* Protect against key and issuer name re-use - While importing keys and issuers verify that the provided name if any has not been used by another key that we did not match against. - Validate an assumption within the key import api, that we were provided a single key - Add additional tests on the new key generation and key import handlers. * Protect key import api end-users from using "default" as a name - Do not allow end-users to provide the value of default as a name for key imports as that would lead to weird and wonderful behaviors to the end-user. * Add missing api-docs for PKI key import
278 lines
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278 lines
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package pki
import (
func TestPKI_PathManageKeys_GenerateInternalKeys(t *testing.T) {
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
tests := []struct {
name string
keyType string
keyBits []int
wantLogicalErr bool
{"all-defaults", "", []int{0}, false},
{"rsa", "rsa", []int{0, 2048, 3072, 4096}, false},
{"ec", "ec", []int{0, 224, 256, 384, 521}, false},
{"ed25519", "ed25519", []int{0}, false},
{"error-rsa", "rsa", []int{-1, 343444}, true},
{"error-ec", "ec", []int{-1, 3434324}, true},
{"error-bad-type", "dskjfkdsfjdkf", []int{0}, true},
for _, tt := range tests {
for _, keyBitParam := range tt.keyBits {
keyName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", tt.name, keyBitParam)
t.Run(keyName, func(t *testing.T) {
data := make(map[string]interface{})
if tt.keyType != "" {
data["key_type"] = tt.keyType
if keyBitParam != 0 {
data["key_bits"] = keyBitParam
keyName = genUuid() + "-" + tt.keyType + "-key-name"
data["key_name"] = keyName
resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/generate/internal",
Storage: s,
Data: data,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err,
"Failed generating key with values key_type:%s key_bits:%d key_name:%s", tt.keyType, keyBitParam, keyName)
require.NotNil(t, resp,
"Got nil response generating key with values key_type:%s key_bits:%d key_name:%s", tt.keyType, keyBitParam, keyName)
if tt.wantLogicalErr {
require.True(t, resp.IsError(), "expected logical error but the request passed:\n%#v", resp)
} else {
require.False(t, resp.IsError(),
"Got logical error response when not expecting one, "+
"generating key with values key_type:%s key_bits:%d key_name:%s\n%s", tt.keyType, keyBitParam, keyName, resp.Error())
// Special case our all-defaults
if tt.keyType == "" {
tt.keyType = "rsa"
require.Equal(t, tt.keyType, resp.Data["key_type"], "key_type field contained an invalid type")
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["key_id"], "returned an empty key_id field, should never happen")
require.Equal(t, keyName, resp.Data["key_name"], "key name was not processed correctly")
require.Nil(t, resp.Data["private_key"], "private_key field should not appear in internal generation type.")
func TestPKI_PathManageKeys_GenerateExportedKeys(t *testing.T) {
// We tested a lot of the logic above within the internal test, so just make sure we honor the exported contract
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/generate/exported",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_type": "ec",
"key_bits": 224,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "Failed generating exported key")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response generating exported key")
require.Equal(t, "ec", resp.Data["key_type"], "key_type field contained an invalid type")
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["key_id"], "returned an empty key_id field, should never happen")
require.Empty(t, resp.Data["key_name"], "key name should have been empty but was not")
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["private_key"], "private_key field should not be empty in exported generation type.")
