Chris Hoffman 194491759d Updating Okta lib for credential backend (#3245)
* migrating to chrismalek/oktasdk-go Okta library

* updating path docs

* updating bool reference from config
2017-08-30 22:37:21 -04:00

243 lines
6.6 KiB

package okta
import (
type AppsService service
// AppFilterOptions is used to generate a "Filter" to search for different Apps
// The values here coorelate to API Search paramgters on the group API
type AppFilterOptions struct {
NextURL *url.URL `url:"-"`
GetAllPages bool `url:"-"`
NumberOfPages int `url:"-"`
Limit int `url:"limit,omitempty"`
type App struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Status string `json:"status"`
LastUpdated time.Time `json:"lastUpdated"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Accessibility struct {
SelfService bool `json:"selfService"`
ErrorRedirectURL interface{} `json:"errorRedirectUrl"`
LoginRedirectURL interface{} `json:"loginRedirectUrl"`
} `json:"accessibility"`
Visibility struct {
AutoSubmitToolbar bool `json:"autoSubmitToolbar"`
Hide struct {
IOS bool `json:"iOS"`
Web bool `json:"web"`
} `json:"hide"`
AppLinks struct {
TestorgoneCustomsaml20App1Link bool `json:"testorgone_customsaml20app_1_link"`
} `json:"appLinks"`
} `json:"visibility"`
Features []interface{} `json:"features"`
SignOnMode string `json:"signOnMode"`
Credentials struct {
UserNameTemplate struct {
Template string `json:"template"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"userNameTemplate"`
Signing struct {
} `json:"signing"`
} `json:"credentials"`
Settings struct {
App struct {
} `json:"app"`
Notifications struct {
Vpn struct {
Network struct {
Connection string `json:"connection"`
} `json:"network"`
Message interface{} `json:"message"`
HelpURL interface{} `json:"helpUrl"`
} `json:"vpn"`
} `json:"notifications"`
SignOn struct {
DefaultRelayState string `json:"defaultRelayState"`
SsoAcsURL string `json:"ssoAcsUrl"`
IdpIssuer string `json:"idpIssuer"`
Audience string `json:"audience"`
Recipient string `json:"recipient"`
Destination string `json:"destination"`
SubjectNameIDTemplate string `json:"subjectNameIdTemplate"`
SubjectNameIDFormat string `json:"subjectNameIdFormat"`
ResponseSigned bool `json:"responseSigned"`
AssertionSigned bool `json:"assertionSigned"`
SignatureAlgorithm string `json:"signatureAlgorithm"`
DigestAlgorithm string `json:"digestAlgorithm"`
HonorForceAuthn bool `json:"honorForceAuthn"`
AuthnContextClassRef string `json:"authnContextClassRef"`
SpIssuer interface{} `json:"spIssuer"`
RequestCompressed bool `json:"requestCompressed"`
AttributeStatements []interface{} `json:"attributeStatements"`
} `json:"signOn"`
} `json:"settings"`
Links struct {
Logo []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Href string `json:"href"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"logo"`
AppLinks []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Href string `json:"href"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"appLinks"`
Help struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"help"`
Users struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
} `json:"users"`
Deactivate struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
} `json:"deactivate"`
Groups struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
} `json:"groups"`
Metadata struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"metadata"`
} `json:"_links"`
func (a App) String() string {
// return Stringify(g)
return fmt.Sprintf("App:(ID: {%v} - Name: {%v})\n", a.ID, a.Name)
// GetByID gets a group from OKTA by the Gropu ID. An error is returned if the group is not found
func (a *AppsService) GetByID(appID string) (*App, *Response, error) {
u := fmt.Sprintf("apps/%v", appID)
req, err := a.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
app := new(App)
resp, err := a.client.Do(req, app)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return app, resp, err
type AppUser struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
ExternalID string `json:"externalId"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
LastUpdated time.Time `json:"lastUpdated"`
Scope string `json:"scope"`
Status string `json:"status"`
StatusChanged *time.Time `json:"statusChanged"`
PasswordChanged *time.Time `json:"passwordChanged"`
SyncState string `json:"syncState"`
LastSync *time.Time `json:"lastSync"`
Credentials struct {
UserName string `json:"userName"`
Password struct {
} `json:"password"`
} `json:"credentials"`
Profile struct {
SecondEmail interface{} `json:"secondEmail"`
LastName string `json:"lastName"`
MobilePhone interface{} `json:"mobilePhone"`
Email string `json:"email"`
SalesforceGroups []string `json:"salesforceGroups"`
Role string `json:"role"`
FirstName string `json:"firstName"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
} `json:"profile"`
Links struct {
App struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
} `json:"app"`
User struct {
Href string `json:"href"`
} `json:"user"`
} `json:"_links"`
// GetUsers returns the members in an App
// Pass in an optional AppFilterOptions struct to filter the results
// The Users in the app are returned
func (a *AppsService) GetUsers(appID string, opt *AppFilterOptions) (appUsers []AppUser, resp *Response, err error) {
pagesRetreived := 0
var u string
if opt.NextURL != nil {
u = opt.NextURL.String()
} else {
u = fmt.Sprintf("apps/%v/users", appID)
if opt.Limit == 0 {
opt.Limit = defaultLimit
u, _ = addOptions(u, opt)
req, err := a.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("____ERROR HERE\n")
return nil, nil, err
resp, err = a.client.Do(req, &appUsers)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("____ERROR HERE 2\n")
return nil, resp, err
if (opt.NumberOfPages > 0 && pagesRetreived < opt.NumberOfPages) || opt.GetAllPages {
for {
if pagesRetreived == opt.NumberOfPages {
if resp.NextURL != nil {
var userPage []AppUser
pageOpts := new(AppFilterOptions)
pageOpts.NextURL = resp.NextURL
pageOpts.Limit = opt.Limit
pageOpts.NumberOfPages = 1
userPage, resp, err = a.GetUsers(appID, pageOpts)
if err != nil {
return appUsers, resp, err
} else {
appUsers = append(appUsers, userPage...)
} else {
return appUsers, resp, err