* changes license state copy and updates read more link (also updates test)
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115 lines
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import { addMinutes } from 'date-fns';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import license from '../../pages/components/license-info';
import { allFeatures } from 'vault/helpers/all-features';
const FEATURES = allFeatures();
const component = create(license);
module('Integration | Component | license info', function(hooks) {
test('it renders feature status properly for features associated with license', async function(assert) {
const now = Date.now();
this.set('licenseId', 'temporary');
this.set('expirationTime', addMinutes(now, 30));
this.set('startTime', now);
this.set('features', ['HSM', 'Namespaces']);
await render(
hbs`<LicenseInfo @licenseId={{this.licenseId}} @expirationTime={{this.expirationTime}} @startTime={{this.startTime}} @features={{this.features}}/>`
assert.equal(component.detailRows.length, 3, 'Shows License ID, Valid from, and License State rows');
assert.equal(component.featureRows.length, FEATURES.length, 'it renders all of the features');
let activeFeatures = component.featureRows.filter(f => f.featureStatus === 'Active');
assert.equal(activeFeatures.length, 2, 'Has two features listed as active');
test('it renders properly for autoloaded license', async function(assert) {
const now = Date.now();
this.set('licenseId', 'test');
this.set('expirationTime', addMinutes(now, 30));
this.set('autoloaded', true);
this.set('startTime', now);
this.set('features', ['HSM', 'Namespaces']);
await render(
let row = component.detailRows.filterBy('rowName', 'License state')[0];
assert.equal(row.rowValue, 'Autoloaded', 'Shows autoloaded status');
test('it renders properly for stored license', async function(assert) {
const now = Date.now();
this.set('licenseId', 'test');
this.set('expirationTime', addMinutes(now, 30));
this.set('autoloaded', false);
this.set('startTime', now);
this.set('features', ['HSM', 'Namespaces']);
await render(
let row = component.detailRows.filterBy('rowName', 'License state')[0];
'Stored licenses will be deprecated in a future version of Vault. We recommend autoloading your license.'
'Stored license includes recommendation to autoload'
test('it renders Performance Standby as inactive if count is 0', async function(assert) {
const now = Date.now();
this.set('licenseId', 'temporary');
this.set('expirationTime', addMinutes(now, 30));
this.set('startTime', now);
this.set('model', { performanceStandbyCount: 0 });
this.set('features', ['Performance Standby', 'Namespaces']);
await render(
hbs`<LicenseInfo @licenseId={{this.licenseId}} @expirationTime={{this.expirationTime}} @startTime={{this.startTime}} @features={{this.features}} @model={{this.model}}/>`
let row = component.featureRows.filterBy('featureName', 'Performance Standby')[0];
assert.equal(row.featureStatus, 'Not Active', 'renders feature as inactive because when count is 0');
test('it renders Performance Standby as active and shows count', async function(assert) {
const now = Date.now();
this.set('licenseId', 'temporary');
this.set('expirationTime', addMinutes(now, 30));
this.set('startTime', now);
this.set('model', { performanceStandbyCount: 4 });
this.set('features', ['Performance Standby', 'Namespaces']);
await render(
let row = component.featureRows.filterBy('featureName', 'Performance Standby')[0];
assert.equal(row.featureStatus, 'Active — 4 standby nodes allotted', 'renders active and displays count');