debug("configuring backend")
// Bucket name
bucket := os.Getenv(envBucket)
if bucket == "" {
bucket = c["bucket"]
if bucket == "" {
return nil, errors.New("missing bucket name")
// Chunk size
chunkSizeStr := os.Getenv(envChunkSize)
if chunkSizeStr == "" {
chunkSizeStr = c["chunk_size"]
if chunkSizeStr == "" {
chunkSizeStr = defaultChunkSize
chunkSize, err := strconv.Atoi(chunkSizeStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to parse chunk_size: {{err}}", err)
// Values are specified as kb, but the API expects them as bytes.
chunkSize = chunkSize * 1024
// HA configuration
haEnabled := false
haEnabledStr := os.Getenv(envHAEnabled)
if haEnabledStr == "" {
haEnabledStr = c["ha_enabled"]
if haEnabledStr != "" {
var err error
haEnabled, err = strconv.ParseBool(haEnabledStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to parse HA enabled: {{err}}", err)
// Max parallel
maxParallel, err := extractInt(c["max_parallel"])
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to parse max_parallel: {{err}}", err)
"bucket", bucket,
"chunk_size", chunkSize,
"ha_enabled", haEnabled,
"max_parallel", maxParallel,
logger.Debug("creating client")
// Client
opts := []option.ClientOption{option.WithUserAgent(useragent.String())}
if credentialsFile := c["credentials_file"]; credentialsFile != "" {
logger.Warn("specifying credentials_file as an option is " +
"deprecated. Please use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment " +
"variable or instance credentials instead.")
opts = append(opts, option.WithCredentialsFile(credentialsFile))
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to create storage client: {{err}}", err)
return &Backend{
bucket: bucket,
haEnabled: haEnabled,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
client: client,
permitPool: physical.NewPermitPool(maxParallel),
logger: logger,
}, nil
// Put is used to insert or update an entry
func (b *Backend) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *physical.Entry) (retErr error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince(metricPut, time.Now())
// Pooling
defer b.permitPool.Release()
// Insert
w := b.client.Bucket(b.bucket).Object(entry.Key).NewWriter(ctx)
w.ChunkSize = b.chunkSize
md5Array := md5.Sum(entry.Value)
w.MD5 = md5Array[:]
defer func() {
closeErr := w.Close()
if closeErr != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, errwrap.Wrapf("error closing connection: {{err}}", closeErr))
if _, err := w.Write(entry.Value); err != nil {
return errwrap.Wrapf("failed to put data: {{err}}", err)
return nil
// Get fetches an entry. If no entry exists, this function returns nil.
func (b *Backend) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (retEntry *physical.Entry, retErr error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince(metricGet, time.Now())
// Pooling
defer b.permitPool.Release()
// Read
r, err := b.client.Bucket(b.bucket).Object(key).NewReader(ctx)
if err == storage.ErrObjectNotExist {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read value for %q: {{err}}", key), err)
defer func() {
closeErr := r.Close()
if closeErr != nil {
retErr = multierror.Append(retErr, errwrap.Wrapf("error closing connection: {{err}}", closeErr))
value, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to read value into a string: {{err}}", err)
return &physical.Entry{
Key: key,
Value: value,
}, nil
// Delete deletes an entry with the given key
func (b *Backend) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
defer metrics.MeasureSince(metricDelete, time.Now())
// Pooling
defer b.permitPool.Release()
// Delete
err := b.client.Bucket(b.bucket).Object(key).Delete(ctx)
if err != nil && err != storage.ErrObjectNotExist {
return errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete key %q: {{err}}", key), err)
return nil
// List is used to list all the keys under a given
// prefix, up to the next prefix.
func (b *Backend) List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error) {
defer metrics.MeasureSince(metricList, time.Now())
// Pooling
defer b.permitPool.Release()
iter := b.client.Bucket(b.bucket).Objects(ctx, &storage.Query{
Prefix: prefix,
Delimiter: objectDelimiter,
Versions: false,
keys := []string{}
for {
objAttrs, err := iter.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
if err != nil {
return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to read object: {{err}}", err)
var path string
if objAttrs.Prefix != "" {
// "subdirectory"
path = objAttrs.Prefix
} else {
// file
path = objAttrs.Name
// get relative file/dir just like "basename"
key := strings.TrimPrefix(path, prefix)
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys, nil
// extractInt is a helper function that takes a string and converts that string
// to an int, but accounts for the empty string.
func extractInt(s string) (int, error) {
if s == "" {
return 0, nil
return strconv.Atoi(s)