Matthew Irish 757afb4de9
UI - no jquery (#6768)
* add no-jquery rule and move event listeners to ember-concurrency tasks

* remove unnecessary onchange and handleKeyDown actions

* add element.closest polyfill and convert linked-block to use native dom apis

* update pretender, fetch, page-object, add optional-features, remove ember/jquery

* turn off jquery inclusion

* remove jQuery.isPlainObject usage

* violatedDirective isn't always formatted the same

* use fetch and the ember-fetch adapter mixin

* move to fetch and lowercase headers for pretender

* display non-ember-data errors

* use new async fn test style and lowercase headers in auth service test

* setContext is not necessary with the new style tests and ember-cli-page-object - it actually triggers jquery usage

* update ember-fetch, ember-cli-pretender

* wait for permissions check

* lowercase header name in auth test

* refactor transit tests to one test per key type

* simplify pollCluster helper

* stop flakey tests by prefering the native fetch

* avoid uncaught TransitionAborted error by navigating directly to unseal

* unset model on controller after unloading it because controllers are singletons

* update yarn.lock
2019-06-20 08:37:27 -05:00

110 lines
4.2 KiB

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { currentURL, visit, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { supportedAuthBackends } from 'vault/helpers/supported-auth-backends';
import authForm from '../pages/components/auth-form';
import jwtForm from '../pages/components/auth-jwt';
import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import apiStub from 'vault/tests/helpers/noop-all-api-requests';
import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth';
import logout from 'vault/tests/pages/logout';
import consoleClass from 'vault/tests/pages/components/console/ui-panel';
const consoleComponent = create(consoleClass);
const component = create(authForm);
const jwtComponent = create(jwtForm);
module('Acceptance | auth', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({
shouldAdvanceTime: true,
this.server = apiStub({ usePassthrough: true });
return logout.visit();
hooks.afterEach(function() {
return logout.visit();
test('auth query params', async function(assert) {
let backends = supportedAuthBackends();
assert.expect(backends.length + 1);
await visit('/vault/auth');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/auth?with=token');
for (let backend of backends.reverse()) {
await component.selectMethod(backend.type);
`has the correct URL for ${backend.type}`
test('it clears token when changing selected auth method', async function(assert) {
await visit('/vault/auth');
assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/auth?with=token');
await component.token('token').selectMethod('github');
await component.selectMethod('token');
assert.equal(component.tokenValue, '', 'it clears the token value when toggling methods');
test('it sends the right attributes when authenticating', async function(assert) {
let backends = supportedAuthBackends();
await visit('/vault/auth');
for (let backend of backends.reverse()) {
await component.selectMethod(backend.type);
if (backend.type === 'github') {
await component.token('token');
if (backend.type === 'jwt' || backend.type === 'oidc') {
await jwtComponent.jwt('1');
await jwtComponent.role('test');
await component.login();
let lastRequest = this.server.passthroughRequests[this.server.passthroughRequests.length - 1];
let body = JSON.parse(lastRequest.requestBody);
if (backend.type === 'token') {
'token uses vault token header'
} else if (backend.type === 'github') {
assert.ok(Object.keys(body).includes('token'), 'GitHub includes token');
} else if (backend.type === 'jwt' || backend.type === 'oidc') {
let authReq = this.server.passthroughRequests[this.server.passthroughRequests.length - 2];
body = JSON.parse(authReq.requestBody);
assert.ok(Object.keys(body).includes('jwt'), `${backend.type} includes jwt`);
assert.ok(Object.keys(body).includes('role'), `${backend.type} includes role`);
} else {
assert.ok(Object.keys(body).includes('password'), `${backend.type} includes password`);
test('it shows the token warning beacon on the menu', async function(assert) {
let authService = this.owner.lookup('service:auth');
await authPage.login();
await consoleComponent.runCommands([
'write -field=client_token auth/token/create policies=default ttl=1h',
let token = consoleComponent.lastTextOutput;
await logout.visit();
await authPage.login(token);
await settled();
assert.dom('[data-test-allow-expiration="true"]').exists('shows expiration beacon');
await visit('/vault/access');
assert.dom('[data-test-allow-expiration="true"]').doesNotExist('hides beacon when the api is used again');