In order to implement this efficiently, I have introduced the concept of "singleton" backends -- currently, 'sys' and 'cubbyhole'. There isn't much reason to allow sys to be mounted at multiple places, and there isn't much reason you'd need multiple per-token storage areas. By restricting it to just one, I can store that particular mount instead of iterating through them in order to call the appropriate revoke function. Additionally, because revocation on the backend needs to be triggered by the token store, the token store's salt is kept in the router and client tokens going to the cubbyhole backend are double-salted by the router. This allows the token store to drive when revocation happens using its salted tokens.
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package http
import (
// AuthHeaderName is the name of the header containing the token.
const AuthHeaderName = "X-Vault-Token"
// Handler returns an http.Handler for the API. This can be used on
// its own to mount the Vault API within another web server.
func Handler(core *vault.Core) http.Handler {
// Create the muxer to handle the actual endpoints
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/init", handleSysInit(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/seal-status", handleSysSealStatus(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/seal", handleSysSeal(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/unseal", handleSysUnseal(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/mounts", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/mounts/", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/remount", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/policy", handleSysListPolicies(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/policy/", handleSysPolicy(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/renew/", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/revoke/", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/revoke-prefix/", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/auth", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/auth/", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/audit", handleSysListAudit(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/audit/", handleSysAudit(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/leader", handleSysLeader(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/health", handleSysHealth(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/rotate", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/key-status", proxySysRequest(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/rekey/init", handleSysRekeyInit(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/sys/rekey/update", handleSysRekeyUpdate(core))
mux.Handle("/v1/", handleLogical(core, false))
// Wrap the handler in another handler to trigger all help paths.
handler := handleHelpHandler(mux, core)
return handler
// stripPrefix is a helper to strip a prefix from the path. It will
// return false from the second return value if it the prefix doesn't exist.
func stripPrefix(prefix, path string) (string, bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
return "", false
path = path[len(prefix):]
if path == "" {
return "", false
return path, true
func parseRequest(r *http.Request, out interface{}) error {
dec := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err := dec.Decode(out)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse JSON input: %s", err)
return err
// request is a helper to perform a request and properly exit in the
// case of an error.
func request(core *vault.Core, w http.ResponseWriter, rawReq *http.Request, r *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, bool) {
resp, err := core.HandleRequest(r)
if err == vault.ErrStandby {
respondStandby(core, w, rawReq.URL)
return resp, false
if respondCommon(w, resp, err) {
return resp, false
if err != nil {
respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
return resp, false
return resp, true
// respondStandby is used to trigger a redirect in the case that this Vault is currently a hot standby
func respondStandby(core *vault.Core, w http.ResponseWriter, reqURL *url.URL) {
// Request the leader address
_, advertise, err := core.Leader()
if err != nil {
respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
// If there is no leader, generate a 503 error
if advertise == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("no active Vault instance found")
respondError(w, http.StatusServiceUnavailable, err)
// Parse the advertise location
advertiseURL, err := url.Parse(advertise)
if err != nil {
respondError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
// Generate a redirect URL
redirectURL := url.URL{
Scheme: advertiseURL.Scheme,
Host: advertiseURL.Host,
Path: reqURL.Path,
RawQuery: reqURL.RawQuery,
// Ensure there is a scheme, default to https
if redirectURL.Scheme == "" {
redirectURL.Scheme = "https"
// If we have an address, redirect! We use a 307 code
// because we don't actually know if its permanent and
// the request method should be preserved.
w.Header().Set("Location", redirectURL.String())
// requestAuth adds the token to the logical.Request if it exists.
func requestAuth(r *http.Request, req *logical.Request) *logical.Request {
// Attach the header value if we have it
if v := r.Header.Get(AuthHeaderName); v != "" {
req.ClientToken = v
return req
func respondError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, err error) {
// Adjust status code when sealed
if err == vault.ErrSealed {
status = http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// Allow HTTPCoded error passthrough to specify a code
if t, ok := err.(logical.HTTPCodedError); ok {
status = t.Code()
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp := &ErrorResponse{Errors: make([]string, 0, 1)}
if err != nil {
resp.Errors = append(resp.Errors, err.Error())
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
func respondCommon(w http.ResponseWriter, resp *logical.Response, err error) bool {
if resp == nil {
return false
if resp.IsError() {
var statusCode int
switch err {
case logical.ErrPermissionDenied:
statusCode = http.StatusForbidden
case logical.ErrUnsupportedOperation:
statusCode = http.StatusMethodNotAllowed
case logical.ErrUnsupportedPath:
statusCode = http.StatusNotFound
case logical.ErrInvalidRequest:
statusCode = http.StatusBadRequest
statusCode = http.StatusBadRequest
err := fmt.Errorf("%s", resp.Data["error"].(string))
respondError(w, statusCode, err)
return true
return false
func respondOk(w http.ResponseWriter, body interface{}) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
if body == nil {
} else {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
func proxySysRequest(core *vault.Core) http.Handler {
return handleLogical(core, true)
type ErrorResponse struct {
Errors []string `json:"errors"`