// Make sure we can decode our private key as expected
keyData := resp.Data["private_key"].(string)
block, rest := pem.Decode([]byte(keyData))
require.Empty(t, rest, "should not have had any trailing data")
require.NotEmpty(t, block, "failed decoding pem block")
key, err := x509.ParseECPrivateKey(block.Bytes)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed parsing pem block as ec private key")
require.Equal(t, elliptic.P224(), key.Curve, "got unexpected curve value in returned private key")
func TestPKI_PathManageKeys_ImportKeyBundle(t *testing.T) {
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
bundle1, err := certutil.CreateKeyBundle("ec", 224, rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating an ec key bundle")
bundle2, err := certutil.CreateKeyBundle("rsa", 2048, rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating an rsa key bundle")
pem1, err := bundle1.ToPrivateKeyPemString()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed converting ec key to pem")
pem2, err := bundle2.ToPrivateKeyPemString()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed converting rsa key to pem")
resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-ec-key",
"pem_bundle": pem1,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "Failed importing ec key")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing ec key")
require.False(t, resp.IsError(), "received an error response: %v", resp.Error())
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["key_id"], "key id for ec import response was empty")
require.Equal(t, "my-ec-key", resp.Data["key_name"], "key_name was incorrect for ec key")
require.Equal(t, certutil.ECPrivateKey, resp.Data["key_type"])
keyId1 := resp.Data["key_id"]
resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-rsa-key",
"pem_bundle": pem2,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "Failed importing rsa key")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing rsa key")
require.False(t, resp.IsError(), "received an error response: %v", resp.Error())
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["key_id"], "key id for rsa import response was empty")
require.Equal(t, "my-rsa-key", resp.Data["key_name"], "key_name was incorrect for ec key")
require.Equal(t, certutil.RSAPrivateKey, resp.Data["key_type"])
keyId2 := resp.Data["key_id"]
require.NotEqual(t, keyId1, keyId2)
// Attempt to reimport the same key with a different name.
resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-new-ec-key",
"pem_bundle": pem1,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "Failed importing the same ec key")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing the same ec key")
require.False(t, resp.IsError(), "received an error response: %v", resp.Error())
require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["key_id"], "key id for ec import response was empty")
// Note we should receive back the original name, not the new updated name.
require.Equal(t, "my-ec-key", resp.Data["key_name"], "key_name was incorrect for ec key")
require.Equal(t, certutil.ECPrivateKey, resp.Data["key_type"])
keyIdReimport := resp.Data["key_id"]
require.Equal(t, keyId1, keyIdReimport, "the re-imported key did not return the same key id")
// Make sure we can not reuse an existing name across different keys.
bundle3, err := certutil.CreateKeyBundle("ec", 224, rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating an ec key bundle")
pem3, err := bundle3.ToPrivateKeyPemString()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed converting rsa key to pem")
resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-ec-key",
"pem_bundle": pem3,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "Failed importing the same ec key")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing the same ec key")
require.True(t, resp.IsError(), "should have received an error response importing a key with a re-used name")
keys, _ := listKeys(context.Background(), s)
for _, keyId := range keys {
key, _ := fetchKeyById(context.Background(), s, keyId)
t.Logf("%s:%s", key.ID, key.Name)
func TestPKI_PathManageKeys_ImportKeyBundleBadData(t *testing.T) {
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-ec-key",
"pem_bundle": "this-is-not-a-pem-bundle",
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "got a 500 error type response from a bad pem bundle")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing a bad pem bundle")
require.True(t, resp.IsError(), "should have received an error response importing a bad pem bundle")
// Make sure we also bomb on a proper certificate
bundle := genCertBundle(t, b, s)
resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"pem_bundle": bundle.Certificate,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "got a 500 error type response from a certificate pem bundle")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing a certificate bundle")
require.True(t, resp.IsError(), "should have received an error response importing a certificate pem bundle")
func TestPKI_PathManageKeys_ImportKeyRejectsMultipleKeys(t *testing.T) {
b, s := createBackendWithStorage(t)
bundle1, err := certutil.CreateKeyBundle("ec", 224, rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating an ec key bundle")
bundle2, err := certutil.CreateKeyBundle("rsa", 2048, rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating an rsa key bundle")
pem1, err := bundle1.ToPrivateKeyPemString()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed converting ec key to pem")
pem2, err := bundle2.ToPrivateKeyPemString()
require.NoError(t, err, "failed converting rsa key to pem")
importPem := pem1 + "\n" + pem2
resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{
Operation: logical.UpdateOperation,
Path: "keys/import",
Storage: s,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"key_name": "my-ec-key",
"pem_bundle": importPem,
MountPoint: "pki/",
require.NoError(t, err, "got a 500 error type response from a bad pem bundle")
require.NotNil(t, resp, "Got nil response importing a bad pem bundle")
require.True(t, resp.IsError(), "should have received an error response importing a pem bundle with more than 1 key")
ctx := context.Background()
keys, _ := listKeys(ctx, s)
for _, keyId := range keys {
id, _ := fetchKeyById(ctx, s, keyId)
t.Logf("%s:%s", id.ID, id.Name)