86 lines
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86 lines
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import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { findAll, render, triggerEvent } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
module('Integration | Component | clients/horizontal-bar-chart', function (hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function () {
this.set('chartLegend', [
{ label: 'entity clients', key: 'entity_clients' },
{ label: 'non-entity clients', key: 'non_entity_clients' },
test('it renders chart and tooltip', async function (assert) {
const totalObject = { clients: 5, entity_clients: 2, non_entity_clients: 3 };
const dataArray = [
{ label: 'second', clients: 3, entity_clients: 1, non_entity_clients: 2 },
{ label: 'first', clients: 2, entity_clients: 1, non_entity_clients: 1 },
this.set('totalUsageCounts', totalObject);
this.set('totalClientsData', dataArray);
await render(hbs`
const dataBars = findAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] rect.data-bar');
const actionBars = findAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] rect.action-bar');
assert.equal(actionBars.length, dataArray.length, 'renders correct number of hover bars');
assert.equal(dataBars.length, dataArray.length * 2, 'renders correct number of data bars');
const textLabels = this.element.querySelectorAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] .tick text');
const textTotals = this.element.querySelectorAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] text.total-value');
textLabels.forEach((label, index) => {
assert.dom(label).hasText(dataArray[index].label, 'label renders correct text');
textTotals.forEach((label, index) => {
assert.dom(label).hasText(`${dataArray[index].clients}`, 'total value renders correct number');
for (let [i, bar] of actionBars.entries()) {
let percent = Math.round((dataArray[i].clients / totalObject.clients) * 100);
await triggerEvent(bar, 'mouseover');
let tooltip = document.querySelector('.ember-modal-dialog');
assert.dom(tooltip).includesText(`${percent}%`, 'tooltip renders correct percentage');
test('it renders data with a large range', async function (assert) {
const totalObject = { clients: 5929393, entity_clients: 1391997, non_entity_clients: 4537396 };
const dataArray = [
{ label: 'second', clients: 5929093, entity_clients: 1391896, non_entity_clients: 4537100 },
{ label: 'first', clients: 300, entity_clients: 101, non_entity_clients: 296 },
this.set('totalUsageCounts', totalObject);
this.set('totalClientsData', dataArray);
await render(hbs`
const dataBars = findAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] rect.data-bar');
const actionBars = findAll('[data-test-horizontal-bar-chart] rect.action-bar');
assert.equal(actionBars.length, dataArray.length, 'renders correct number of hover bars');
assert.equal(dataBars.length, dataArray.length * 2, 'renders correct number of data bars');
for (let [i, bar] of actionBars.entries()) {
let percent = Math.round((dataArray[i].clients / totalObject.clients) * 100);
await triggerEvent(bar, 'mouseover');
let tooltip = document.querySelector('.ember-modal-dialog');
assert.dom(tooltip).includesText(`${percent}%`, 'tooltip renders correct percentage');