* adds prefer-const to eslint config and runs fixer * reverts unintended change
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import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { resolve } from 'rsvp';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render, click } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
const response = {
progress: 1,
required: 3,
complete: false,
const adapter = {
foo() {
return resolve(response);
const storeStub = Service.extend({
adapterFor() {
return adapter;
module('Integration | Component | shamir flow', function (hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function () {
this.foo = function () {};
run(() => {
this.owner.register('service:store', storeStub);
this.storeService = this.owner.lookup('service:store');
test('it renders', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`<ShamirFlow @formText="like whoa" />`);
assert.dom('form [data-test-form-text]').hasText('like whoa', 'renders formText inline');
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @formText="like whoa">
<p>whoa again</p>
assert.dom('.shamir-progress').doesNotExist('renders no progress bar for no progress');
assert.dom('form [data-test-form-text]').hasText('whoa again', 'renders the block, not formText');
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @progress={{1}} @threshold={{5}} />
assert.dom('.shamir-progress').hasText('1/5 keys provided', 'displays textual progress');
this.set('errors', ['first error', 'this is fine']);
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @errors={{this.errors}} />
assert.dom('.message.is-danger').exists({ count: 2 }, 'renders errors');
test('it sends data to the passed action', async function (assert) {
this.set('key', 'foo');
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @key={{this.key}} @action="foo" @thresholdPath="required" />
await click('[data-test-shamir-submit]');
.hasText(`${response.progress}/${response.required} keys provided`, 'displays the correct progress');
test('it checks onComplete to call onShamirSuccess', async function (assert) {
this.set('key', 'foo');
this.set('onSuccess', function () {
assert.ok(true, 'onShamirSuccess called');
this.set('checkComplete', function () {
assert.ok(true, 'onComplete called');
// return true so we trigger success call
return true;
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @key={{this.key}} @action="foo" @isComplete={{action this.checkComplete}} @onShamirSuccess={{action this.onSuccess}} />
await click('[data-test-shamir-submit]');
test('it fetches progress on init when fetchOnInit is true', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`
<ShamirFlow @action="foo" @fetchOnInit={{true}} />
.hasText(`${response.progress}/${response.required} keys provided`, 'displays the correct progress');