147 lines
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147 lines
4.9 KiB
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import layout from '../templates/components/calendar-widget';
import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
* @module CalendarWidget
* CalendarWidget components are used in the client counts metrics. It helps users understand the ranges they can select.
* @example
* ```js
* <CalendarWidget
* @param {string} endTimeDisplay - The display value of the endTime. Ex: January 2022.
* @param {string} startTimeDisplay - The display value of startTime that the parent manages. This component is only responsible for modifying the endTime which is sends to the parent to make the network request.
* @param {function} handleClientActivityQuery - a function passed from parent. This component sends the month and year to the parent via this method which then calculates the new data.
* />
* ```
class CalendarWidget extends Component {
arrayOfMonths = [
currentDate = new Date();
currentYear = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); // integer
currentMonth = parseInt(this.currentDate.getMonth()); // integer and zero index
@tracked allMonthsNodeList = [];
@tracked displayYear = this.currentYear; // init to currentYear and then changes as a user clicks on the chevrons
@tracked disablePastYear = this.isObsoleteYear(); // if obsolete year, disable left chevron
@tracked disableFutureYear = this.isCurrentYear(); // if current year, disable right chevron
@tracked showCalendar = false;
@tracked showSingleMonth = false;
// HELPER FUNCTIONS (alphabetically) //
addClass(element, classString) {
isCurrentYear() {
return this.currentYear === this.displayYear;
isObsoleteYear() {
// do not allow them to choose a end year before the this.args.startTimeDisplay
let startYear = this.args.startTimeDisplay.split(' ')[1];
return this.displayYear.toString() === startYear; // if on startYear then don't let them click back to the year prior
removeClass(element, classString) {
// ACTIONS (alphabetically) //
addYear() {
this.displayYear = this.displayYear + 1;
this.disableFutureYear = this.isCurrentYear();
this.disablePastYear = this.isObsoleteYear();
disableMonths() {
this.allMonthsNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.is-month-list');
this.allMonthsNodeList.forEach((e) => {
// clear all is-readOnly classes and start over.
this.removeClass(e, 'is-readOnly');
let elementMonthId = parseInt(e.id.split('-')[0]); // dependent on the shape of the element id
// for current year
if (this.currentMonth <= elementMonthId) {
// only disable months when current year is selected
if (this.isCurrentYear()) {
// compare for startYear view
if (this.displayYear.toString() === this.args.startTimeDisplay.split(' ')[1]) {
// if they are on the view where the start year equals the display year, check which months should not show.
let startMonth = this.args.startTimeDisplay.split(' ')[0]; // returns month name e.g. January
// return the index of the startMonth
let startMonthIndex = this.arrayOfMonths.indexOf(startMonth);
// then add readOnly class to any month less than the startMonth index.
if (startMonthIndex > elementMonthId) {
selectCurrentBillingPeriod() {
// ARG TOOD send to dashboard the select current billing period. The parent may know this it's just a boolean.
// Turn the calendars off if they are showing.
this.showCalendar = false;
this.showSingleMonth = false;
selectEndMonth(month, year, element) {
this.addClass(element.target, 'is-selected');
this.args.handleClientActivityQuery(month, year, 'endTime');
selectSingleMonth(month, year, element) {
// select month
this.addClass(element.target, 'is-selected');
// ARG TODO similar to selectEndMonth
subYear() {
this.displayYear = this.displayYear - 1;
this.disableFutureYear = this.isCurrentYear();
this.disablePastYear = this.isObsoleteYear();
toggleShowCalendar() {
this.showCalendar = !this.showCalendar;
this.showSingleMonth = false;
toggleSingleMonth() {
this.showSingleMonth = !this.showSingleMonth;
this.showCalendar = false;
export default setComponentTemplate(layout, CalendarWidget);