
93 lines
3.4 KiB

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { settled } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import { later } from '@ember/runloop';
import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import enginesPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backends';
import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth';
import consoleClass from 'vault/tests/pages/components/console/ui-panel';
const consoleComponent = create(consoleClass);
module('Acceptance | console', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
return authPage.login();
test("refresh reloads the current route's data", async function(assert) {
await enginesPage.visit();
await settled();
let numEngines = enginesPage.rows.length;
await consoleComponent.toggle();
await settled();
let now =;
for (let num of [1, 2, 3]) {
let inputString = `write sys/mounts/${now + num} type=kv`;
await consoleComponent.runCommands(inputString);
await settled();
await consoleComponent.runCommands('refresh');
await settled();
assert.equal(enginesPage.rows.length, numEngines + 3, 'new engines were added to the page');
test('fullscreen command expands the cli panel', async function(assert) {
await consoleComponent.toggle();
await settled();
await consoleComponent.runCommands('fullscreen');
await settled();
// have to wrap in a later so that we can wait for the CSS transition to finish
await later(() => {
let consoleEle = document.querySelector('[data-test-component="console/ui-panel"]');
'fullscreen is the same height as the window'
assert.equal(consoleEle.offsetTop, 0, 'fullscreen is aligned to the top of window');
}, 300);
test('array output is correctly formatted', async function(assert) {
await consoleComponent.toggle();
await settled();
await consoleComponent.runCommands('read -field=policies /auth/token/lookup-self');
await settled();
// have to wrap in a later so that we can wait for the CSS transition to finish
await later(() => {
let consoleOut = document.querySelector('.console-ui-output>pre').innerText;
assert.equal(consoleOut, '["root"]');
}, 300);
test('number output is correctly formatted', async function(assert) {
await consoleComponent.toggle();
await settled();
await consoleComponent.runCommands('read -field=creation_time /auth/token/lookup-self');
await settled();
// have to wrap in a later so that we can wait for the CSS transition to finish
await later(() => {
let consoleOut = document.querySelector('.console-ui-output>pre').innerText;
assert.ok(consoleOut.match(/^\d+$/).length == 1);
}, 300);
test('boolean output is correctly formatted', async function(assert) {
await consoleComponent.toggle();
await settled();
await consoleComponent.runCommands('read -field=orphan /auth/token/lookup-self');
await settled();
// have to wrap in a later so that we can wait for the CSS transition to finish
await later(() => {
let consoleOut = document.querySelector('.console-ui-output>pre').innerText;
assert.ok(consoleOut.match(/^(true|false)$/g).length == 1);
}, 300);